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Chapter 42 – Three Disciples ②

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Author: Akashari Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library

“……Good… morning…”
“Ah, you’re awake, Stell. I’m sorry, but could you wait just a bit longer?”
“…Where… is this place?”

The sleeping princess lying next to me rubbed her sleepy eyes as she woke up. Thinking she had fallen asleep and woken up at the guild, Stell was undoubtedly confused to find herself in God of Arbitration’s church.

“Sorry about this. I was here attending to some personal business. I was just about to head back.”
“…Who… is that person?”
“That’s Momo, a peculiar Outlander who follows me around. Do you know what an Outlander is?”
“Yeah… but why…?”

“――This is ridiculous!! Objection, objection!!”
“Order! Order in the court!!!”
“…Why… is she causing a commotion on the podium…?”
“……I wonder… why indeed…”

I wanted to escape from the reality thrust in front of me. On the podium, where the saint had been judged earlier, now stood the bandit leader, the new defendant, with Momo standing protectively by his side.

I had underestimated her recklessness. Yes, the story goes back to just before Stell woke up.


“I see… so the boss’s trial is happening at the same time.”
“To be judged alongside the Saint, he’s receiving quite the high-profile treatment.”
“Master! That’s a terrible way to put it.”

Replacing the Saint, who had been given a verdict of nearly complete innocence, was the now familiar leader, ascending the podium with shackled hands. He had been one of the criminals transported on the same ship, and if not for the wyvern incident, he might have been the main focus.

“Defendant, Nova Foerg. Swear to the god you believe in that you will not utter any falsehoods in this place.”
“…Master, this exchange happened during Ms. Roche’s trial too, right?”
“It’s the God of Arbitration’s magic. By swearing in this sacred place, all falsehoods are forbidden. You can trust the testimonies given here.”
“So it means they can’t lie. That’s an incredible magic.”
“There are a few loopholes, though…”

Even so, the binding power of that magic was real, and I could vouch for it, having undergone a similar trial. It allowed no concealment for the guilty and proved the judge’s impartiality. A rather irksome magic.

“I am a wizard. I don’t swear to gods.”
“Then by what will you prove your truthfulness?”
“I swear by the devotion to my craft and the magecraft that I will speak no falsehoods.”
“Very well, then with your own mouth, confess your crimes. Know that silence will not be tolerated.”
“The atmosphere seems different from Roche’s trial…”
“Of course. Unlike her, who’s a Saint, he is a real criminal.”

Nevertheless, the harshness of the process was the same. In a state where lies were impossible, he had to confess his crimes. Shame and humiliation, a slow, suffocating despair akin to tightening a noose with silk threads. Yet even the silence to preserve his pride was not allowed.

Some criminals begged for forgiveness on the spot, but the scales of God of Arbitration showed no mercy. They delivered the punishment appropriate to the confessed crime, without emotion.

“…I killed the b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲ that pissed me off, took whatever I wanted, and thought order and laws could go to hell.”
“Be more specific. How many people did you kill? What did you steal?”
“I don’t remember. I did as I pleased. Attacked random villages, plundered their fields and valuables, and beat down anyone who got in my way.”
“…Very well. Those words alone are enough to measure your crimes.”
“Hah! Is that so? I haven’t even finished talking yet.”

Whether he was laughing out of bravado or resignation was unclear. Nevertheless, since he spoke the truth, there was no room for further debate. If it’s the followers of Astraea, they had probably already investigated his background and crimes. This exchange was mostly a formality.

“Defendant Nova Foerg, is there anything you wish to say before your sentence is passed?”
“I don’t want to die.”
“Your scale is heavily tipped. Do you think that wish can be granted?”
“I understand. A while ago, I might have accepted it. But now, I don’t want to die. Please.”

A ripple of murmurs spread through the once-silent church. The man who had maintained an arrogant attitude up to this point was now on his knees, pressing his head to the floor.

“Order! Order in the court! Nova Foerg, cease this disgraceful behavior!”
“I saw magecraft. Magecraft far more refined and beautiful than mine. I thought I had mastered this path, but I realized there is still so much more to learn. I don’t want to die! I want to perfect my craft!”
“Enough. The judgment is final. Nova Foerg, you are sentenced to death by the guillotine—”
“Stop right theeeeereeee!!!”

A loud objection echoed through the church, drowning out the sound of the priest’s gavel.

“What… who are you!? What are you doing in this sacred place…?”
“Objection! Objection! Mr. Nova has certainly committed unforgivable acts, but the death penalty is too extreme!!”
“That… idiot…!!”

I had let my guard down, completely underestimating the situation. My belief that she wouldn’t do something so foolish was utterly shattered by that fool’s actions.

“First, state your name! No, wait, someone drag that girl down!”
“Momose Kaguya, an Outlander! I can’t accept the current verdict, so I demand a reduction in Mr. Nova’s sentence!”


“…Ah, a butterfly.”
“Teach… don’t run. From reality…”

From the fleeting memories that had passed like a revolving lantern, I was dragged back to a reality I didn’t want to accept. If only it were all just a dream. The reality before me remained unchanged.

On the podium, the bright pink hair that was hard on the eyes stood defiantly, and the priest continued to open and close his mouth.

What is it with that girl? Is she a genius at worsening my headaches?

“Objection… Objection… you say? Alright then, so you disagree with the ruling of this trial. Please state your reasons.”
“Impressive, he regained composure in that situation.”
“Professionally done, indeed…”
“Master, help!”
“Meanwhile, this other one didn’t even hesitate to get me rolled up into it!”

All eyes in the church turned to me from the killer pass handed over by Momo. If a glare could kill, I’d be in the afterlife in an instant. What to do? Helping was easy, but I’d prefer to avoid catching Astraea’s believers’ attention again. Moreover, this incident was entirely Momo’s recklessness; showing any leniency here would only encourage her further.

“…Figure it out yourself. It’s your mess. If you can’t handle it, apologize and step aside.”
“No, I don’t want to leave without being satisfied. Yes, Mr. Nova and the others did terrible things, but there must be more to it!”
“See, so you have your answer. That’s how it is”
“Eh? ……Oh!”

Has she finally realized? There was likely a discrepancy between Momo’s understanding of the law and the legal system here. However, the judgment on the Saint should have given a good hint. Astraea measured sins with scales.

“The airship! Right, airship matter! Mr. Nova and the others helped us with the wyvern extermination!”

Yes, if there were enough good deeds to offset the sins committed, extreme punishment could be avoided. However, countless acts of plunder and murder couldn’t be fully counterbalanced. From here on, it depended on Momo’s eloquence… I was anxious.

“Is that the only counterargument?”
“It was an enormous number. If it weren’t for Mr. Nova and the others, there might have been significant damage! Right, Ms. Roche?”
“Indeed, the number was beyond what Ms. Laika and I could handle alone.”
“Hmph… Roche Hill. Are you also shielding the criminal?”
“I merely follow the teachings of Lord Ascles. I will save all the lives I can.”

The Saint, who had already been judged, appeared as well. This couldn’t be attributed solely to the wyvern extermination. It could also be seen as having protected the lives of the Healer Saint and the crew aboard the flying ship.

Moreover, the priest had already ruled that the Saint was a “good person,” so her testimony couldn’t be dismissed.

“Mr. Nova did indeed commit wrongs in the past, but if he is trying to change…”
“Alright, so be it then! Quiet, quiet!!”

Another round of the priest’s gavel, which had become almost habitual, forced the murmuring church into silence. It seemed the priest had made up his mind.

“Ahem! …I will now deliver the revised judgment. Nova Foerg shall—”


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