I am a Succubus Chapter 46

I am a Succubus! is an original Gender Bender webnovel written by Jammin’ Rabbit in collaboration with Tamaya Kagiya‘s visual novel of the same name.

Tamaga Kagiya is a visual novel developer currently working on gender bender comedy Visual Novel with high sexual content called “I am a Succubus!”

Huh? Why is she naked in front of the school’s gates. Well… It is Saeko, I’m not surprised. Will something happen♡? Who am I kidding, of course something will happen. Enjoy and prepare some tissues just in case~ Fufufu~ (~v~)

Oh and if you guys have a Scribble Hub account, you should go to this chapter on Scribble Hub and vote on the poll. We might get a h-scene commissioned based on the pairing who wins~

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» Chapter 46 «

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