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Chapter 254 – Kanata Ponders (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

Kanata opened his own status screen. He had checked it every day, but this was the first time he did so with the intention of allocating points.

– Status –
Name: Kanata
Level: 26 EXP: 10’600
HP: 260/260 MP: 260/260
A (Attack): 135 (+5) C (Dexterity): 135 (+5)
D (Defense): 130 W (Magic Power): 130
S (Quickness): 140 (+10)
STP: 1800
– Skills –
[E(X): Fire Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Water Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Wind Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Earth Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Psychic Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Restoration Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enhancement Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. –
[Sword Arts★] Lv. – [Martial Arts★] Lv. 3 [Spearmanship★★] Lv. 2 [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Dismantling★] Lv. 3 [Stealth★] Lv. MAX [Detection★] Lv. MAX [Stýra Rúm1★★★★★] Lv. –
SKP: 1800
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World]

Kanata knew from the explanation about SK2 skills, that they automatically improved. Further, the weapon art skills normally required magic cores to evolve into -manship skills, but due to the huge amount of training they had done, this proved unnecessary. Kanata and Sakura had accomplished that step without difficulties.

Once Kanata was done looking over the explanations, he first thought about how to use his STP.

To begin with, he hypothesized about either allocating everything into either offense or defense. With that as his reference, he would invest his points. On that note, Kanata had already found out on his own, that 100 in one stat equaled the ability of one normal human. He would take that into account, as well. He also reflected on the F- to E-Rank magic beasts they had fought so far.

In any case, the thoughts going through his mind were so complex, it was impossible to describe them in a few words. After 10 minutes, he had decided how to allocate his points.

First, since C was mostly unrelated to the spear he’d use for his fights, he didn’t invest any points into it.

The same went for D, since this world had a short grace period after one’s HP reached 02. Taking that into account, and also including that Sakura possessed an SK2 skill that would let her specialize in restoration and support magic, he judged it of low importance and only allocated 100 points to it.

The reason for these 100 points was to see the effects of increasing his defense ability by the value of a normal human3.

To begin with, stats rose on level-up, even without allocating STP.
For the same reason, he also only added 100 points to HP.

Continuing with W and MP: Kanata, not having learned a single magic skill, saw neither of them as necessary at the present time4. However, he understood that strong people in this world, like Heimdall and Thor, used magic as their linchpin, so he chose to leave 400 points to be allocated to MP, should the need arise.

This left him with 1200.

Of those, he invested 200 into A and 1000 into S. The ability to evade, how many consecutive attacks he could perform (the number of moves), and how fast magic was invocated all depended on S. He merely allocated 200 points into A, since he assumed he could compensate for it one way or another through his action speed.

If this were a normal action RPG instead of a world were one’s life was at stake, he likely would’ve invested everything into attack and speed, or almost everything into speed5. Even knowing that, this was something he couldn’t do, after all.

Next, he pondered how to invest his SKP.

While he had 1800 SKP, this was still 1200 short of maxing Stýra Rúm out. To obtain those 1200 points, he simply had to level up another 24 times6. Therefore, he allocated 1500 points to it, bringing it to level 27.

The skill had the power to control space, so he thought that investing points now would make their future actions easier. Allocating resources to strong abilities for future use was also fundamental to how he played videogames.

Of the remaining 300 points, he used 90 to max out Spearmanship.
There were 210 left. By keeping those in reserve, he could allocate them when needed.

“Phew, I guess that’s a start.”
“Ah, Kanata. You’re done allocating your points, aren’t you?”
“How did it turn out?”
“Oh, I’ll explain it to you vial telepathy.”

Kanata told Sakura in detail on what criteria and thoughts he had invested his points. She listened to his explanations while nodding frequently.

“Huh… I didn’t understand all of it, but it sure sounds amazing.”
“I guess.”
“Yeah, at least I couldn’t make such profound considerations. So, please do that for me, too.”
“Heh-heh-heh, well, you can count on me.”

Author’s note:
Kanata’s status screen at the end of the chapter:

– Status –
Name: Kanata
Level: 26 EXP: 10’600
HP: 460/460 (100) MP: 260/260
A (Attack): 335 (200 +5) C (Dexterity): 135 (+5)
D (Defense): 230 (100) W (Magic Power): 130
S (Quickness): 1140 (1000 +10)
STP: 400
– Skills –
[E(X): Fire Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Water Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Wind Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Earth Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Psychic Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Restoration Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enhancement Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. –
[Sword Arts★] Lv. – [Martial Arts★] Lv. 3 [Spearmanship★★] Lv. MAX [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Dismantling★] Lv. 3 [Stealth★] Lv. MAX [Detection★] Lv. MAX [Stýra Rúm★★★★★] Lv. 28
SKP: 210
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World]

TL notes:
I decided to use Old Norse instead of Irish for those cheat abilities, since so much in Yggdrasil is based on Norse mythology. I would’ve preferred to just leave them in English, but in a future chapter there’ll be a comment about them not being in English, so that option is out.

An alternative would have been Ginnung Vald (space/abyss/void control/power). I am fully aware that this doesn’t make me any better than the author, since I merely found this stuff in a dictionary and don’t know anything about that language’s grammar other than a few examples I’ve seen.



  1. Changed the English placeholder “Space Operation” to this, which is Old Norse for “command/govern/rule space/room”.
  2. I’m genuinely surprised the author remembered that, seeing it was never used after being mentioned just once in chapter 3.
  3. The original is more like “to see the effects of just one human”. I assume it means that he wants to experience how it feels to have the defense of his own + a normal person.
  4. The original is more like “he saw them as unnecessary at the present time, so he didn’t need them for the time being”. This seemed redundant.
  5. He sounds like a souls-game speedrunner.
  6. Wait, even after learning so much about Anazumu, no one told them that the stat gains rise at certain level tresholds?
  7. The original is “level 1”, but in chapter 210 the skill has 4 levels: 1 at 500, 2 at 1300, 3 at 2100, and MAX at 3000.
  8. The original is Lv. 1
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