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Chapter 28 – Now to Aldebaran ③

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Author: Akashari Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library

“Let go of me! I’m the Nova of Nuclear Heat, who makes even crying children fall silent!”
“Hey, stop struggling! Damn, what uncouth scoundrels!”
“You weaklings, I’ve memorized your faces! This flimsy cage won’t hold me for long…”
“Well, well, what a surprise. Fancy meeting you here.”
“Please, forgive me! I’ll behave, just spare my life!”
“He suddenly got quiet?!”

Curious about the commotion, I peeked in to see a large man turning pale and groveling inside a sturdy cage. As expected, it was the bandits who had been raiding the village. Despite his large frame, Nova now appears shrunken.

“Ahhh! It’s the demon from that time!”
“Damn it, why are you here?!”
“Give me back my knife!”
“Master, what did you do to these people?”
“I don’t remember, which means they were that insignificant.”

Nova, along with five of his subordinates, were crammed into the same cage.

Their arms were bound with ropes inscribed with spells to disrupt the concentration of magic power. Compared to the chains that had bound me, they were of lower quality but sufficient for restraining them. The cage itself was reinforced with similar enchantments, making it nearly impossible to break even if Nova were in peak condition.

“Excuse me, but are you acquainted with these criminals?”

One of the guards from the escort team approached us, looking puzzled by our interaction.

Given that the once-rowdy man had suddenly quieted down upon seeing a child, it was understandable why he was curious.

“Not exactly acquaintances, we are…”
“Yes, my master here defeated the bandits!”

Interrupting me, Momo proudly declared as if it were her own achievement.

“Ah… well, that’s true. But it’s not something you should brag about. Also, put me down.”
“But Master, it’s better to be honest before any misunderstandings arise, right?”
“Even if we explain, who would believe this form of mine? It would only raise more doubts.”
“Well, it’s hard to believe, but seeing the reaction of these scoundrels, we have no choice but to accept it…”

Contrary to my expectations, the Ascles followers escorting the bandits seemed to accept the story quite readily.

Momo beamed with pride, as if to say, “See, I told you so.” Don’t get too cocky now…

“More importantly, you are guests of Lady Saint. It’s clear you are no ordinary individuals. Would you mind accompanying us until we finish transporting them?”
“Leave it to us! Where do you need this cage to be moved?”

Momo readily agreed and effortlessly lifted the cage with one hand, which required several adults and a specially designed cart to transport. The bandits inside, turning even paler, must have been terrified. Momo could turn them into pulp with just a rough shake of the cage.

“Boss, I’m turning over a new leaf…”
“It must have been fate that spared us in that village…”
“Damn it, how can you all be so spineless in front of a kid!”
“By the way, if you make any suspicious moves, I’ll shoot you immediately.”
“Did you hear that, you guys! Don’t move a single finger!!”
“Boss, you’re the one who’s the most pathetic here!”

The previous incident must have traumatized them severely; the leader’s spirit was completely broken. As long as we were on the ship, they wouldn’t dare try anything. Not that they could do much even if they tried, given the nature of that cage.

“So, where should I take this?”
“A-Ah, right… Please follow me.”

The escorting follower led the way through the corridor, with Momo following closely behind. The unusual sight made everyone we passed gawk in shock, which was understandable.

“Thanks a lot. These criminals were causing trouble, delaying the loading. We were about to miss the departure time.”
“It’s good that Momo can be of help. But we can’t work for free. May I ask for a favor?”
“Of course, we’ll reward you. Just name it!”
“Then, I’d like the right to freely walk around this ship.”


“Hmm, I feel like Master used me well!”

After transporting the bandits to what used to be a storage room, Master happily left with the follower, eager to explore. Thanks to my efforts, she got permission to tour the engine room. It might be the first time I’ve seen her so cheerful.

“But I’m not allowed to join the tour. Isn’t that unfair, everyone?”
“But why are you still here, girl?”
“Because I wanted someone to talk to!”
“Boss, what kind of guts does this kid have…?”

Even if I had gone along, I wouldn’t understand much and might accidentally break something, so it’s fine. But still, being left out was a bit lonely. Miss Roche was also busy, leaving me with nothing to do.

“So, since I’m bored, at least keep me company. Hnnnnn…”
“Well, I don’t mind… but what are you doing, kid?”
“I’m practicing magecraft, trying to force something out!”
“Yeah, that won’t work even if you try for ten years.”

As I was concentrating with one hand raised, the boss’ sharp comment hit me hard. I had a feeling it wouldn’t work, but hearing it out loud stung.

“You’re not even forming your magic power correctly. Straighten your back and take a deep breath.”
“Straighten my back… fuuuuu…”
“Burn the breath you took and store it as heat in your dantian… Uh, around your navel. Get it?”
“Imagine… imagine…”

Following the boss’ instructions, I held my breath and focused on my navel. I felt a new kind of power gathering, a warmth spreading from inside, like basking in sunlight rather than burning.

“Oh, you’ve got potential. Next is the chant. Words have power and shape the flow of magic power into form.”
“S-Specifically, what should I say?”
“The chant varies by mage, but for the basics, it doesn’t matter much. Try saying, Ignite.”
“Um… Ignite!

The moment I transformed the image into words, the heat gathered in my stomach seemed to flow up my throat and out of my mouth. In the next instant, a small flame, like one from a lighter, flickered on my palm.

“I-I did it!?”
“Wow, you did it on the first try. My underlings took three days!”
“Impressive, girlie. Boss, we should recruit her!”
“Idiot, we’re prisoners, you fool!”

The flame was small and delicate, as if it might vanish if I closed my hand. Still, this flame was my very first successful magecraft (fantasy), and I was overjoyed.


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