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Chapter 148 – Witch Hate

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Author: Tensei Mikami Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2269 characters
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 923 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

The night arrived uniformly.

To humans, to demons, and even to God. Those that enjoyed the night, those who feared the night, those who woke in the night. It depended on the individual and the species, but that woman had a preference for the night.

Younashi looked up at the sky, her clogs clattering, white smoke spilling from the thin lips of the smoking pipe in her mouth.

The moon, floating in the darkness of the night, was slightly chipped.

It was said that the waxing and waning of the moon were caused by the moon coinciding with the floating ship that carried the gods, but such common beliefs did not matter to her.

The moon, just floating there, was beautiful. The existence that even Younashi, who ruled the sky, could not reach, continued to illuminate this world through the impermanence of all things. It was always that moonlight that comforted her loneliness.

Younashi poured Doburoku into a large red tray and held it up to the moon. Then, within a breath, the sake slid down her throat, and she began filling the tray once again. She continued repeating that.

“What do you say? Won’t you have a drink?”

Younashi said, her voice slightly scorched by the alcohol.

She asked and turned around hawkishly. Then the outlines of Eupho and Yopha emerged from the shadows. They shook their heads to the side as they kneeled.

“No need. We’re weak to alcohol.”
“Refuse. We can’t drink.”
“Hmph, I know. You’re so boring.”

Younashi was a bit miffed and slurped down her large red tray. The burning sake scorched her throat and stained her cheeks in vermillion.

“Teacher, should we still continue protecting Seletina?”
“Teacher, Ulbdor is dangerous. It’s dangerous for us too.”
“I see… Do you dislike protecting her?” Younashi asked.
“We don’t but…”
“It’s because you say nothing, Teacher.”

It wasn’t that Younashi instructed them to protect Seletina. They had only decided to protect Seletina because it seemed like Younashi favored her.

Younashi wasn’t a woman of many words. Therefore the brothers had acted based on Younashi’s intentions.

“You sure have it hard. You work hard even if I don’t tell you to.”
“That’s our family’s duty.”
“Haven’t I already broken your chains?! I have told you many times, live as you wish.”

Eupho and Yopha said nothing and just hung their heads.


Younashi didn’t say anything further, and placed the still smoldering smoking pipe in her mouth.

“Teacher, I have a question.”
“What is it?”
“We can’t find Lichter’s body. There also aren’t any remnants of his soul. Have you done something?”
“Oh my, I see.”

Younashi exhaled a puff of smoke and checked the spark. Each movement was somewhat glamorous.

Eupho and Yopha said nothing and waited for her next words.

“I haven’t done anything. I had a slight interest in that young man but nothing more.”
“The moon tonight is magnificent. Perhaps a little girl has played a trick on you.” saying this, Younashi smiled wryly.

“I guess I was right to call dibs on that Seletina girl. The scent of the Witch grows stronger with each passing day.”
“Is there some connection to the crest on Seletina’s neck and the Witch?”
“Oh, you noticed that?”
“Of course. Anyone who knows anything about magic at all can at least understand how alien that thing is. However, I can only tell that it’s different, nothing more.”
“I see. You must really look up to her.”

Eupho and Yopha stood up slowly. Their cold eyes were slightly lit by the moonlight.

“Teacher, just who is Seletina?”
“Teacher, what is going on in this city?”

Seletina’s appearance.

Then, as if orchestrated, a flood of Demons assaulted the Empire.

The two brothers couldn’t help but think that the series of events that unfolded in Ulbdor had something to do with it, as well as the fact that Younashi had shown a terrible interest in the matter.

But Younashi simply shrugged her shoulders in a carefree manner.

“Beats me. I don’t know anything. I don’t understand how witches think1.”

Younashi said this, and after filling her lungs with plenty of smoke, she quietly exhaled.

“But I will kill them all. Every last one of them.” Younashi said with eyes so cold that cold sweat ran down Eupho and Yopha’s backs.

The Three Realms Three Rulers.

The king who ruled the sky quietly let the flame of hatred boil in the pit of her stomach. Her bare hostility was enough to scorch the night by itself.

Smiling at the two men, who were both drenched in cold sweat, Younashi turned herself around.

“If you still do not wish to let go of my chain then protect Seletina.” saying this, Younashi put on a deep blue flame as if she were wearing a cloak.

The next moment, she was no longer there as the flames were swept up by the wind, spewing out a shimmering pillar of fire.

The scent of the burning dusty sky only tickled the brothers’ nostrils.

“She went.”
“She really loves to say meaningful things and then disappear.”

Both said, letting out small sighs underneath their veils.

Seletina’s crest. Lichter’s disappearance. The witches’ involvement as implied by Younashi. And the hordes of Demons that continued to threaten Ulbdor. The brothers didn’t know what was happening now, nor what would happen in the future. All they had to do was remain in the shadows and fulfill their mission.

They let out a small sigh again and looked up at the floating moon.



  1. Robinxen: I still don’t even understand if they’re just people with powers or a literal alien civilization at this point.
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