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Chapter 91 – Effect Of Emotion Suppression

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

Upon returning from the swimming area, we immediately conveyed Alfe’s proposal about Hom’s mastery of secret technique to Tao Ran.

“Oh, Element Enchant, you say?”

Although I thought Alfe’s idea was quite good, Tao Ran’s reaction was less than enthusiastic.

“Is it difficult?” I probed, sensing his reluctance. My unease must have been apparent because Tao Ran quickly shook his head with a smile.

“No, with Miss Alfe’s magical skills, it’s not a difficult task at all. Miss Hom has already succeeded in controlling the rails and armament transmutation. If you can synchronize the timing, she could master it immediately.”
“The timing is likely to be the problem, right, Grandpa?”

Alfe clenched her fists with determination, showing her enthusiasm. Tao Ran gently agreed before shifting his gaze to Hom.

“That’s right. But Miss Hom is afraid of lightning. Her reaction to Alfe’s Element Enchant spell will be instinctively delayed.”
“With all due respect, Teacher, isn’t it simply that Hom can’t use lightning-based magic herself?”

Noticing the difference between my interpretation and Tao Ran’s perspective, I interjected. Tao Ran gave me a somewhat stern look.

“Miss Leafa, the emotional suppression in homunculi is almost imperceptible to humans, even to their master.”

Perhaps Tao Ran was questioning my suitability as Hom’s master because I was a child. While Tao Ran’s experience far exceeded mine and Glass’ combined, I was confident I knew more about homunculi.

“But didn’t Hom remain completely unfazed when witnessing your Thunder Step?”
“How can you be so sure that showing no reaction isn’t a sign of fear?”

Tao Ran looked at me with a pitying expression as I pressed further. Unsure why he reacted this way, I answered his question.

“If she’s scared, there would be an instinctive defensive response.”

For instance, if you touch something hot, you reflexively pull your hand back. Hom was evidently afraid of using lightning-based magic herself. I argued that we hadn’t seen the same reaction in front of Tao Ran’s secret technique or Alfe’s magic. But despite my insistence, Tao Ran’s sorrowful expression didn’t change.

“Miss Hom, do you truly believe that to be the case?”
“…No,” Hom replied, shaking her head hesitantly.

“Why not, Hom?”

Her response surprised me. I needed to understand her reasoning quickly.

“At that time, the action I should have taken was to adopt a defensive stance so I could always protect Master and Lady Alfe. I could not do that…”

Hom’s confession shook the assumptions I had. Her emotional suppression was indeed at work, and she was constantly battling her fear of lightning.

“You understand yourself well. Having the ability to view things objectively is a good trait,” Tao Ran nodded, affirming Hom’s confession. His earlier remarks had been to drive home a point. Alfe, who had also misunderstood Hom like I did, tightened her expression and spoke up.

“So, even with my help, the secret technique—”

“No, Lady Alfe. I will definitely overcome this. I cannot finish this training camp without mastering the secret technique,” Hom interrupted, determined not to let Alfe’s kindness go to waste.


Hearing Tao Ran’s analysis and understanding Hom’s current situation, Alfe looked at me with a troubled expression.

“Hom said so herself. Will you help us, Alfe?”

Like Hom, I believed mastering the secret technique was essential. Therefore, I couldn’t withdraw Alfe’s cooperation at this point.

“If you wish, Leafa, I’ll do it. But Hom, tell me one thing,” Alfe said, nodding resolutely. She took Hom’s hand and looked straight into her eyes.

“Why are you so fixated on mastering the secret technique? If bad people like those kidnappers show up, we kids can just run away. Someone like Grandpa Tao Ran will surely save us.”

“You are right, Lady Alfe. However, even in places where such eyes cannot reach, I have the mission to protect Master and you, even at the cost of my life.”
“Is that because you are a homunculus?”

Yes, it was because I had destined Hom to that role. Hom could never go against it.


Hom shook her head in response to Alfe’s question.

“It’s because Master and Lady Alfe are irreplaceable to me.”

Hom’s answer surprised me. Her words echoed the feelings I had for Alfe. It seemed Hom had gleaned these sentiments from my memories, applying them not only to me but also to Alfe.

“…Hom, you’re an important friend to me too. That’s why I don’t want you to risk your life…”
“I will not do anything Lady Alfe does not wish for. That is why I believe I must master this secret technique.”

If Hom couldn’t learn the secret technique from Tao Ran now, she would likely regret it. However, forcing her to use lightning magic, which she found terrifying, didn’t seem right either. This was probably the reason for Alfe’s hesitation.

Despite everything, I was still a child. Even though I had lived the lives of both Glass and Leafa, I couldn’t fully understand the inner workings of the homunculus I had created.

Was Hom’s desire to master the secret technique truly her own will? Could I accept that as her master?

“…Ho ho ho. It seems Hom’s determination is unwavering. In that case, let’s do this—”

Tao Ran spoke up, stepping in for both Alfe and me, who were unable to respond to Hom’s resolve.

“Miss Hom cannot outwardly express her emotions. Therefore, I will discern them with my own eyes,” Tao Ran declared.

“Teacher, does that mean you will cease teaching me the secret technique if I show even the slightest fear?” Hom asked, her eyes pleading with Tao Ran. It was clear she desperately did not want him to stop.

“Well, that would be the case. Hom, your resolve is admirable, but living a more ‘ordinary’ life is also important. If you were given life on this planet, you have the right to seek happiness1, just like anyone else… Don’t you agree, Miss Leafa?”

Tao Ran’s words were kind, yet faced with his logic, I could do nothing but nod.



  1. Robinxen: Story continues to refuse to pick one side on the debate on if these creations are real people or not!
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