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Chapter 22 – Searching for the Culprit ②

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Author: Akashari Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library

“Geez, why didn’t you wake me up, Master!”
“I did wake you, but you didn’t get up. Don’t shout; my head’s already pounding from staying up all night.”

The first thing Momo said when she woke up the next morning was this complaint. If she had any complaints, it was her own fault for not making an effort to wake up. If she had been attacked while she was asleep, she would undoubtedly have been killed.

“After breakfast, we’re heading to the guild. We need to report what happened yesterday.”
“Got it… Oh, wait a minute. I need to make a quick stop.”

Was she seriously planning to let me walk the long way to the guild alone? Or was she so foolish that she didn’t understand the danger of going off alone? Did she forget everything from last night in her sleep-addled state?

“Sorry, I’ll catch up with you soon! I’ll run to you!”
“Given your speed, that’s likely, but… fine. Where are you going?”
“I’m just stopping by the orphanage from yesterday. You can wait at the inn if you like; I’ll be right back!”

With that, Momo leaped out the window, skillfully navigating the rooftops as she dashed through the town.

She moved too fast for me to catch up, and even if I tried to stop her, she wouldn’t listen. It would be a waste of energy and magic power.

“Sigh… I guess I’ll fly too.”

If I was going to spend the same amount of magic power anyway, it would be more efficient to take care of business at the guild first. After checking out of the inn, I leaped into the air and headed towards the guild.


“And so, this is the knife in question.”
“You sure have a calm face while showing off something so terrifying.”

Upon arriving at the guild, Stella, having sensed something, immediately led me to the same private room as yesterday. Her quick response was greatly appreciated, especially since I was transporting something that required utmost care.

“I’ve diluted the poisonous liquid on the blade with water and stored it in a metal pot. Now I need you to purify it with magic. That’s not my strong suit.”
“Well, it’s reassuring to know that even you have weaknesses. Leave the disposal to us.”
“I’m afraid I don’t have much trust in the gods. By the way, is the branch chief not here?”
“He went out early this morning to pick up some reinforcements. He should be back soon.”
“Reinforcements…? Ah, he’s just returned. He’s opening the guild doors now.”
“I have no idea how you do that, but what exactly are you doing?”

Stella looked a bit taken aback, but I was merely probing for the presence of others’ magic power. Since I knew he would return soon, I had expanded my search range, making it easier to detect his magic power, which I had memorized just yesterday.

“They’re heading straight this way… The person next to him must be the reinforcement? They seem quite skilled in handling magic power.”
“Well, that’s a welcome assessment.”

While I was making this somewhat rude appraisal, the branch chief and his companion had arrived at the door of the private room. But more importantly, the voice I heard from the other side of the door was unmistakable.

“…I never thought we’d meet again so soon. I didn’t even want to think about it, Roche Hill.”
“Hehe, it’s divine providence, isn’t it, Miss Laika Galactica?”


“Good morning! Is Ms. Mytia here?”
“Oh, it’s that noisy big sis from yesterday!”
“Hey, how was the haunted house? Where’s the silver-haired girl from yesterday?”
“Hi, it’s me, Momose Kaguya! What shall we play today?”

As I ran across the rooftops and arrived at the orphanage, the energetic children immediately gathered around me. I had been worried after yesterday, but seeing that everyone was fine brought me a bit of relief.

“Oh my, Miss Momose, what brings you here?”
“Hi, Ms. Mytia! I was just curious and wanted to check in.”

While I played with the children, Ms. Mytia approached, carrying a laundry basket overflowing with the kids’ dirty clothes. Was she washing all of those by herself?

“Oh dear, I heard the haunted house was quite a hassle.”
“Hehe, yeah, it was quite the ordeal. I almost died… Are you doing the laundry? Let me help!”
“Oh no, I can’t ask a guest to do that.”

She deftly avoided my outstretched arm as I tried to help with the heaping basket. Her graceful movements were impressive; no wonder she managed all these kids so well.

“I can’t offer you any tea, but please wait inside the orphanage for a bit. I’ll take care of the laundry with the kids.”
“Come play with us over here, sis! We have a ball!”
“Haha, if I kick it, the ball will get shredded to pieces…”

Dodging the children trying to escape their chores, I sought refuge inside the orphanage. Through the window, I could see the kids trampling and stirring the laundry in a tub of water, looking like they were having fun.

“…Come to think of it, I need to wash my clothes.”

Master’s spell kept my body clean, but I hadn’t done anything about my clothes. Or maybe it cleaned my clothes too? Now that I think about it, they didn’t seem particularly sweaty or muddy.

Click-clack, click-clack, the sound of my loafers echoed as I aimlessly wandered around the room, lost in thought.

“……Huh? What’s this feeling?”
“Sorry to keep you waiting! The weekly big laundry job is finally done.”

Just then, Ms. Mytia returned, having finished the laundry. Despite the lingering cold and snow outside, a light sheen of sweat glistened on her forehead. Laundry must be tough without a washing machine.

“Here you go, some nice cold water. So, what brings you here today? We haven’t posted any quests.”
“Thank you! Well, after yesterday’s dangerous events, I wanted to check on everyone’s safety, but…”

Drinking the ice-cold well water, I felt it refresh my body, which had been warmed by tension. This could be very insulting if I’m wrong, and I wouldn’t blame her for anything she says.

Yet, I felt certain my intuition was right.

“…Ms. Mytia, did you, by any chance, attack Master last night?”


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