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Chapter 100: Administrator’s Change

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

“…You may look different, but inside, you’re still as unlikable as ever!”

The Administrator’s cursing voice echoed from behind.

“I thought I’d let you go, but I’ve changed my mind. That homunculus has violated the rules. Leave it behind.”

The Administrator’s voice and presence were closing in rapidly. When I looked back, countless white arms were extending from all parts of the corridor.

“Run at full speed, Hom!”
“But if leaving me behind will save you, Master—”
“Your life belongs to me. Obey my command!”

I shouted so forcefully that it felt like my throat would tear.

“Ahahaha, you won’t escape, Glass! Neither will that homunculus!”

As the corridor began to collapse, the countless arms advanced.

“Wasn’t it you, the Administrator, who let us into this world in the first place?”
“Of course. If I didn’t let you inside, I wouldn’t get my hands on the homunculus.”

The multitude of hands controlled by the Administrator attacked, scraping the walls of the corridor. Hom, carrying me, couldn’t move easily.

“I can’t dodge them all. Forgive me, Master,”

Hom groaned, protecting me from the flying debris. Even with emotional suppression, the physical damage was evident in her voice.

“It’s alright. We’ll make it out, Hom.”

I could hear Hom gritting her teeth, enduring the pain. I realized that I was now a burden to her. Hom could fight on her own. Yet, I was only able to give instructions to flee while she carried me.

“You’re being stubborn, Glass! You can always make another homunculus!”

The old me, as Glass, might have done that. I might have offered the homunculus in exchange for something else. Back then, everything was for my own sake, to satisfy my curiosity and affirm my existence.

“How many times do I have to say it! I am Leafa now! Not Glass anymore!”
“Even though you entered this world with Glass’ soul, you deny yourself? Ahahahaha!”

The Administrator’s grating laughter echoed, shaking the world of truth. The space trembled irregularly, causing Hom to lose her balance and tilt heavily.


Hom’s arms slipped away from me for just a moment, but in the next instant, she shielded me as we tumbled down the corridor. Thanks to Hom acting as a cushion, I felt almost no impact as I was thrown onto the floor of the corridor.

“Are you alright, Hom?”
“Go on ahead, Master.”

I quickly got up and assessed the situation. Hom had already grasped the circumstances faster than I did, making a decision to sacrifice herself.

“No. Don’t leave my side.”
“But with this body…”

Blood flowed from multiple wounds on Hom’s body. The sharp shards of the crystal had caused severe bleeding, especially on her back. Even a body built to be durable was in this condition…

“My orders are absolute. Come, Hom!”
“Protecting your life is absolute, Master!”

Hom defied my command, indicating the imminent danger.

As if to underscore the threat, the countless white hands that had been pursuing us gathered close by, writhing and merging together. They twisted into an ominous mass resembling a coiled white serpent, incorporating the corridor’s crystals and becoming even more menacing.

If that thing attacked, we wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Aha! It seems you’ve realized you can’t escape. Now, I’ll count to ten. Hand over the homunculus, and I’ll let you go.”

Hom reacted even before I could issue an order.

“Wait, Hom.”
“No, Master. This happened because I couldn’t use my ultimate technique alone…”
“You’re wrong. It’s my responsibility.”

I shook my head vigorously at Hom’s statement. Procrastinating had been a grave mistake.

“Five… six… Look, I’m already more than halfway there.”

Even if I was bad at magic, I should have overcome it. For Hom’s sake. And yet, I…

“If you say that, then I’m the same. I—”

No, wait.

What did I have in my hands right now?

Ars Magna. I came here to retrieve this. With this, my magic abilities would surpass Alfe’s.

These numerous eerie white hands were controlled by the Administrator and were a part of it. The puppet Administrator was supposed to be weak against fire.

“…Ars Magna.”

I placed the grimoire on my palm and called out to it. As I envisioned fire, the pages began to turn on their own and stopped at the section for Hellflame. This high-level fire magic was something even Alfe might struggle to cast, and I definitely couldn’t use it.

However, Ars Magna eliminated the need for me to construct the image required to activate the magic I struggled with the most. This grimoire recorded every magic spell I knew as a collection of runic scripts.

And the aether needed to control it continued to well up infinitely from within me.

“Hom, can you protect yourself with the shield?”
“Of course, Master.”

Hellflame was a high-level fire magic used in combat. The intense heat generated when creating the fireball could even burn the air, making it dangerous for a human to use. However, there was no other way to defeat these things.

“Nine… Oh, it looks like you’ve made up your mind.”

I could tell the Administrator was watching me from somewhere.

“Yes, that’s right.”

I answered as calmly as possible. Hom, sensing what I was about to do, moved forward. With a glance, I signaled Hom and placed my hand on the grimoire.

—I am fire, the embodiment of destruction. I shall unleash the flames of hell and annihilate you!
“Th-that chant is…!”

Hom stepped forward and extended her arms, drawing in iron ore around her.

Burning hands, azure flames… Burn it all, Hellflame!!!

I shouted the final incantation, drowning out the Administrator’s horrified scream. Ars Manga responded to my voice, and a massive fireball shot forth from the simplified formula.

An indescribable hot wind blasted through the gaps in the massive iron shield Hom had deployed. The recoil was greater than expected, causing my small body to be thrown backward.


Amidst the Administrator’s screams, countless white hands turned to charcoal. My face and hands stung from the smoke and heat, but I quickly stood up and called for Hom.

“Hom, are you alright?”
“Yes, Master.”

Though Hom had sustained burns on her hands from the iron shield, she seemed to be relatively unharmed.

What was crucial now was whether she could move on her own two feet. Thanks to being blown away by the explosion, the door was now in sight.

“We’re going outside. Let’s go, Hom.”

Nodding vigorously at the command, Hom picked me up again and sprinted down the corridor.


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