Not Sure, Another World Chapter 32

I bought another new anime figure today, dropped a preorder for the Fate 15th Anniversary Celebration figure of Rin.

Also Silva told me to promote the teaser translation for this story or something.

Also Deximus told me to promote TL;DR scanlations or something.

Did I tell you about how I preordered the super sexy Rin figure that’s part of the Fate 15th Anniversary Celebration collection?
Because I got the 15th Anniversary Celebration Rin from Fate.

It only cost like my budget for the month, and it’s not released until next year. So haha.
If I start screaming in a years time how all my money is gone and I don’t know why, you’ll be able to refer back to this post.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 32 «

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