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Chapter 90 – A Moment at the Swimming District

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

“Did you say you’re taking a break from training today?!” the innkeeper called out suddenly as we were cleaning up after breakfast.
“Yes, it seems we were pushing too hard with the training…”

I had hoped to have Hom master the secret technique within five days, but given the current situation, it seemed impossible. I felt more disappointed than I realized, judging by the tone of my voice.

“Of course! It’s summer vacation, and young girls like you should be out having fun, not cooped up training with an old master! Go out and enjoy yourselves!”

The innkeeper encouraged me with a hearty slap on the back. Like Tao Ran, the Canado people were very caring. The folks in Torch Town were also kind and helpful, but there was a slightly different vibe here.

“That’s true…”

I replied noncommittally, but I couldn’t really think of how to have fun. Even when spending time with Alfe, it usually involved following her interests or showcasing alchemy and magic to each other, which didn’t quite fit the typical definition of ‘play.’ As a young child, I engaged in childish play, but that didn’t seem appropriate for our current age…

Then the innkeeper’s words about being in our “playful years” caught my attention. Come to think of it, my appearance had been stuck at around nine years old. Hom wasn’t much different from me in size1, and Alfe, with her love for cute things, would likely be seen as younger than her age.

…Could it be that we were being seen as quite young?

“…Oh? That face tells me you left your playthings behind because of all that training, huh?”
“Ah, no, that’s not it…”

As expected, the innkeeper had misunderstood. Her cheerful smile suggested she wanted us to engage in ‘age-appropriate’ play. Although we weren’t really at that age anymore, denying it now would probably complicate things, so I decided to stay silent.

“Wait right here! I’ve got something great to lend you!”

With that, she disappeared behind a door that seemed to lead to a storage room. A moment later, she returned with three swimsuits, which she said were hand-me-downs from her daughter, and handed them to me with a beaming smile.

Torch Town was divided into east and west by Lake Venea. The Canado district, where we currently were—specifically the western commercial district—had a gently sloping inlet to the south, sandwiched by the western harbor, that was opened as a swimming area during the summer. The section of the swimming area that the innkeeper had recommended was quite a hidden gem, far from the touristy stalls and other attractions.

“How do I look, Leafa? Does it suit me?”

Alfe was wearing a mature two-piece swimsuit. The bright blue and purple combination suited her light purple hair beautifully. She had grown a bit without even noticing it herself, and the first swimsuit she tried on was a little too small. The innkeeper had insisted that it was no problem and handed her a newer swimsuit that fit perfectly.

“You look great, Alfe. It’s unusual to see you in something like this since we don’t wear these at school.”

Even though we had swimming classes at school, they were more practical and involved swimming in our clothes, so this was actually our first time wearing a proper swimsuit.

“Leafa, you look adorable too. I’d love to go swimming with you and Hom more often.”

Alfe kept nodding in satisfaction while gazing at me in my swimsuit. Judging by the atmosphere of the swimming area, it seemed that swimming in places like this was a pretty common summer activity.

“Then we’ll have to buy some swimsuits.”

If I were to buy one, I would prefer a one-piece like the one I was currently wearing. Although something like Alfe’s two-piece might suit Hom, it would probably make me look like I was trying too hard to look mature. Not that I was too picky about what I wore; if it came down to it, my mother would probably pick something suitable for me anyway.

Since we had gone to the trouble of changing into swimsuits, we waded into the shallow water and spent a good while playing around as Alfe suggested. We had water fights and played tag, though for some reason, I was always the one being chased and ended up being tackled from behind by Alfe every time she caught me.

Hom, on the other hand, seemed unsure of how much effort to put into Alfe’s suggested activities, so she watched us from a distance. This was probably because of my own lack of experience. If Alfe hadn’t suggested it, I likely wouldn’t have thought of anything beyond just dipping my feet in the lake.

Nevertheless, after enjoying our water play for a while, we ate the sandwiches the innkeeper had prepared for us. Then, I decided to bring up the main topic.

“Now, Hom. You might have already realized this, but you can’t use lightning magic.”
“Yes, Master… I am aware.”

Hom’s voice was somewhat weak, as if she felt I was pointing out a flaw in her.

“But that’s my fault. The trouble that occurred during our emotional synchronization caused it. I’m sorry about that.”

Hom remained silent, shaking her head, unsure of how to respond.

“But at this rate—”
“I understand, Master. You mean to say I cannot inherit Teacher’s secret technique—”
“You can!”

Alfe, who had been listening intently, suddenly interjected with a serious expression.

“Thank you, Lady Alfe. However, without being able to use lightning magic…”

Hom looked puzzled by Alfe’s statement. She was right; it was impossible to substitute this technique with other elements like fire or water magic. Using fire magic combined with wind magic to create an explosion or using water magic to exert pressure and launch oneself from the rails might be feasible, but the acceleration would be inferior to that provided by lightning magic. In other words, the destructive power that made it a secret technique couldn’t be achieved.

“Don’t worry, Hom. You can use it just fine.”

Alfe took Hom’s downcast hand and looked straight into her eyes, offering encouragement. It was a gesture she often directed at me as well, but it was the first time I had seen it from an outsider’s perspective. Alfe had a habit of not immediately voicing her thoughts in such moments, instead pausing for a while, which seemed to help calm Hom.

“Do you have an idea, Alfe?”

I couldn’t wait for Hom to settle down and asked Alfe directly. She smiled and nodded before slowly releasing Hom’s hand.

“I think we should use Element Enchant.”

Ah, I see. If Hom couldn’t use lightning magic herself, Alfe could use it instead.

Element Enchant referred to indirect magic that increased the attack power of weapons or one’s body through elemental magic.

“Watch this… Envelop – Thunder.2

With a slow incantation, Alfe infused her fingertips with lightning. Hom, witnessing the tiny sparks crackling at Alfe’s fingertips, watched intently without showing any signs of fear.

It seemed that this level of magic wouldn’t trigger the fear ingrained in Hom. Wait a minute—when we first met Tao Ran, Hom didn’t show any fear even when she witnessed the Thunder Step.

Perhaps Hom couldn’t use lightning elemental magic herself, but she might be able to adapt to seeing it or having it used by others.

The unexpected factor was that the emotional suppression didn’t fully work due to my own fear of death, but it could be compensated by the absolute obedience spell.

If that’s the case, Hom could master her ultimate techniques with Alfe’s help. For emergencies, I needed to become as proficient in controlling lightning magic as Alfe.



  1. Silva: wait what? Hom is that small? No wonder they were targeted by kidnappers. I’d thought Hom was at least adult size
  2. Robinxen: Uh…. why are you plating with lightning magic while near water?! Please tell me you moved away first!
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