Two as One Princesses Chapter 77

Hiya~! Well, just as I was hoping that there won’t be any hiccups this week… there was. While I announced the delay in the discord channel, I was then again delayed by 2 days from the announced 2 day delay, making me, in short, really late. I’m very sorry for that. Anyhow, this will be last Saturday’s chapter, so there will be another chapter this Saturday! And so, here we go~! Btw, don’t feel obliged to join the discord channel for announcements, while I will announce delays there, I honestly don’t like to delay posting if I can help it. Now then!
Last time on AinCiel: After being led to a certain building, our princesses were faced with the representatives of Central and what’s basically an interrogation from malicious factions. As the fruitless discussion goes on, a white-haired lady suddenly intruded the scene. And her name is… Fiiyanamia?! With this:
What will happen next? Will Fiiyanamia’s entrance affect the flow of this interrogation? Will the annoying guys still remain annoying? And where will this discussion end?
Find out in the next Chapter: Discussion, Exiting, and……!!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Chapter 77 «

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