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Interlude – My World (Part 1)

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Author: Himezaki Shiu Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library

One day, I, Tsunoe Mika, found myself swept up in an unbelievable world transfer.

At first, I couldn’t accept it and thought I’d never forgive such a thing. But over time, I began to think that life in this new world wasn’t so bad after all.

For starters, we all received skills when we first arrived. The skills I got were Incitement and Vanish. Vanish was a skill that basically made me better at hide-and-seek, while Incitement was the perfect tool for someone who loves spreading rumors.

As for me, I loved gossip. I was thrilled to hear rumors about others and felt fulfilled sharing them with people.

Hearing a rumor was like peeking into someone’s secret, and sharing it to see the surprise on everyone’s faces made me feel like the center of attention. It was exhilarating.

Gradually, I began not just to gather rumors but to actively seek them out.

Like, once, I saw a man and a woman walking together and told everyone they were dating. Later, I saw them being teased about it by others, and they eventually became a couple.

Another time, I noticed a teacher who used to focus only on me in class taking a younger student into an empty classroom. After seeing that, I began to gossip that he was sexually harassing her. Not long after, the teacher was removed from the school1.

There was also that time I spread a rumor that Megi was actually a girl—that one was a lot of fun.

Those were just a few of the rumors I’d spread.

Then suddenly, I was transported to this world, but life here wasn’t bad at all. Training was annoying, but unlike classes in school, it wasn’t rigid or difficult. Part of me admired magic, so learning to use it was quite fun.

The rooms were gorgeous, our beds were made daily, and the food was great. There were also no parents around to nag about every little thing. It was like heaven. The only thing that bugged me was how that shady Toriyama suddenly got cocky.

One day, he just walked up to the king, acting like the class representative, and made some kind of contract. Because of that, we were forced to participate in the training sessions.

So during the evaluation, I decided to peek at his stats, curious to see what he was made of, and I was shocked to find he was ridiculously weak. I couldn’t stand seeing such a small fry act so high and mighty, so I had to tell everyone.

When I spoke, everyone turned to look at Toriyama with expressions that seemed to sour instantly.

Back then, I told everyone to make sure Toriyama understood he’d overstepped his place. Saying that gave me an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

Afterward, the princess started calling on me every few days to talk about Toriyama. Apparently, he’d been causing trouble for the castle’s staff, and she asked if I could help. So, naturally, I told the class all about who Toriyama really was2.

The more I talked, the worse the bullying against Toriyama got, and he received even colder stares. Knowing I was the reason for it filled me with a sense of pride. I felt like I was purging the evil that was Toriyama.

On top of that, because I was so cooperative, they even let me out of the castle from time to time. Seeing things I’d never get to see in Japan was exciting; there were so many strange and interesting sights.

Whenever I brought back souvenirs, everyone appreciated me even more. Life was going great. Or at least, it should have been. I could confidently say I was the center of this world. Until that day came.


One day, Toriyama finally snapped. He assaulted the maid assigned to him and killed her. He was truly an enemy to all women, and I felt proud that I’d warned my classmates about him beforehand.

After all, if things had taken a worse turn, Toriyama might have used someone from our class as an outlet for his twisted desires. Moreover, it seemed he’d been using his skill to manipulate the people in the castle.

I couldn’t believe he’d do something so vile to the people who’d been so kind to us. Honestly, I just wanted him to die. After all, he’d already killed someone, so he practically deserved it.

While those thoughts were running through my mind, Toriyama got into a duel with Ichinari and died miserably. His screams were honestly the funniest thing I’d ever heard.

It irritated me that he refused to admit he was wrong even at the end, but it felt good to see him gone.

I didn’t particularly like Ichinari because he always acted as though he owned the place, but today, he seemed pretty cool.


Two days passed after that, and my world suddenly flipped upside down. The people at the castle, who had always been kind to me, suddenly turned frightening.

Training became longer, leaving me with no free time. On top of that, I started getting hurt regularly during training, something that had never happened before.

My daily routine was reduced to waking up, having breakfast, training, eating dinner, and going to sleep—a truly dull existence. My time to talk with friends was almost nonexistent.

About a week later, one of my classmates was beaten mercilessly by the knights during training. They weren’t hurt too badly, but their entire body was covered in bruises. I couldn’t bear to look at them until after they’d healed.

At that point, I felt this was going too far, so I decided to speak with the princess. We’d talked many times before, and she’d even relied on me, so I was sure she’d hear me out.

When I mentioned to the people in the castle that the current training was unbearable, they all agreed. So, with their support, I went in to speak with the princess, convinced everything would be fine3.



  1. Robinxen: Wow… she nuked someone’s career over something possibly entirely normal…
  2. Robinxen: She read you like an open book and used you like a fool.
  3. Robinxen: Yeah, let’s see how that works out.
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