Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide Chapter 1-4

New Chapter!

Hey, this is Richie. Last year on August, a Chinese series that was recommended in the discord server took my interest, it is called Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide. However, after how I got stuck with MMO Junkie because the story wasn’t what I expected, I decided to translate enough until I know whether I want to be its translator or not. After a certain chapter, I decided that I don’t want to continue translating it.

However, the story isn’t bad, it is just a matter of preference. It isn’t a masterpiece, but I can imagine someone liking it. So, I decided to upload the chapters that I have translated, 12 chapters. This is also why the series is marked a teaser.

I was so focused on pushing this out ASAP that I only notice that this didn’t have an NU series page yet (I have submitted one, so you don’t need to do it anymore.), nor have I made any post regarding these new chapters, so I made one post that announce four new chapters at once. Sorry for the late announcement, and enjoy.

Click here to start reading:
» First Chapter «

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