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Chapter 35 – Boisterous Townscape ②

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Author: Akashari Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library

“Slurp… Oh, excuse me, I am Hoshikawa Nana, a staff member of the Aldebaran Adventurers Guild. My hobby is beautiful girls.”
“Momo, switch with me. I’m not good with this type of person.”
“Master, that’s rude.”

The woman in the lab coat, who had introduced herself as a guild staff member, bowed deeply. There was no trace of the perverse excitement she had shown earlier in her movements.

However, the memory of what I had seen couldn’t be erased. My instincts continued to warn me that it was dangerous to get closer.

“We received word from Elnato and have been expecting you. Miss Stella’s description didn’t do you justice… no, you surpass it as a beautiful young girl…!”
“Momo… Momo!!”
“Excuse me, Miss Hoshikawa. Could it be that you are also an Outlander?”
“You ignored me!”
“Yes, that’s right, Miss Momose. As expected, it’s easy to realize it when I’m wearing this tracksuit!”

She happily lifted her lab coat to show off the clothes she wore underneath, looking like an exhibitionist.

However, the ‘tracksuit’ she referred to seemed to be made from a material that stood out in this world. As Momo had deduced, it was undoubtedly an item from the Outlanders.

“Hmm, but a lab coat and a tracksuit…? What kind of work did you do, Miss Hoshikawa?”
“Pheew… actually, this is a cosplay… Do you know? It’s from an anime called Magical Broom Warrior Bloom Star…”
“Oh, I know it! It used to air on Sunday mornings, right?”
“Hey, how long will this talk take?”
“Ah, sorry! Well, I’ve been instructed to guide you two to the guild…”
“Then hurry up and take us there. That’s your job, right?”
“Ah, I dig that face… yess, I will escort you with all my might…”

What a strange pervert. She suddenly started speaking quickly and then became stuttering and evasive.

Could it be that she was lying about being a guild staff member and has some other plot? I couldn’t quite read what this woman was thinking.

“You don’t have to make such a scary face, Master. Miss Hoshikawa is a good person!”
“Is it because she’s also an Outlander? That’s a pretty weak basis.”
“No, it’s just a hunch!”
“That’s even weaker.”

They say stupidity is incurable, and it seemed Momo hadn’t learned anything from the Orcus believer incident.

Maybe next time, I’ll just leave her behind and let her learn the hard way.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. The gate will be opened for us shortly, so please wait a moment.”

While we were talking, the perverted guild staff had apparently received permission from the gatekeeper, and the enormous gate began to slowly open.

This gate was likely meant to be used for large groups or special occasions. Normally, the smaller door next to it would suffice for daily use. This time, it was being opened to accommodate the Saint’s group who were following us.

“By the way, Miss Momose, do you and little Laika know much about Aldebaran?”
“Stop calling me that”
“Now that you mention it, I only know that it’s a big city! I should’ve asked Miss Roche about it…”
“Allow me to explain then. This city of Aldebaran has a history of approximately 200 years. It’s relatively new around here, but because of that, it’s very open to accepting anything.”
“I see. It makes sense, given that they hired you as a guild staff member.”
“Hehe, thank you…”

I intended to insult her, but it didn’t faze her at all. Is she invincible?

“Oh, a nosebleed… Well, as you said, Aldebaran has greedily incorporated everything from Outlanders to other races, turning everything into a strength, which led it to become a large city. You can see it from the city’s appearance.”
“Well, it certainly doesn’t have the best scenery.”
“It looks kind of cluttered… Oh, there’s even a temple.”

The perverted guild staff pointed to the view with her right hand, but it was just an eyesore. There were brick buildings similar to those in Elnato, as well as wooden structures that caught Momo’s interest.

There was no sense of unity in the cityscape; it was a challenge just to figure out where anything was.

“Once you get used to it, this city has its own charm. Though you tend to get lost until then.”
“Miss Hoshikawa, have you been in this world for a long time?”
“…Yes, by now, I’m probably considered dead in Japan.”

Her words conveyed a deep sense of resignation. She must have been trapped in this world and searched for a way back. She likely took the job as a guild staff member to gather information.

But her efforts hadn’t borne fruit. The fact that she was still here was proof of that.

“But escaping from a workplace with 20 consecutive days of unpaid overtime was a relief, a real relief! I bet the project went to hell after I left, but I don’t care. Serves that bald guy right, buhehehe…”
“M-Miss Hoshikawa, your face looks scary…”
“I can see the darkness within her. Also, where’s the guild? Isn’t it in sight yet?”
“Oh, my apologies, we’re almost there. Our guild has delicious food too. I recommend sandwiches with meat!”
“With the sea so close, why not fish?”
“Haha, what are you saying, little Laika? We can’t go out to the sea.”
“Oh, look, there it is. Welcome to the Aldebaran Adventurers Guild!”

At the end of the bustling main street stood a guild building about twice the size of the one in Elnato. The quality of the adventurers coming and going was high, and the number of armed individuals was noticeably greater.

A large city meant more dangerous jobs.

“Please wait here for a moment. I’ll go speak with the guild mas–”
“—What is with this guild!? I’m never coming back!!”

A furious lady pushed past the perverted guild staff and stormed out of the guild, her face red with anger. She wore a dress made of obviously expensive fabric, and the scent of her strong perfume was overwhelming.

She didn’t look like an adventurer. She was a client, and a wealthy one at that.

“Out of my way, little girl! Move aside!”
“My apologies…”
“Damn it, none of you are properly trained… unlike my child!!”

The lady walked away, cursing, leaving the guild staff dazed from the impact.

It had been just a few seconds, like a storm passing through, but as soon as it was over, everyone on the street resumed their activities as if nothing had happened.

“A-Are you okay, Miss Hoshikawa? Who was that woman?”
“Oh, I’m fine. This happens all the time…”
“It happens all the time? She said she would never come back.”
“That’s just her catchphrase. But if she’s angry, it means ‘Sleeping Beauty’ still hasn’t woken up.”
Sleeping Beauty?”
“Yes, it’s a request that’s been on hold for a long time… Ah!”

The guild staff suddenly had an epiphany and clapped her hands, showing a broad smile. For some reason, when she directed that smile and gaze at me, I felt a chill run down my spine.

“That’s it! Little Laika! Maybe you can do it!”


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