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Chapter 34 – Boisterous Townscape ①

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Author: Akashari Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library

The pungent scent of mold mingled with the thick, dusty air.

At my feet, a scrawny rat scurried past with a bone clutched in its mouth, pursued by an even more emaciated child. Although eating it would only lead to sickness and expulsion, the relentless drive to survive defined this place.

Yet, the stench of decay wasn’t overwhelming, which indicated a relatively safer area. The scavengers of Orcus didn’t come here to loot corpses. That was why I chose this spot, at least to ensure that this body wouldn’t be desecrated.

“―Is someone being buried here?”

A voice I didn’t recognize called out from behind. It was a clear, energetic female voice that didn’t belong in a slum’s corner like this. Probably a rich onlooker, leading a comfortable life.

“…Yeah, bodies are meant to be buried.”
“That’s right. Then, let me offer something as well.”

However, she knelt beside me, unbothered by dirtying her clothes, and began to recite an unfamiliar prayer. She rattled what looked like a bracelet made of small beads strung together, and lit a thin stick of incense with fire magecraft.

“Was this person important to you?”
“My sister. She died because of me. She wasn’t someone who deserved to die.”
“I see.”

The woman didn’t offer platitudes like “Poor thing” or “Cheer up.” She just nodded and mourned beside me. Wearing a straw-woven hat, loose navy-blue clothing resembling a priest’s robe, and holding a strange staff adorned with clinking metal rings, she looked odd for this area. I thought she was a strange woman.

“So, are you planning to die too? I can’t just overlook that.”
“…And if I am, what does that have to do with you?”
“Well, I’ve met you now. I can’t just call you an unrelated stranger anymore, can I?”

Ah, I’ve been caught by a troublesome person. I wished she would just leave me alone.

But now, with a light smile, she held the knife that should have been in my pocket. I had no idea when she had taken it. Despite her priestly appearance, she had quite nimble fingers.

“…Give it back. It’s mine.”
“No, I won’t. If you want it back, hmm… why don’t you become my disciple?”


“――er――mas――er――… Master!”

When I awoke from a near-unconscious sleep, I saw bright pink hair shaking my shoulder. I felt like I had been dreaming about something very nostalgic, but the shaking jolted it all out of my head.

“What is it, Momo? You’re being noisy…”
“I’ve been looking all over for you, Master! I thought you were dead, sleeping in a place like this!”
“Alright, alright, alright, stop shaking me, you idiot… ugh…”

I felt like I hadn’t slept at all, and a severe pain throbbed in my head and behind my eyes. It seemed I had been sleeping in an unused, dusty room, with cobwebs in the corners. Sleeping on the floor in a place like this was bound to be unrefreshing.

“Oh, that’s right! It looks like we’ve reached our destination! Miss Roche’s done getting scolded, so let’s get off together.”
“She was getting lectured the whole time since then?”

The deck must have been freezing; the instructor must have been absolutely furious to have done that. If anything had gone wrong, it could have led to a major disaster. That Saint deserved a thorough reprimand.


“Hey, it seems the Saint got thrown in too.”
“Hehe, greetings.”
“She’s imprisoned!?”

Before we disembarked, we found the Saint locked up in the same cage as the bandits. The surrounding people paid no mind, handling the cage like any other cargo. They were clearly used to this.

“Unfortunately, we cannot ignore the Princess’ crimes. She will undergo judgment by the God of Arbitration.”
“Oh my, this makes it exactly the 30th time.”
“It’s not her first offense…?”

Judgment by the God of Arbitration Astoaera, huh? I didn’t have good memories related to them. My thousand-year sentence was handed down by the highest priests of Astoaera. Yet, despite undergoing such judgments 30 times, this Saint remained in one piece.

“I apologize, but it will take some time to treat Lady Momose. It would be best if you headed to the Aldebaran’s guild to greet them first.”
“…Oh, that’s right. We came here to heal my arm.”
“Hey, don’t forget something about yourself.”

In any case, if the healer was about to face trial, there was no way to get treated now. Following the advice, we had no choice but to take care of other tasks. …I wonder if the Saint would even return alive.

“Here’s a map of Aldebaran. We’re currently around here, so head through the main gate… You should see the guild sign around this area.”
“Hey, thanks for your help. Take care of the Saint, it sounds like it’ll be tough.”
“Your concern is deeply appreciated… truly, truly appreciated!”

I may have never seen a halfling so burdened with worry before. I hope she stays strong. As we disembarked, trying to avoid getting involved, we turned away and left the ship’s gangway.

“Wow… Master, it’s amazing, it’s huge!”
“This seems more like the scale of a country…?”

As we descended the gangway, we were greeted by a fortress city built adjacent to the sea, with a scent of salty breeze tickling our noses—quite different from Elnato. This was the first impression Aldebaran made on me.

“Welcome to Aldebaran, the comprehensive city where everything and everyone intersects. I welcome you as the Saint of Ascles.”
“I’m not sure what to feel about being welcomed from a cage… Momo, let’s go through the admission process. Showing the guild card should be enough.”
“Got it! Master, please get on my back!”
“Are you implying I can’t walk this distance? …Well, I’ll ride then.”

With me on her back, Momo leaped off the gangway and dashed straight toward the enormous gate, its colossal size almost distorting our perspective.

In front of the gate stood several knights clad in leather armor, presumably the gatekeepers… but something seemed off.

“Hmm, trouble, Master?”
“First Elnato, now this, looks like we are not exactly lucky…”

From a distance, it appeared there was an argument unfolding. A person in white robes was vehemently arguing with the burly gatekeepers, pushing them back with their intensity.

She had messy black hair and glasses that seemed slightly askew on her face. The gatekeepers were clearly taken aback by her fervor.

“Hey, Master! That person under the white robe is wearing a tracksuit underneath, could it be…!”
“For crying out loud… huh? …Huh!? Hey, you two cuties with pink and silver hair over there!!”

Did she just notice us from this distance? Now the black-haired woman was waving enthusiastically in our direction. Seeing this, Momo seemed to realize something, lightly kicking the ground and sprinting towards the gate.

“Um, excuse me, are you also an Outlander—”
“Ahhhh!!! So cute!! So beautiful!! I support you!! Ohhhh, you’re a treasure of this world! I’m so glad you rushed over here! Thank you, thank youuuu!!!”
“…Momo, is this weirdo someone you know?”
“Gah! Thank you very much!!!”
“Um, well… Master, I think this person is also an Outlander like me.”


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