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Chapter 76

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The yellow-haired youth was stunned by Lu Liangting’s punch. He didn’t expect Lu Liangting to be so bold, throwing a punch right away.

His face felt hot, whether from the punch or the embarrassment of losing face in front of the girls.

“Please show some respect and keep your cigarette away.”

Lu Liangting pulled back his hand and, without finishing his sentence, kicked the yellow-haired youth in the stomach. Just as the humiliated and enraged youth was about to retaliate, he was kicked first. Losing his balance, he tumbled over the seat and fell into the row behind.

“**** you!”

Seeing his brother being beaten, the other yellow-haired youth naturally couldn’t ignore it. He stood up and threw a punch.

Lu Liangting could still handle it at this point. He raised his hand to block the other’s fist and countered with a punch to the other’s abdomen. Just as he was about to throw another punch, the green-haired youth made his move, fiercely punching Lu Liangting in the nose while grabbing his collar with one hand.

Having participated in so many tasks, Lu Liangting’s physical fitness was quite good. The punch hardly fazed him. Instead, he seized the opportunity to land two more punches on the yellow-haired youth’s stomach, causing him to curl up like a cooked shrimp.

The green-haired youth pulled on Lu Liangting’s collar and shoved him back several steps to the middle of the bus.

Neither of them knew any fighting techniques. They just grabbed each other tightly, exchanging punches and kicks. But Lu Liangting had the advantage in strength and stamina, almost crushing his opponent. After two punches and a big throw, he pinned the green-haired youth to the ground.

At this moment, the yellow-haired youth who had been flipped over earlier stood up again. He even took out a switchblade from his pocket, cursing and swearing, completely losing his mind. Holding the knife, he charged at Lu Liangting.

Lu Liangting was still straddling the green-haired youth, punching left and right. Noticing the commotion, he had just turned his head when the yellow-haired youth had already rushed in front of him.

Seeing red, he no longer cared about anything. Holding the knife, he stabbed towards Lu Liangting.

Just as the blade was less than ten centimeters from Lu Liangting’s face, a small hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the blade.

The yellow-haired youth was stunned. He turned his head and saw a pretty face wearing sunglasses.

That blue and white dress-wearing girl had appeared beside him at some point, grabbing his knife with one hand.

Bai Yu raised her hand, clenched her fist, and struck the yellow-haired youth’s Adam’s apple with the protruding knuckle of her middle finger. The moment he flew back, her other hand struck again with the same knuckle technique, hitting his philtrum.

Clatter! The yellow-haired youth fell backward, his head hitting the ground, and the switchblade dropped beside him.

Bai Yu withdrew her hand, stepped over the yellow-haired youth’s body, and sat back in her seat.

Originally, Zhao Mingyue had been sitting on the aisle side, but now Bai Yu took that spot.

Shen Shuyun’s movement paused. She had intended to step in and save a certain someone, but how could her movements be faster than Bai Yu’s?

Lu Liangting, who had his back to Bai Yu, didn’t see how she had suddenly appeared, only witnessing her efficiently knocking down the opponent.

In comparison, he, as a grown man, seemed a bit inferior, getting into such a state after fighting three little punks.

Standing up, Lu Liangting touched the corner of his mouth. There was a slight bruise there from a punch the the green-haired youth punch during the struggle.

“So cool!” Shen Shuyun sat in her seat and gave Lu Liangting a thumbs up. “The hero saving the damsel, but in the end, the damsel saved the hero.”

“It’s not being the hero. I just couldn’t stand by and watch.” Lu Liangting scratched his head. He was indeed quite handsome, but the smile on his face was a bit silly.

It wasn’t that he had stepped in because the person being bullied was Zhao Mingyue. In fact, he had always been doing such thankless deeds since he was young. In the past, he didn’t have the strength he had now and often got beaten up badly. Being beaten wasn’t a big deal to him. He didn’t mind. It would heal in a few days anyway. The main issue was that sometimes, when he tried to help with good intentions, he would be extorted instead, and it would take him many days to recover from that.

And today, helping the weak only to be rescued by the “weak” in the end, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

“Oh right.” Only then did Lu Liangting remember something. He hurriedly walked over to Bai Yu.

“Thank you for helping me. Your hand, do you need to go to the hospital?”

He had seen it just now. Bai Yu had grabbed the knife with her bare hands. He wondered if these delicate hands were really okay. They must be injured, right?

Bai Yu didn’t say anything. She just raised her slightly pale hands. They were indeed delicate, but there were no wounds.

Seeing this, Lu Liangting breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. It’s good that you’re okay.”

Seeing the interaction between the two, Zhao Mingyue smoothed things over. “He is Lu Liangting, my classmate. And this is my cousin, Zhao Ruoxi. She actually learned some martial arts, so she can disarm and defeat that guy.”

Lu Liangting scratched his head, not knowing what to say. He just nodded lightly and thanked again.

“Oh right, I’ll handle things here later. You two should go wherever you were going to do. Don’t waste any more time here.”

Because of the fight, the bus had stopped by the roadside, and the bus driver kept looking back.

“Ah, that’s not good, is it?” Zhao Mingyue grabbed Bai Yu’s hand, indicating for her to speak for herself.

“It’s fine. I’ve been to the police station often lately. I know the place.”

Lu Liangting’s family was rich, very, very wealthy. He also had quite a few connections at the police station. Handling these small matters was no problem at all. He had seen the carnations in Zhao Mingyue’s hand and thought of her background, so he roughly guessed the purpose of her trip.

Such matters were not to be mentioned unnecessarily. Knowing in his heart was enough. Letting Zhao Mingyue leave was the best he could do.

“Driver, please open the door. Don’t worry, I won’t run. I’ve already called the police.”

After Lu Liangting shouted, the rear door of the bus opened.

“You two go and have fun. Leave this to me.”

Looking at the three people on the ground, Lu Liangting thought of something.

If he could go to the police station, wouldn’t that mean he wouldn’t have to go shopping with Shen Shuyun?!

“Ah haha, then, then we’ll leave first. I do have some things to do.” Zhao Mingyue pulled Bai Yu off the bus.

If they went to the police station, what if Bai Yu’s identity was exposed?

Inwardly giving Lu a thumbs up, Zhao Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief after getting off the bus.

“Those guys are really annoying. Every time I encounter them, I know nothing good will happen.”

Looking at Bai Yu, she added, “Um, Little Sister Yu, you didn’t kill that guy, did you?”


“Ah, really? You sure?”

She clearly saw that guy’s legs go stiff!

“Probably not.”

“Pro… probably? Well, that guy was already trying to kill someone, so this counts as self-defense, right?”



Zhao Mingyue was mentally exhausted. Because of the disturbance caused by those few thugs, she had to get off the bus five kilometers earlier than planned. Walking those five kilometers was so tiring. Moreover, even if she got off at the closest stop, it would still be three or four kilometers to the site.

Because her parents’ graves were not in a cemetery in the city but in the countryside.

The plots in the cemetery cost money, which she couldn’t afford. But at that time, it wasn’t her who chose the burial site but her relatives.

Because she was originally from the countryside, her ancestral home was in the village. Later, when the family’s situation improved, they moved to the city, but they were still essentially country folks.

So her parents’ graves were just simple mounds with a tombstone.

The two were buried together to save space and money. They were husband and wife anyway, so it was normal to be buried together.

In Zhao Mingyue’s view, being buried in the countryside wasn’t a bad thing.

In a cemetery with neighbors everywhere, who knew what kind of people these neighbors were, whether they would be very noisy or unreasonable.

In the fields, there would be no such worries. Moreover, with the beautiful mountains and clear waters, it was so nice, and no one would disturb them.

Zhao Mingyue really didn’t want to walk these five kilometers.

Fortunately, the place where she got off the bus was still within the city, and there were shared bicycles available. She could ride one and then find a suitable place to park later.

Then, she encountered a very practical problem.

“Little Sister Yu, you… you don’t know how to ride a bike?”

Seeing the fallen bicycle and Bai Yu squinting at it, Zhao Mingyue was shocked.

In her eyes, Bai Yu was omnipotent, proficient in everything from murder and arson to domestic tasks like cooking. But she actually didn’t know how to ride a bicycle!?

“I can learn.”

Bai Yu spoke coldly. Without a second word, she picked up the bicycle and continued to try.

Wearing a dress was already inconvenient. Add to that her complete lack of technique, and sure enough, before she could even get on the seat, the bicycle had already toppled over.

It was only because of her agility that she didn’t end up falling and eating dirt like others would have.

She picked up the bicycle and tried again. Sixteen seconds later, the bicycle fell over.

She picked it up again. Eighteen seconds later, the basket cracked.

Zhao Mingyue didn’t even have time to say anything before Bai Yu fell again at lightning speed. This time, the basket even flew off.

“Little Sister Yu… Say, maybe we should stop trying?”

She could see that when it came to bicycles, Bai Yu had no talent at all.

It seemed that when God created her, He opened many windows but insisted on closing one.

Zhao Mingyue felt that if Bai Yu had an anger meter above her head, it would probably be at eighty or ninety now?

Seeing her solemn expression with her little face scrunched up, Zhao Mingyue suddenly felt that Bai Yu was extremely cute like this, making her want to hug her and pinch her little cheeks!

But for the sake of the poor bicycle, maybe not.

If they continued like this, the bicycle would be completely wrecked.

“Let’s change to another one. There are electric ones over there. Although it’s a bit more expensive, I can take you with me. We’ll just squeeze together.”

Regarding Zhao Mingyue’s kind suggestion, Bai Yu stared at the bicycle intently. Two seconds later, she still nodded. “Okay.”

This time, Zhao Mingyue changed the mode of transportation. She let Bai Yu sit behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist.

The seat was very short. With two people sitting, it was very crowded. They could only stick close to each other.

And Bai Yu, unable to sit properly because of her skirt, had to sit sideways, making it even more cramped.

In the suburbs, there weren’t many vehicles on the road. On the small path by the roadside, Zhao Mingyue focused intently on steering, with her carnations in the basket.

Bai Yu sat in the back, her arms wrapped around Zhao Mingyue’s waist. In order not to fall off, she had to press her upper body as close to Zhao Mingyue’s back as possible, her face also resting on her shoulder.

A gentle breeze blew, lifting the girls’ hair. The road was quiet and peaceful. Aside for the lack of sunshine, everything was perfect. Turning her head, she could see the rural scenery in the distance.

Zhao Mingyue could clearly feel Bai Yu’s hands around her waist, that chilling, soul-piercing sensation.

She could also feel the face of the girl behind her resting on her shoulder, her gaze fixed on the distant scenery.

Suddenly, she had a feeling of tranquil bliss.

Zhao Mingyue couldn’t help but smile.

This smile came from the bottom of her heart, involuntarily.

She thought, how nice would it be if time could slow down a bit and stay in this moment forever?

This was one of the few happy times she had since her parents passed away and her sister disappeared.

She deliberately slowed down, wanting to prolong this moment a little longer.

Why did she like Bai Yu so much?

This question, she herself didn’t know how to answer.

Until this moment, she seemed to have an answer.

Perhaps, it was because of companionship.

Bai Yu also didn’t speak, quietly looking at the scenery in the distance.

What she had never mentioned was that after becoming a ghost, she discovered a problem. Her emotions and feelings had been greatly weakened.

She had killed many people and was a complete cold-blooded lunatic in the eyes of others.

But she was once a living person, with her own emotional fluctuations and changes in feelings. The difference was that she could control them well.

But after becoming a ghost, she found it increasingly difficult to have emotional and sentimental fluctuations.

It was like a dead stagnant pool, with even the greatest stimuli only causing a slight ripple.

She knew this wasn’t a good thing, but she had no choice.

But just now, she found that she seemed to have regained some of the feelings from when she was alive.

For example, when she couldn’t learn to ride a bicycle and kept falling, she actually got angry, very angry.

Logically speaking, such a clear and significant change in such a short time was something a ghost like her shouldn’t have.

For her to have such a strong reaction, it shouldn’t have been anger or rage but resentment.

Resentment is the greatest emotion of ghosts.

So why was it?

She was only pretending to be alive, not truly alive. Fundamentally, she was still a ghost.

Before she could find the answer, this beautiful and peaceful journey had reached its destination.

“Let’s get off here. If we ride any further, the bike will lock automatically.” Zhao Mingyue stopped the bike and spoke.

Bai Yu came back to her senses and got off the seat.

After parking the bicycle, Zhao Mingyue picked up the carnations from the basket and walked along the path towards the countryside, not forgetting to glance back at the shared bike.

After all, she would have one more chance on the way back. And it wasn’t like there would never be another opportunity in the future.

She believed Little Sister Yu would always be by her side.

It just so happened that she brought her along to her parents’ graves this time to let them see her too.

Yes, there is no title for some reason


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