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Chapter 80 – School With Hom

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

During the winter break, I returned the borrowed test tubes and oxygen infusion magic device along with the necessary documents, and obtained permission for Hom to attend school as my attendant.

On the first day back after the break, I prepared lunch for both Alfe and Hom. We arranged to meet Alfe on our usual route to school earlier than usual. Eager to meet the awakened Hom, Alfe had arrived before us.

“Nice to meet you, Hom. I’m Alfe! Let’s be friends.” With her breath visible in the cold air, Alfe extended both hands to Hom with a bright smile.

“I am honored by your kind words, Lady Alfe.” Hom took Alfe’s outstretched hands and knelt on the spot without hesitation.

“You don’t need to do that! We’re friends, Hom.”

I had instructed Hom to behave appropriately as an attendant, but as expected, Alfe seemed bewildered by Hom’s formality.

“But as an attendant, I must—”
“Hom, just go along with Alfe. Can you do that?”

I instructed Hom to be a bit more flexible. She obediently stood up, bowed to me, and then turned to Alfe.

“I will do as Lady Alfe wishes.”
“Thank you, Hom. Now, let’s hold hands and go to school together.”

Alfe smiled and positioned herself between Hom and me. She held my hand as usual and encouraged Hom to do the same.

“…Is this alright?”
“Yes. If you lightly squeeze back, Alfe will be happy.”

As I subtly advised her on the right amount of pressure, I also squeezed Alfe’s hand in return.

“Hehe. But I want to hold hands with you like this.”

Saying this, Alfe intertwined her fingers with mine and pressed her cheek against my hat.

Anticipating that we would arrive early to avoid drawing attention, we found Ms. Anais and Mr. Lionel waiting at the entrance hall of the school building.

“Leafa, this is amazing. I can’t believe this is your first time creating a homunculus…1!”

Mr. Lionel, who was also an alchemist, couldn’t hide his excitement as he admired Hom. While her capabilities weren’t apparent just from her appearance, my attention to detail had clearly made an impression. The significant aether consumption required to activate the intricate inscriptions was fortunately attributed to my Aether Overproduction Syndrome, which avoided further scrutiny.

According to Mr. Lionel, the most common failures in homunculus creation were due to insufficient aether for the activation of the transmutation circle, followed by issues with the oxygen infusion magic device.

This being my second attempt at creating a homunculus, including my past life, the chances of failure were quite low. However, seeing such astonishment from others made me wonder if I should have been more restrained. On the other hand, considering that Hom would be with me for the foreseeable future, not compromising on her creation was ultimately the right choice.

“…This is more impressive than I imagined. It confirms our decision to select you as our special scholarship student. However, I do have one concern,” Ms. Anais said thoughtfully.
“Is it about the black market trade of homunculi?”

Ms. Anais nodded quietly in response to my question. It seemed that the story my father had told me was also circulating among the teachers.

“We will enhance surveillance both within the school and during commutes. However, to avoid any risk, please inform us immediately if you notice anything suspicious.”

As the first-ever student to pass the Third Class Alchemy Certification Exam and the only student authorized to possess a homunculus at this school, the administration had proactively prepared measures for my safety.

“Thank you. I will report any issues immediately.”

Hom nodded silently in agreement with my statement.

“I will also make sure Leafa and Hom feel safe,” Alfe added.
“We appreciate your help, Alfe.”

Ms. Anais smiled warmly at Alfe, who returned the smile with pride.

“Please take care of Hom starting today. Thank you as well, Alfe.”

Through the magic classes, it was clear that a bond of trust had developed between Alfe and Ms. Anais. This realization made me relax and smile more naturally.

Attending classes with Hom naturally drew attention. On the first day, Mr. Lionel announced my qualification to own a homunculus through passing the Third Class Alchemy Certification Exam, which piqued curiosity but did not elicit criticism.

Unlike elementary school, there were no complaints about my special treatment. Everyone knew that anyone who passed the Third Class Alchemy Certification Exam and performed the transmutation themselves could have a homunculus as an attendant, just like me.

However, not everyone felt the same way.

“That’s cool. Make one for me too, Leafa,” said Gutenberg boy, who came over to us while we were eating lunch in the courtyard. As usual, his attendant, Jost, was with him.

“You need a qualification to own one. Have you obtained it?”

As expected, Gutenberg boy went silent, his face turning bright red before he ran off. Jost bowed in his place, indicating an apology before leaving. Honestly, having such a capable attendant and still wanting someone else’s homunculus is ridiculous.

“…Maybe he’s feeling lonely because he has fewer friends?”

Alfe was really kind to feel sympathy even towards someone like him. But I had to have her face reality.

“Friends? More like lackeys, Alfe. They aren’t equals at all.”

As I watched out of the corner of my eye, Jost was being shoved around by Gutenberg boy in frustration. Noticing the rough treatment, Alfe’s expression turned sad.

“…I see. He’s an attendant, after all,” Alfe acknowledged.

Yes, as long as someone was an attendant, their status was not equal. Hom, in particular, was bound by her fate to pledge absolute obedience to me. While Alfe might consider Hom a friend, it was important to clarify this now.

“…Well, in that case, Hom and us are the same—”
“No,” Alfe interrupted me for once, pulling Hom close and pressing her cheek against Hom’s. “Hom and I are already friends. Right, Hom?”

Hom, suddenly embraced, looked at me with a bewildered expression, but she followed my orders and responded to Alfe.

“It is an honor.”

Even without my command, Hom wouldn’t have contradicted Alfe. Come to think of it, this is the first time Alfe has publicly declared someone other than me as a friend. I should be pleased that she likes Hom this much.



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