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Chapter 23

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Author: Himezaki Shiu Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library

The morning of departure had arrived. That day, I said goodbye to the inn.

I was greeted by a clear blue sky and a fresh start to my new life. Or at least that’s how it should’ve gone, but it was strangely windy and it was raining. Raining was putting it mildly. Combined with the wind, the scene was like that of a storm.

The weather was just the worst. Nothing like this had happened during my two months in the capital. I thought back to the time after my reincarnation until today and realized that it had actually rained once every three days.

Just as I’d thought how beautiful the clear sky was, a sudden downpour would occur. Though it wasn’t bad enough that I couldn’t push through it with a robe.

This was the first time I’d seen weather this bad. It was also highly possible that the weather turned awful during certain times of the year. This might’ve just been the rainy season and times when typhoons formed often.

I felt as if the godly part inside of me was reacting to the weather in some way, but it was likely just my imagination. After all, if things got really bad, I’d likely just get a call from God.

The God Phone would likely go ring ring. Given the aloof personality that God had, it wouldn’t be strange for him to imitate a calling sound.

Everything else aside, it felt awful to depart in such bad weather. It was like starting on the wrong foot. The amount of rain would cause any ordinary traveler to postpone their journey.

However, I believed that a journey accompanied by such rain had its merits. It brought back memories of elementary school when I played in the rain and didn’t even use an umbrella on the way home.

I remembered the feeling of my shoes growing heavier due to sucking in the water and having my insoles seep water with each step. I’d gotten quite attached to that feeling.

I didn’t like getting my clothes wet, but there was also joy to be found in that. Thinking back to it, I really was one hell of a naughty child. If I were still in elementary school, I’d likely take the following day off due to a cold, but here I had no house to keep me warm even if I caught a cold.

If I didn’t play my cards right, I’d have to spend the night in the rain and wind. Luckily, Demigods did not catch colds, and they didn’t sleep, so they didn’t need houses.

I could accurately tell what the temperature was, but it wasn’t as if I was cold or anything. The only demerit of the rain was that it slightly obscured my vision.

I suddenly thought back to the clothes I’d been reincarnated with. A short-sleeved balloon-like shirt, a black sleeveless vest, and a long dark green skirt underneath. My boots were dark brown. In addition to those clothes, I now had a robe, which I’d bought.

My current default look was that of an ordinary village girl. It was a common sight, with many dressing this way. The robe could easily be bought, and it performed like any normal garment, but I honestly didn’t know much about the other clothes.

Thinking back, I didn’t recall ever bathing or changing clothes. However, I would occasionally wash the robe, which got ever so dirty. The robe aside, I realized I’d been wearing the same clothes for over a month.

(Now that’s not good…)

Given my current body, which didn’t produce any kind of waste, my clothes never really got dirty. It was also because of this trait that I never even considered changing clothes.

What’s more, there were a ton of people with a similar outfit to mine walking around town every day. Thinking back, I assumed they either had several pairs of the same clothes or were travelers like me and essentially had no other outfits.

It was only natural that I’d let my guard down. Given that everyone around me was doing it, I never paid it much attention. I’d been fooled by the group mentality.

Setting aside these nonsensical excuses, I couldn’t help but wonder why these clothes never got dirty despite me wearing them constantly. As such, I decided to use Appraisal on them.

Hemp Shirt

(Shirt made with a mysterious material)

Rank: C

(Rank: -)

Description: An ordinary hemp shirt.

(Description: A shirt made from fabric created by God. It boasts great strength and does not deteriorate. Made with a mysterious fabric.

Skills: Indestructible, Self-Cleaning, Self-Drying, Extreme Comfort)

Hemp Vest

(Vest made with a mysterious material)

Rank: C

(Rank: -)

Description: An ordinary hemp vest.

(Description: A vest made from fabric created by God. It boasts great strength and does not deteriorate. Made with a mysterious fabric. When worn properly, it can support a woman’s bosom.

Skills: Indestructible, Self-Cleaning, Self-Drying, Extreme Comfort)

Hemp Long Skirt

(A long skirt made with a mysterious material)

Rank: C

(Rank: -)

Description: An ordinary hemp long skirt.

(Description: A long skirt made from fabric created by God. It boasts great strength and does not deteriorate. Made with a mysterious fabric. Allows for ease of movement even for beginners.

Skills: Indestructible, Self-Cleaning, Self-Drying, Extreme Comfort)

Leather Boots

(Boots made with a mysterious material)

Rank: C

(Rank: -)

Description: An ordinary pair of leather boots.

(Description: Boots made by God. Made with a mysterious kind of leather. They allow for ease of movement and do not tear.

Skills: Indestructible, Self-Cleaning, Self-Drying, Lower Body Comfort, Walking Assistance)

(So it’s the good stuff.)

The descriptions all had a copy-paste feel to them, but I decided not to mind that for now. Rather, I couldn’t stop wondering what this mysterious fabric was and why God had used it to make these clothes.

Besides, given that God had made these, wouldn’t they be classified as God Items or something like that?

The reason their rank wasn’t displayed was probably because it couldn’t be measured by this world’s scale. They were all using mysterious materials, after all. I probably wouldn’t need any other clothes.

After all, the vest worked like a bra, and the skirt made it easy for me to move without ever needing to pay attention to it. I couldn’t help but be amazed that they came with such skills.

I was shocked by God’s attention to detail. I even felt like blushing.

Despite me walking in the rain, the clothes cleaned themselves and even dried themselves. I’d thought about buying something for the rain, but I quickly gave up the idea. At most, I’d have to buy a new robe.

One thing that suddenly came to mind was that no one had mentioned anything about me acting as an Adventurer despite wearing a long skirt.

Equipment was expensive, so some people would just wear their everyday clothes and a breastplate. It was likely that the others had simply lumped me in with those people.

While I was on this topic, I couldn’t help but think about my underwear. It would be strange if only my underwear was normal.


It wouldn’t be okay, right? Right? Luckily, after checking, my underwear turned out to be a God Item as well. The only difference was that instead of Self Cleaning it never got dirty in the first place.

In other words, I could simply walk in the rain with only my underwear on and be fine.

Unfortunately, that was impossible for me. I didn’t really care if other people saw me, but an alarm that was left from when I was still human was preventing me from doing so.

And my underwear wasn’t like the thin ones you see back on earth. They were bloomers. They weren’t sexy, but at the very least they had a cute design with ribbons.

The top was normal underwear with ruffles. Since the vest was used to support my breasts, I didn’t have a bra, let alone a corset. And I probably would’ve noticed if I was wearing a corset.

I looked over my body and was once again surprised at how easily I was able to accept it.

I felt kind of indifferent about whether I was a man or a woman. Maybe this was also because I knew I could turn into a man if I wanted to. It seemed like my attachment to gender as a whole had also disappeared the moment I became a Demigod.

Nonetheless, there was something that I had to say to myself.

“My son. It seems like you never got to use it.”


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