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Chapter 75 – Lu Liangting: No Matter What, I Will Step In

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The three youths had dyed hair, two yellow and one green, all styled like small pot lids. They wore earrings with a cigarette tucked behind their ears. They seemed to be constantly chewing something in their mouths. Their eyes were skewed and their expressions extremely arrogant. They wore tight short sleeves on top and equally tight jeans below, with at least ten centimeters of their ankles showing, and black canvas shoes with tiger designs on their feet.

These three had clearly just come out from an all-night internet cafe session, reeking of cigarettes and alcohol. What they were chewing wasn’t gum but betel nuts.

As soon as these three got on the bus, Zhao Mingyue smelled the stench of various odors mixed together coming from them.

The smell in internet cafes was already unpleasant. Not only had they soaked in it all night, but they also smoked, drank, and chewed betel nut themselves. Mix that with the smell of body odor, and one can only imagine the stench.

Honestly, Zhao Mingyue was very afraid of encountering such people.

She had been harassed by their kind more than once or twice, having called the police several times because of them.

Every time she encountered such people, nothing good ever came of it. As soon as they saw her, they would stick to her like a leech that couldn’t be shaken off no matter what. Worse, these people usually appeared in groups of several or more.

Once targeted, they would swarm around her asking for contact details.

If she gave it to them, they would think it was too easy and become even bolder, directly dragging her to nightclubs or bars, or to barbecue joints, saying things like “let’s have a drink, no big deal.”

If she didn’t give it, they would keep pestering her endlessly. Extremely impatient, if she delayed for even a moment, these people would think she was being disrespectful and get angry.

Zhao Mingyue couldn’t understand how such people seemed to be the same all over the country, as if they were all cast from the same mold, especially in terms of personality.

When threatening her, they would talk as fiercely as possible, boasting as if they were some kind of underworld emperors. But when they saw her calling the police, the moment the call connected, they wouldn’t even dare to snatch her phone and would directly run away like cowards, leaving behind a few harsh words.

She had tried many methods, but the most effective was to shout for help from the people around her, scaring them away. If there were few people around, then she had no choice but to call the police as quickly as possible.

Normally, she would avoid such people as much as possible. If she couldn’t afford to provoke them, she could at least avoid them. Keeping a low profile was definitely the right approach.

Getting entangled with them would really waste a lot of time and make her feel disgusted for the whole day.

It’s not that she considered herself above them. It’s just that the idea of several men surrounding a young girl like her and trying to touch her was just unthinkable. She really couldn’t understand how such people’s minds worked, as if they had never learned the word “respect.”

But today was different!

If it were just her, she would definitely keep a low profile, try to avoid their gaze by lowering her head, and get off the bus as soon as possible.

But the one beside her clearly wouldn’t handle it that way.

Even before any conflict had arisen, Zhao Mingyue felt like covering her face, already imagining the upcoming scene.

“Mingyue, have you investigated that store manager’s identity?” At this time, Bai Yu hadn’t noticed Zhao Mingyue’s unusual state, asked, turning her head.

“The manager? Nope, I only know he’s a good person. Umm… At least he has a good personality. Most wouldn’t be willing to let me work part-time.” Zhao Mingyue used the carnations to cover her face, turning her head and lowering her voice slightly.

“Are you unwell?” Bai Yu was puzzled by Zhao Mingyue’s behavior.

“No, I just think it’s better to talk like this.” Zhao Mingyue smiled awkwardly, really not knowing how to explain. She couldn’t possibly say she was on guard against those delinquent causing trouble and possibly getting killed by Bai Yu, right?

The other night, when Bai Yu killed Chen Yun, Zhao Mingyue knew how ruthless and decisive she was. She didn’t even blink, cleanly and efficiently hitting vital points with each strike.

Moreover, could a ghost be expected to respect the law?

If a conflict really broke out, wouldn’t Bai Yu just rip off their heads?

This unusual behavior caught Bai Yu’s attention. She looked at Zhao Mingyue, then at the two delinquent youths sitting in front, loudly chatting. One had a video app blaring, but their attention wasn’t on the phone at all as they interjected in the conversation.

Bai Yu narrowed her eyes and nodded thoughtfully.

She understood. Zhao Mingyue must have a grudge against these three.

“Enemies, right?”

One casually spat out his chewed betel nut on the floor along with some phlegm before tearing open another packet. Tossing the wrapper aside, he lit a cigarette while chewing.

He had just taken a puff when he noticed Bai Yu staring at him.

He looked over as well, and their gazes met. He found that the girl opposite him didn’t seem to fear him at all and just kept staring at him.

Taking a deep drag of the cigarette, inhaling it into his lungs, he slowly exhaled.

Always very confident in his appearance and style, a thought naturally popped into his mind.

She’s been looking at me for so long, she must be into me.

As the green-haired youth stared at Bai Yu, it naturally also attracted the attention of the other two yellow-haired youths.

They followed his gaze, and just then, Zhao Mingyue noticed Bai Yu’s unusual behavior and lowered the flowers, also turning to look in that direction.

That glance was all it took for the two to feel as if they had been struck by an arrow in their hearts.

When Zhao Mingyue averted her gaze, the two came back to their senses. They exchanged glances with the green-haired youth, and the three of them got up at the same time and walked towards where Bai Yu and Zhao Mingyue were sitting.

Because Zhao Mingyue was sitting in the back row near the rear door, the three walked straight over. Two sat behind, and one sat on the left.

As soon as the three arrived, that extremely unpleasant smell wafted over. and Zhao Mingyue sighed deeply in her heart.

In the end, she still couldn’t avoid it!

But at this point, she no longer cared about the reactions of these three. Her gaze hurriedly turned to Bai Yu.

Sure enough, Bai Yu’s face was expressionless, but a dagger made of blood threads had already appeared in her palm.

“Should I kill them all?”

Bai Yu’s voice rang out in Zhao Mingyue’s heart.

Zhao Mingyue felt like crying but had no tears. She really hated these guys.

“No, no, no. If you kill them, we can forget about shopping today.”

“Is that so? Understood!”

The three delinquent youths hadn’t even spoken yet, still inwardly mumbling about how they had hit the jackpot, when they saw the blue and white maid dress-wearing girl stand up.

Just then, the bus suddenly braked hard. Bai Yu’s skirt fluttered, but her body remained motionless without grabbing onto anything.

Her fists were already clenched, ready to strike.

Not killing was fine, but incapacitating them was still an option.

Three-Strike Technique: one punch to the Adam’s apple, one punch to the philtrum, and one punch to the center of the brows.

Three punches would definitely incapacitate them.

Also at this moment, the bus door suddenly opened, and a man and a woman hurriedly got on.



“Lu Liangting!?”

Zhao Mingyue just casually glanced at the two people who got on the bus and was surprised to find that they were none other than Lu Liangting and Shen Shuyun. The moment she saw them, she felt like she had seen her saviors.

Their timing couldn’t have been more perfect. If they had arrived any later, who knows what Bai Yu would have done.

She felt like they weren’t even on the same wavelength when talking.

She knew these people were all bark and no bite, but Bai Yu was different. She probably really didn’t know the usual behavior of these people, only knowing that they came over aggressively looking for trouble.

In her world, it probably went like this:

You cause trouble for me, you want to kill me, before you kill me, I’ll slaughter you first.

As for the reason, why the other party wanted to cause trouble, what consequences there would be after killing them, she probably wouldn’t consider.

The enemies had come knocking, and she still wasn’t making a move?

Whatever comes after, deal with it later.

“Mingyue?” Lu Liangting also saw Zhao Mingyue standing up from her seat in the back row.

Lu Liangting stepped forward. He first looked at Zhao Mingyue, then his gaze focused on Bai Yu.

He didn’t know if it was his imagination, but he always felt like he had seen this girl somewhere before. Unfortunately, this girl was wearing sunglasses. Otherwise, he should have been able to remember. But then again, this girl was indeed cute, probably one of Zhao Mingyue’s sisters.

Just as he was thinking this, Lu Liangting noticed that Zhao Mingyue seemed a bit nervous. He then noticed the three delinquent sitting behind and to the left of Zhao Mingyue and Bai Yu, and it dawned on him.

He also quite disliked such people. They had healthy limbs and no issues with their heads. It was the prime of their lives, yet they dropped out of school early. Dropping out was one thing, as everyone had their own choices, but after dropping out, these people just stayed at home and sponged off their parents, not doing anything proper, causing trouble outside every day, and then having their parents clean up their mess.

They never thought about earning their own money. Calling home was always about asking for money.

It was quite pitiful. Their parents often didn’t know how to educate them, only focused on making money. If they didn’t, they would worry about putting food on the table. When they looked back in their old age, their children had already turned out this way.

Due to various matters that had him frequenting the police station recently, he had seen such people many times.

Lu Liangting didn’t know how many times he had sighed internally in just a short period.

Sighs aside, when facing these three delinquent, he walked straight over without the slightest hesitation.

He didn’t care how these three were, but harassing his friend, that he absolutely could not tolerate!

Just as Lu Liangting went to be a “knight in shining armor,” Shen Shuyun beside him was dumbfounded.

Truly dumbfounded, her brain had crashed.

It wasn’t because of Lu Liangting’s actions, nor because of Zhao Mingyue or those three delinquent, but because of Bai Yu!

Yes, Bai Yu.

She hadn’t recognized her at first, thinking she was Zhao Mingyue’s relative or something. She was also thinking about how to help Zhao Mingyue out of this predicament. After all, helping Zhao Mingyue was equivalent to earning favor with Doctor.

But just now, she had casually sized up this blue and white dress-wearing girl. From her figure to her face, and then to that poised-to-strike demeanor, and she suddenly realized who it was.

To be honest, she didn’t quite believe it at first.

She thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Because she had changed identities and was no longer in her previous body, her judgment wasn’t as accurate.

But the more she looked, the more certain she became of her thoughts.

That aura, that was 100% ‘Doctor’!

She couldn’t deceive herself.

After all, they had just met the night before last. Her memory wasn’t that bad.

But the problem was, would Doctor really wear such an outfit?

Blue and white maid outfit, four-leaf clover hair clip, exquisite makeup, ladies’ sunglasses, white stockings, and small leather shoes, even her hairstyle was twintails. Ttruly more girly than a girl. This was vastly different from the “Doctor” in her impression.

In her memory, the Doctor was a blood-soaked monster in black leather, who might decapitate someone with a glance.

In any case, whether it was human skin or human heads, any kind of bizzare trophy would be normal on Doctor. Even if there was nothing, that aura of bloodlust alone was representative enough! There was absolutely no way there would be white lace trimmings.

Lace didn’t fit Doctor’s style at all!

Imagine the Doctor in this little dress, holding a knife, coming up to you. She might not even reach your chest, looking up at you cutely, and then saying one of her classic lines from the past.

Wait, she doesn’t have classic lines. She usually directly attacked.

At most, she might leave behind a “Don’t get in my way.”

Thinking about this scenario just seemed too absurd.

So she didn’t know what expression she should have now. Should she go up and greet her directly, or pretend she didn’t see her?

The Doctor herself definitely didn’t like this outfit, and she must have dressed this way to pass as a living person and to confuse other game participants. It couldn’t possibly be that Zhao Mingyue forced her to dress this way. How many guts would Zhao Mingyue need to dress up Doctor like this?

That said, Doctor’s disguise was quite successful.

She is a ghost, true, but her identity is very special, with the conditions to pass as a living person, and then dressed up like this, anyone who hasn’t interacted with her definitely wouldn’t recognize her identity.

Not to mention those who hadn’t interacted with her, even those who had wouldn’t be able to recognize her. Couldn’t you see that Lu Liangting was still in the dark?

Bai Yu didn’t say anything. She sat back down.

Let’s see how the situation develops. There’s no rush to make a move for now. Besides, No. 652 is also here. Let her take action if needed.

Lu Liangting didn’t know what Bai Yu and Shen Shuyun were thinking. He was now standing not far from Zhao Mingyue, one hand gripping the pole near the rear door. He didn’t speak, waiting for the three delinquent to speak first.

He didn’t look for trouble, but he wasn’t afraid of it either.

“Tsk.” The yellow-haired youth glanced at Lu Liangting and let out a mocking snort, completely unconcerned.

Since the seats were so close together, the yellow-haired one on the left directly placed his hand on the back of Zhao Mingyue’s seat. The cigarette he had been smoking halfway was held between the fingers of that hand.

“Ahem, Miss, where are you going? Do you need us brothers to accompany you? It just so happens to be the weekend, so let’s go out and have some fun. Ah, can we exchange contact info first?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Liangting grabbed his wrist.

The yellow-haired youth was startled. He wanted to pull his hand back but found that Lu Liangting’s strength was much greater than his. It was like an iron clamp. No matter how much force he exerted, it didn’t budge at all.

“************, you wanna die?!”

How could he lose face in front of a girl? The yellow-haired youth suddenly stood up, but as soon as he did, Lu Liangting’s fist arrived.


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