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Chapter 122 – Divine Grade Weapons

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Hey, Mika. Could you lend me your bow for a bit, after this?” I asked her, while we were eating fried rice.
“Sure, but… what are you planning to do?”
“I thought about mixing in Orichalcum to turn it into a divine grade weapon.”
“Huh?! …U-understood. Thank you.”

I finished eating the fried rice, took the Absorption Bow from Mika and went into the workshop of our new home. The blades I was currently using were, of course, also alloys.

I’ll further mix Orichalcum with my super alloy, Ultimate Silver.
Now then, let’s give it a try. I’ll show what my Item Master can do.


I did it… It’s already named, which is a bit concerning. The alloy’s name is “Adamant.” If it has a name, it means someone has created it before. Using this Adamant, I’ll strengthen the new weapons. Additionally, I’ll use a massive amount of materials from magic beasts, too. I obtained plenty of them from mission treasure chests in the dungeon.

It took me three hours to create both a sword and a bow. Finally, both were finished. They boasted an unimaginable level of strength.

Alright, let’s take a closer look at the appraisal results.

“Divine Absorption Sword”
-Status → Best
-Quality → Highest
-Value → Divine
-Materials: Adamant, Enchanted, S- and SS-Rank magic beast materials (details omitted)
-Type: Divine magic sword

-Attack Power +5000 (500×10)
-Miraculous boost to performance when used as a sword (sharpness, durability, 10 times attack power multiplier)
-Magic that is supplied to this sword by anyone except the owner will be rejected
-By consuming MP, the sword’s performance increases proportionally (1 MP -> +0.01x multiplier)
-Can absorb magic. The absorbed amount enhances the sword’s performance (1 MP -> +0.01x multiplier)
-Absorbs 10% of the target’s MP when inflicting wounds. The absorbed amount enhances the sword’s performance (1 MP -> +0.01x multiplier)
-Note: The above effects last for 3 days. Accumulated magical power older than 3 days resets to zero.
-Additionally, the MP accumulated in this sword can be utilized by the owner as their own MP
-Wounds inflicted by this sword can be instantaneously healed at the owner’s discretion
-Those wounded by this sword can be knocked unconscious at the owner’s discretion. The duration of unconsciousness depends on the difference in strength between the owner and the target.
-Amplifies the sensation of pain inflicted on the target by 10 times. However, the target must be unconscious for this effect to take place.1 
-By consuming 20 MP, summons a bolt of lightning. The power of the bolt depends on the owner’s W.
-Miraculous boost to the owner’s stats, excluding HP and MP (20x multiplier)
-Feels moderately light
-Constantly maintains the best condition

“Divine Absorption Bow”
-Status → Best
-Quality → Highest
-Value → Divine
-Materials: Adamant, Enchanted, S- and SS-Rank magic beast materials (details omitted)
-Type: Divine magic bow

-Attack Power +5000 (500×10)
-Ultimate boost to performance when used as a bow (durability, piercing power, 10 times attack power multiplier)
-Magic that is supplied to this bow by anyone except the owner will be rejected
-By consuming MP, the bow’s performance increases proportionally (1 MP -> +0.01x multiplier)
-Can absorb magic. The absorbed amount enhances the bow’s performance (1 MP -> +0.01x multiplier)
-Absorbs 10% of the target’s MP when inflicting wounds with arrows released from this bow. The absorbed amount enhances the bow’s performance (1 MP -> +0.01x multiplier)
-Note: The above effects last for 3 days. Accumulated magical power older than 3 days resets to zero.
-By consuming 1 MP, can shoot arrows infused with magical energy, even if no physical arrows are supplied. The arrows disappear after a fixed period.
-Can shoot several magical arrows at once. MP consumption depends on the number of arrows shot.
-Wounds inflicted by these arrows can be instantaneously healed at the owner’s discretion.
-Those wounded by these arrows can be knocked unconscious at the owner’s discretion. The duration of unconsciousness depends on the difference in strength between the owner and the target.
-Amplifies the sensation of pain inflicted on the target by 10 times. However, the target must be unconscious for this effect to take place.
-By consuming 20 MP, the magical arrows can be imbued with explosive power. Even when firing multiple arrows at once, a total of 20 MP is consumed. The power of the explosion depends on the owner’s W.
-Miraculous boost to the owner’s stats, excluding HP and MP (20x multiplier)
-Feels moderately light
-Constantly maintains the best condition

I created weapons with staggering abilities… I get the feeling, I could destroy the world with these weapons, you know.

A-anyway, I should give the Bow to Mika. Yeah.

“Eh… What’s this?” were the first words Mika uttered after appraising the bow. “Isn’t this… way too strong?”
“It turned out like this because I used tons of SSS-Rank magic cores,” I explained.
“Oh, really…?”

Mika fixed her gaze on the bow for a while.

“Thank you…” she said with a sweet smile. “At any rate, I’m going to use it.”

She’s adorable.


Heh… Item Master is truly like cheating, isn’t it…?

While I’m at it, I’d like to improve my sword skills, too… I wonder if I can do it, if I set my mind to it?
By the way, each technique seems to be somewhat different… Are they like different schools? I think there’s “Extreme”, “Imperial”, “Roar”, and “Prison”.2

I can probably create something similar to the “Secret Extreme Sword Technique”.

I synthesized the “Secret Prison Bow Technique” with the “Secret Extreme Sword Technique” as the base. As predicted, the “Secret Prison Sword Technique” was created.

Let’s give it a try.

Using the same method, I also created the “Secret Roaring Sword Technique” and the “Secret Imperial Sword Technique”.

Come to think of it, I found out that I could create something called an “Absorption-Type Skill Card” with Dark Matter. It allowed me to turn my own skills into skill cards, but in exchange, my skills would disappear.

Yes, that’s it. Let’s give Mika the “Secret Extreme Bow Technique”, “Secret Prison Bow Technique” and “Secret Roaring Bow Technique” as a present. That would be nice.

I turned the “Secret Extreme Bow Technique” and “Secret Roaring Bow Technique” into skill cards. Since I didn’t want my bow skills to disappear, I decided to create the “Secret Prison Body Strike Technique” as a replacement and turned it into a skill card to give to her, so she could make the prison bow technique herself.

“Mika, sorry for interrupting while you’re looking at your bow, but I have these skill cards for you.”

I handed Mika the three cards.

“Huh? Is that fine? Did you find these in the dungeon?”
“No, that’s not it. I extracted the skills on those cards from myself. The ones they contain are perfect for you. Give them a try.”

Mika pressed the skill cards against her forehead and acquired the skills.

“As for the ‘Secret Prison Bow Technique’, create it by synthesizing the ‘Secret Prison Body Strike Technique’.”
“Yeah… alright! Alim, thank you!”

That’s good. As long as I can see Mika happy, I’m satisfied.

By the way, I wonder what will happen if I synthesize these four skills.

I tried synthesizing the four secret sword techniques. And what I ended up with was a five-star skill:

[Secret Sword God Technique ★★★★★.]

It requires 1200 SP. Judging from the amount, it looks like Item Master is indeed superior…

“Mika, try synthesizing the four secret techniques.”
“Yeah… I already did. I got my first five-star skill, you see… ‘Secret Bow God Technique’! And then, I synthesized it with the ‘Howling Bow Emperor of Sun and Moon’, but…”

Ah, of course Mika also tried synthesizing them.

“What happened?”
“It turned into the ‘Howling Bow God of Sun and Moon’. Well, it looks like it just increased the power.”
“That’s amazing!”
“Yeah, thank you, Alim.”


During dinner, I mentioned that we would be going to the castle tomorrow.

“Oh, that’s amazing! It’s the castle, you know! The castle!”
“Well, I’ve been there a few times already, you see…”
“Oh, I remember hearing something like that. When you won the tournament… right? And the other times?”
“I became friends with the princess of this country… Karua. She’s thirteen years old. I’ve met her a few times.”
“Oh… really? Can I become friends with her too?”
“She’ll probably be delighted. She said, she doesn’t have any friends her age.”
“I see.”

Okay… If I don’t say it now… I’ll be found out by accident eventually. I have to tell her. That I slept in the same bed as the princess!! I need to give her an explanation in advance, that I didn’t do anything to feel guilty about.

“Um… Mika?”
“Sorry, but I slept together with Karua in the same bed two or three times.”

Mika’s face turned pale, and she looked like she was about to cry. Her getting angry probably would have been better than this.
Ah, what should I do?

“Ah… Ayumu… Did you…cheat on me?”
“N-No! We were both girls… I slept together with her as Alim… Moreover, we did nothing to feel guilty about, and it was before I started having a relationship with you, Mika… Besides, she was the one who asked me to stay there overnight…”
“Enough… I understand… *sniffle*.”

Ah~… What should I do…? What would be best?

“Mika… Mika, I’m sorry.”
“Then… I’ll ask you one thing.”
“W-What is it?”
“From today on, you’ll sleep next to me every night, will you?”

When she asks me like that again, I feel somewhat embarrassed.

“Yes… I will…”
“We’ll do so tonight, too, you know?”
“And, I want you to hold me tight when we sleep!”

She looked at me with teary eyes.

…There’s no way I can refuse.

Therefore, that night, I ended up holding Mika while we slept. Well, I didn’t turn back into Ayumu, of course.

“Can we do this… every once in a while?”

Yes. I will do my best.

TL notes:
This translation is heavily based on what was posted on GalaxyTranslations for a few months, before it was removed. It never said, who translated it, so I don’t know who to give credit for it. I mainly made some changes to formatting, fixed what I think were translation errors (though it’s possible I created new ones in the process) and changed ability names



  1. I checked this one, since it doesn’t make sense, but that’s what the original says. No idea, why you’d want it to make it hurt more if your target is already unconscious and won’t feel the pain anyway…
  2. The originals are 極 (“extreme”) 帝 (“emperor”) 轟 (“roar”) and 獄 (“prison”, “jail”). I get the other three, but I have no clue what “prison” techniques are supposed to be.
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