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Chapter 85 – Armament Transmutation Magic

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

“Alright. Since we have Miss Alfe’s permission, let’s proceed with teaching you the Art of Armament Transmutation.”

Armament Transmutation was a type of earth magic. It involved producing iron ore and instantly crafting it into weapons or armor for combat1. While the strength of these weapons wasn’t particularly high, they served as substitutes when carrying weapons was impossible or when one’s current gear was lost. The more complex the item, the longer the transmutation took, so only very simple items were typically created.

Given Hom’s knowledge of magic, this should be easy for her. However, I was curious about how Tao Ran would utilize this in combat.

“Watch carefully…”

Tao Ran said as he moved away from Hom and approached a Kaitaba brick wall in a corner of the garden. This wall, used for martial arts training, bore countless marks from previous impacts.

“Body of steel, reveal your might. Armament Transmutation.”

Tao Ran’s incantation echoed resoundingly. Up to this point, it was like any other spell. But then, without any hesitation, Tao Ran fluidly transmuted armor onto his limbs and shattered the brick wall.

“Well, it’s something like this.”

With a cool smile, Tao Ran turned back to us. We couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of the brick wall riddled with holes and the armor adorning Tao Ran’s limbs.

The armor, transmuted in an instant, bore intricate Canado-style decorations, indicating that Tao Ran had a perfectly clear image of it in his mind. Witnessing Tao Ran’s exceptional skills in both martial arts and magic made me understand why my father had been so thrilled.

“Well, I suppose you won’t be able to do this right away.”

She possessed the knowledge of Armament Transmutation, but whether Hom could use it or not, only practice would tell.

“Can you do it, Hom?”
“…I shall try.”

My question was more of a command. Hom nodded and, like Tao Ran, faced the brick wall, reciting the incantation.

“…Body of steel, reveal your might. Armament Transmutation.”

However, what Hom transmuted was merely a large lump of iron ore. She kicked it with an outward spinning kick, shattering the bricks.

“…Like this…?”

Hom’s matter-of-fact question indicated she hadn’t realized her transmutation had failed.

“Maybe something more… adorable would be nice? —Armament Transmutation.”

Alfe interjected, casting the transmutation spell. Her incantation, almost chantless, was followed by my own.

“Oh, Miss Alfe, your imagination is splendid as I thought.”

Alfe had created knuckles adorned with floral patterns. Her ability to instantly conceive and transmute such detailed items never ceased to amaze me.

“However, Miss Leafa… why do these knuckles of yours look like fossils…?”

Indeed, as pointed out by the old master, my knuckles appeared quite antiquated. They seemed more suited for a museum. I had only seen knuckles a few times, mostly those worn by knights who visited Glass’ atelier, which might have influenced their design.

However, while I was able to transmute intricate knuckles, Hom had only managed to produce a lump of iron ore. This made me wonder if having the memories and knowledge of two human lifetimes was too much for her. I needed to teach Hom how to quickly access the necessary knowledge.

“Listen, Hom. This iron ore is in its raw state, before it’s smelted. Do you understand the process?”
“Yes, Master. It goes into a blast furnace and melts into a liquid.”
“Now, try to imagine that molten iron taking this shape.”

I showed her the knuckles I had just transmuted. While I would have preferred to use Alfe’s knuckles as an example, mine were more practical since we shared the same knowledge.

“Understood, Master.”

Hom nodded and recited the incantation again. This time, the magic activated correctly, and she produced knuckles identical to mine on her hands.

“Well done, Leafa. You’re a great teacher.”
“Impressive, indeed, Miss Leafa.”

Receiving praise from Alfe and Tao Ran, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Supporting Hom was the right choice. Unlike humans, Hom had not lived through years of experiences. She had been given a suitable body and filled with knowledge, but she lacked actual experience.

However, given the right guidance, Hom could access her knowledge effectively. This kind of instruction was something only I could provide.

“Ho ho hoh. Still, if Miss Hom can master Armament Transmutation in such a short time, I may soon run out of things to teach her.”
“With all due respect, Teacher, her equipment is still not battle-ready. The weapons created through Armament Transmutation aren’t very durable.”

We never knew when another goddess or Kamut might appear. Having witnessed the monstrous Auro Rabbit, which could regenerate indefinitely, I knew our current state was far from sufficient. I was also aware that Tao Ran possessed the techniques we needed.

“She must practice the mental construction of magic images, so that even if her equipment is destroyed in battle, she can, like you, Teacher, cast this spell without an incantation and instantly transmute new weapons.”
“Oho… I see you’ve figured me out.”

When Tao Ran demonstrated the Armament Transmutation technique, he deliberately used an incantation to camouflage the fact that he could perform it without one afterward.

“Miss Leafa, your powers of observation never cease to amaze me.”

As I nodded, Tao Ran’s long white beard swayed, and he laughed heartily. His cheerful smile, however, seemed to ask what kind of life one must live to develop such keen eyes. Of course, that was just my imagination.



  1. Robinxen: Well… Rest in pieces this fantasy worlds economy. If magic can make material, even just basic iron, then hell will break loose as it industrialises.
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