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Chapter 83 – Training Commences

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

After parting ways with Old Master Tao Ran and leaving Canado Street, we returned to the east side of the town where I was born and raised. It was then that I finally noticed Alfe’s tension had eased.

“We’re safe now, right, Leafa.”

Alfe, aware that I had noticed, relaxed her grip on my arm and smiled slightly, as if she had been pushing herself too hard. Alfe, who could see aether, had likely been on high alert, watching for any danger that might approach us. My arm, which had been held tightly, tingled a little, but I held her hand again to reassure her.

“Leafa, your hand is cold.”

Alfe intertwined her fingers with mine, and her hand was cold as well. She must have been under more stress than I had imagined. Perhaps it was too dangerous for Hom and Alfe to be involved in this situation.

“…Um, Leafa…”

Sensing what I was thinking, Alfe squeezed my hand with her intertwined fingers.

“I’m fine. So, please stay with me just like always.”

Of course, Alfe would say something like that. Feeling oddly convinced, I nodded while looking into Alfe’s eyes.

“We made a promise, didn’t we? I won’t do anything you don’t want.”
“…Hehe, I love you, Leafa.”

Alfe’s hair bounced as she made a small hop. Her Pure Eye, visible through her contact lens, shone golden in the light of the setting sun.

After parting ways with Alfe and returning home, I told my father, who had just come back from work, about today’s events.

I hesitated to mention the wannabe-kidnappers, but I decided to share it as a precaution, believing we could get a testimony from the bun shop’s proprietress. If we could secure a reliable eyewitness account, the cooperation between the military and the police would lead to increased patrols in the town.

The main topic, Master Tao Ran, was smoothly accepted in this flow of conversation. As Hom and I had sensed, Tao Ran was apparently a famous martial arts master who traveled across the continent.

There were legends of him shattering large rocks blocking trade routes with his bare hands and splitting the sea with a single kick to walk to a small island. Almost no one who practiced martial arts was unaware of his name.

He had come to this town a few months ago and seemed to be staying for an unusually long time, possibly because he liked the climate.

“…You know quite a lot, Father.”
“I visited him once and received a bit of instruction. But just facing him showed me the vast difference in our abilities.”

Father spoke with his eyes shining like a boy’s, laughing. It was clear that he had gained a very valuable experience. He was surprised that Hom had secured free instruction from Master Tao Ran and proudly nodded, recognizing Hom’s strength.

My mother was quite worried, but considering the recent attempted kidnapping, we promised not to do anything dangerous. With that assurance, we obtained permission to receive instruction from Tao Ran every weekend.

The following weekend, as promised to Tao Ran.

“This way, Master.” With Hom leading the way, we arrived at the inn with a red round roof at the end of Canado Street.

“Well, well. I didn’t expect the three of you to come together. I thought it would just be young Hom.”
“The main focus of the training is Hom. Alfe and I likely won’t be able to keep up. We don’t intend to just stand by and watch, though. We want to learn at least the basics of self-defense from you, Master.”

While the main focus of the training was indeed Hom, since we were accompanying her, both Alfe and I wanted to learn enough to protect ourselves. Tao Ran accepted my earnest words with a deep nod.

“Very well, very well. With Hom being as strong as she is, I thought there would be no need to train you two girls. But your determination is commendable.”
“Thank you. I don’t want to be a burden.”
“There is no way you could be a burden, Master.”

Unable to contain herself, Hom shook her head vigorously in response to my words.

“I must protect Master and Lady Alfe.”
“You’ll protect me too?”
“Of course, Lady Alfe. I will protect you, even at the cost of my life.”

Hom placed a hand on her chest and bowed deeply in response to Alfe’s question. She certainly understood her role well. However, her resolve seemed somewhat dangerous.

“I gave you life, Hom, so don’t waste it needlessly.”

I would need to find a way to slightly adjust Hom’s thinking. For now, would she understand this command?

“In critical situations, it may be unavoidable. But if it’s Master’s order, I will, of course, make every effort.”
“You seem to be pondering something complex.”

Tao Ran smiled wryly at our exchange. From the master’s perspective, it might be amusing to see such a young child establishing a master-servant relationship. Perhaps I should behave more like a ‘normal’ child in front of Tao Ran.

“…Well, not being skilled in martial arts doesn’t necessarily make you a burden.”

Despite my worries, Tao Ran looked at Alfe and me alternately with a calm expression.

“Miss Alfe, you’re good at magic, aren’t you? There are plenty of ways to make use of that. And Miss Leafa, you’re quick-witted. You can always figure out how to turn the tide in a battle, just like when we first met.”

To think he had seen through us even in that situation was quite impressive.

“That being said, let’s proceed in a way that aligns with Miss Hom as much as possible.”

Tao Ran’s words reassured us as he accepted our requests without any hesitation.

“Thank you very much, Teacher.”

Hom pressed her right fist into her left palm and bowed her head slowly, showing her utmost respect to Tao Ran in the Canado style of clasping hands. Following Hom’s example, I also composed myself. Since she called me “Master” in front of him, I must always set an example for Hom.


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