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The Chalk House and the Crossdressing Princesses (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

“What… is this?”
“This is a prized magical tool from the fatherland! In case of emergency in my absence, opening this box will summon someone to aid you immediately, Miss Jill.”
“…Is it a one-time use?”
“Hmm? No. Why would such a restriction be necessary?”
“…I’ll try to use it sparingly.”
“No, no. They said that excessive humility can lead one to make mistakes. Being overly modest might leave you vulnerable. I encourage you to use it without hesitation.”

In a tone contradicting his initial words, Bartholomew pushed the box towards me as if insisting.

Though I could anticipate the effects and consequences if I were to use it, I graciously accepted the box outwardly while inwardly resolving not to use it unless absolutely necessary—as the box seemed to me like a detonator that would summon the ultimate weapon upon use—placing it deep into the depths of ‘Close’ magic art.

Before long, Luke and I were escorted to the reception room on the second floor of the mansion.

“Oh dear, you’ve come together? How very close you two are.”
“Welcome to my humble abode. It may not amount much, but you’re always welcome, Fräulein… And you too, sir Lucas. It’s an honor to meet you. I’m truly grateful for accepting our sudden invitation. Please relax and make yourself at home.”
“Heya, you’re finally here…”

Viola, the mistress of the house, sat at the head of the table, with Princess Lieselotte and Daniel seated across from each other. They noticed Luke and me as we entered. Is it just my imagination? Daniel’s profile seems lackluster for some reason.

“—Thank goodness you’re here. There’s no male servant at all here, it’s beyond creepy.” As we reached our seats, Daniel whispered something to Luke’s ear.

That’s quite loud for a whisper—I recalled that indeed, all the servants we encountered on the way here were young women.

“Wait, you’re right… What’s weirder is that you find it creepy, though. I’m pretty sure this is the kind of thing that you like.”

So that’s the kind of person Daniel is, I thought as I saw him chuckle wryly at Luke’s frank comment.

“I would, if they were normal. They are very obviously harem members, and by that, I mean Princess Viola’s.”

As I look around, I notice Viola gently stroking the hair of a maid who brought tea and sweets, showing affection. There was also another maid, who gazed at Viola with eyes filled with adoration, like that of a maiden in love. Princess Lieselotte, on the other hand, appeared unfazed, skillfully ignoring everything while drinking her cup of tea.

(―O-, oh no…)

Agreeing to attend today’s tea party might have been the biggest mistake of my life. Feeling the uncomfortable sensation of sweat trickling down my back, I deeply regretted my decision.


It’s been a while… Well, perhaps it’s the first time in this lifetime. No, it’s most definitely the first time.

“Oh, quite the comfortable outfit.”
“Fufufu, it suits you well, Fräulein Lieselotte.”

Now, after sweating a bit earlier and needing to change, I was led to another room—though at first, I hesitated. Viola assured me, saying, “We have plenty of spare underwear and uniforms,” and with just a snap of her fingers maids appeared out of nowhere.

“Target acquired!”
“Wow, so fair. Such smooth skin.”
“Incredible, this figure is unfair!”
“Not a single body hair?! How do you manage that!?”

Amidst their excited chatter, I was abducted, unable to keep up with the situation, and brought to another room, where I was forcibly made to change clothes.

Even in the face of being taken away without resistance, I couldn’t bring myself to be rough with the maids. Luke and Daniel’s stunned expressions as they watched me being escorted away left a lasting impression.

And with that, I had my clothes changed.

True to her word, Viola had prepared a plethora of uniforms. Princess Lieselotte somehow ended up changing together with me, wearing the academy’s male uniform. As she returned to the guest room, she spun around once on the spot.

Viola’s comment upon seeing this might have contained some flattery, but it was true that Lieselotte, who seemed lively and assertive, strangely suited the outfit.

However, upon objectively seeing it again, my reaction was more of a slight cultural shock: I mean, do guys really wear such embarrassing outfits that expose their rear like this?! Isn’t it indecent?!


Inadvertently, I found myself using my hands to cover the exposed area of the slacks as I awkwardly emerged from the dressing room, pushed by Viola’s attendant. At that moment, Viola, the hostess of today’s tea party, Princess Lieselotte, along with Daniel and Luke, who seemed somewhat idle, all simultaneously turned their attention towards me… Oh? Huh?! Their expressions seemed to subtly shift from confusion to warmth.

“…how do I say it, she truly is beautiful.”
“She doesn’t fit her clothes, or perhaps it’s the clothes that don’t fit her.”
“That’s not true. You look good even in that, Jill.”
“She is indeed an apple for the eye, but this outcome isn’t quite what I had in mind.”

Each of them chuckled delicately and made a comment of their own accord.

“How do you feel about the fit, Fräulein Julia?”
“It’s tight in the chest, and from the waist down it feels weirdly snug.”

I don’t remember pants being this tight. I had to move my legs around uncomfortably.

“I will let the comment about your bottom slide, but your bosom is another thing altogether. Are you truly the same age as I?
“…I am 13 years old.”
“Darn it. How could the world be so unequal? It’s abhorrent to even think about.”

Looking down at her own age-appropriate bosom, Princess Lieselotte spat abominably.

“However, with Fräulein Julia’s tall stature, I had thought her long legs would make her look good in a men’s outfit… It must be because there’s nothing fundamentally manly about her that trying to dress her as one is moot.” When Viola summed up her impressions in her closing remarks, everyone in the room (including her personal maid) agreed in unison.

“Th-, that can’t be true. I mean, there has to be some kind of masculine vibe, like the spirit of a boy, coming from—”
“““None like that whatsoever.”””

They denied it in unison before I could even finish my argument.

“…Yo-, you know what I mean, don’t you Luke? You told me that I look great in this outfit. Can you tell me how I look?” Just tell me I’m tomboyish, or at least energetic, I’m fine either way. I’ll take anything.

“Uh… that you’re lovely?”

Luke probably said exactly what he had in mind, but that still made me fall to my knees.

“Well, it’s fine, isn’t it? Unlike this pervert here, it seems you don’t have that kind of taste, so there’s no need to worry about it as a lady.”

Responding to Princess Lieselotte’s reassuring words with a simple but robotic, “Yes, indeed,” I couldn’t help but feel I had lost something precious.


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