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Chapter 18 – Fabricated Reality

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3277 characters
Translator: Tanaka English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1621words
Editor(s): Hydra

“My, oh my. Are you certain this is the wise decision? Perhaps you should be up there, addressing the Nidhogg situation, don’t you think? I’m under the impression that it’s still very much active and causing havoc. Or, could it be, you were so eager to encounter me that you bypassed that entirely? What a privilege for me, truly~.”

Shima continued in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Until now, my encounters with him were confined to the digital realms of ‘E.H.O.’ Encountering him in person, however, has been a profound strain on my psyche, made all the more intense by the engagement of senses beyond sight—his captivating voice, a refreshing scent tinged with the reality of sweat, the warmth of his presence, and that indefinable aura enveloping him. Each aspect coalesced into an epitome of perfection that left me utterly spellbound.

The notion of my heart racing at the mere sight of a man was unforeseen. Yet, given his extraordinary allure, it would be odd not to be affected. I teetered on the brink. The slightest falter in my resolve could lead to irreversible actions—a voice from within, previously unknown to me, beckoned seductively from some hidden recess of my psyche. I clung to the remnants of my dignity and responded in my typical manner, ensuring none of these turbulent emotions surfaced.

“Well, the reason is simple: I trust Utsuho and the others to take care of it. It’s only a matter of time before your so-called treasure is reduced to nothing.”

Not a trace of concern flickered across Shima’s features as he theatrically shrugged.

“Who can claim to have seen the future, hmm? But then, what’s destroyed can be replaced, just like that. It could be quite fascinating to witness the outcome, though.”

“Can I ask one more thing?”

“Oh, certainly—except for my measurements, of course.”

Wow, it seems his beauty is the only redeemable feature amidst it all. Reflecting on it, why was I even remotely agitated by such a lamentable individual?

“I’m curious, why did you hitch a ride on that slug to come here?”

“Hahaha. Oh, my naive little Hiyuki. What else could possibly pique my interest if not for your undergarments?”

“Then, would you depart from this place if panties are all you seek? I can remove them this instant.”

I audaciously slid my hand beneath my skirt, hoisting my underwear just about 20 cm above my knees. This move was seemingly so unexpected that it left him stuttering, culminating in a prolonged, tortured ‘u~~~m.’ He then thrust his hands forward, offering a thumbs up, before revealing with a theatrical grin, ‘Just kidding, teehee.’

“Hmm, as I anticipated. Now, what’s the real reason?”

I inquired, readjusting my underwear, to which Shima responded, his usual frivolity replaced by a moment of genuine solemnity.

“Oh, what a fortuitous day, witnessing you donned in such transparent, elegant undergarments.”

As if! I wouldn’t be caught in these if not for Mikoto and her entourage’s relentless taunting!

“If you’ve got nothing worthwhile to say, better keep silent, or I’ll genuinely cut you down… Actually, forget it; I’m intent on doing just that!”

Expecting a sensible reply from him was akin to serenading a cow. I brandished ‘Gilles de Rais’ and charged at him with all the speed I could muster.

“Dark S—guffff?!”

Did he actually believe I’d allow him to finish his spell? My attack was directed straight at his neck, yet Shima narrowly escaped death through a last-minute shield barrier and his favored Galient Sword.

Utilizing the lingering momentum, I spun mid-air, unleashing a sword flash— employing the Master Swordsman skill «Blade of Seven Heaven Descend». It was designed to penetrate his Dark Shield and inflict standard damage!


Shima’s form shredded like tattered cloth, then vanished into thin air. A Warlock skill «Shadow Clone», perhaps? His true body must have teleported elsewhere… There, found him!

I caught sight of him retreating, quietly moving forward at the corridor’s end. I instantly pursued. Did he genuinely believe he could outpace me? On my best days, surpassing the speed of sound—1200 km/h—is effortless for me.

Shima attempted to escape using successive teleportations upon noticing my pursuit. However, hampered by his skill’s cooldown, it took mere nanoseconds for me to catch up.

A sonic boom, resonating like the roar of a jet engine, filled the air as I exceeded mach speed, delivering a slashing attack towards him.

“Fuhahahahahaha, where can you flee to now, my little rat~!!”

“Mommy! Your gaze terrifies me, Hiyuki!”

Once more, Gilles de Rais and the Galient Sword collided, ultimately sending Shima reeling from the force. We traversed the entire corridor and collided with the wall at its terminus. The force propelled us further, breaking through the wall and into the well-known throne room.

Cough Cough…….Whistle. Fortunate, to land precisely at my destination. Ah, the fruits of my labor, no doubt.”

Amid swirling dust and debris, Shima propped up his torso from the ground and looked joyously towards the throne.

“…Hmm. So this was your target, eh? Out with it, what’s your nefarious plan?”

Fully aware it was futile with him, I still posed the question, peering up from beneath.


Shima glanced downward, the inquiry having originated directly beneath him.

Our eyes locked —he was using me as a cushion—and he realized where his right hand had landed— on my chest.


An odd quiet settled before he moved his right hand in a caressing motion, seemingly to verify something.

“……64, 75A?”
“It’s 62, 76B—you jerk!”

Utilizing the breathing techniques and energy manipulation taught by Beast King, I quickly launched a rising kick akin to an overhead throw.


I seized his dominant hand intending to slam him to the ground, though I knew it was in vain. He utilized his other limbs like springs to counteract the throw’s force and, leveraging the momentum, freed his hand from my hold.

“Was that a Fighter’s skill, Hiyuki? I don’t recall ever seeing you employ it in ‘E.H.O’, have I?” Shima asked quizzically while standing up.

“It’s not a skill but rather a technique I acquired after arriving in this world.” I too stood up, directing Gilles de Rais’ blade towards him. However, he adopted a skeptical look quite suddenly, blinking in confusion at my statement.

“After arriving in this world…were you also brought into this world through the agency of that person?”

“Not in the slightest.”

The ‘that person’ he referred to likely denotes the mastermind behind the manipulation of all players I’ve encountered so far (including, probably, Shima).

A more puzzled expression crossed his face upon hearing my denial, prompting him to inquire further.

“Is that the truth?…What is your real name, Hiyuki?”
“Ever heard the rule? One shouldn’t disclose personal details to online acquaintances.”

A wry smile crossed my face as I mentioned that. Odd, isn’t it, to reference online etiquette now? Regardless, my identity is ‘Hiyuki’ at this point. My previous name, before this reincarnation, holds no significance to me.

My internal musings seemed to become apparent as Shima gestured towards himself with a smug look.

“Actually, my real name is Aiko Sakura.”
“…Aiko? That’s quite the feminine name.”

Then again, I’m hardly one to comment, given my name doesn’t sound particularly masculine either.

“Of course, I’m a girl, after all.”
“…For real?”
“…Who knows?”

Without a word, I silently aimed a slash at him.

“—Easy there! I’m not kidding, honestly. I recall nothing of my past self.”

With his Galient Sword angled defensively, Shima absorbed the force of my strike, swiftly speaking as our blades clashed and held fast against each other.

“I was given no information beyond that by the individual who created me. My entire existence is based on fabricated memories from E.H.O. logs. The real world is a blank to me; hence, my confusion about my own gender. Do you not feel the same, Hiyuki?”

When asked, I shook my head.

“Incorrect. I retain memories from the moment I first became sentient… though none worth dwelling on. I’ve died in that world, and now live here as ‘Hiyuki.’ I’m clueless about the specifics of these occurrences, yet some realities must simply be accepted. What’s important is our presence here now.”

“Is that the reason for your lack of ties with him?”

“Certainly not. Or rather, it should be the case, but he’s been instigating issues for me independently—wait just a moment. You’re associated with that mastermind, aren’t you?”

I assumed these troubles were his means of toying with us, yet it seems… not?

“Absolutely not!” Shima vehemently denied it with a thoroughly disgusted expression. “I’m under no obligation to play the lackey for that jerk. His orders irked me to no end, so I finally snapped, leading to my sealing…”


“…Truth be told, neither of us has the means to fully dispel these suspicions.”

“That makes sense. My words would indeed be difficult to trust without solid evidence.”

What are you, probatio diabolica?

“If you truly aren’t one of his creations, then we’re on a different path. I’d genuinely appreciate your cooperation and help to take him down…” Shima made his proposal, his expression steeped in bitterness.

“It sounds good, but that’s only if you can undo all the havoc you’ve wreaked.” I offered a bright smile as I laid out my condition.

“Ah, well. To be honest, I wouldn’t hesitate to wipe out the inhabitants of this world he’s made.”

“Clearly, we can’t collaborate with that attitude of yours. Seems we’re destined to remain adversaries after all.”

We each acknowledged our stance, and instantly, with no space between us, Shima’s dark magic, “Dark Hexagram,” collided with my light magic, “Holy Circle.”


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