Category Archives: Hero’s Daughter

Chapter 86 – The Usual Battleground

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1188 words
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

Continue reading Chapter 86 – The Usual Battleground

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 86

After Transformation, Mine and Her Wild Fantasy really needs an editor.
It’s so bad I’d almost prefer MTL, if I could bear to read it.

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» Chapter 86 «

Chapter 85 – The Remaining Individual

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1292 words
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

Continue reading Chapter 85 – The Remaining Individual

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 85

A silva a day keeps the translators away.
Maybe that’s why he has so much trouble finding them.

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» Chapter 85 «

Chapter 84 – Recovery Complete

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1165 words
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

Continue reading Chapter 84 – Recovery Complete

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 84

I am so busy.
I haven’t been able to typeset Rhapsody of Mulan yet. bah!

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» Chapter 84 «

Chapter 83 – Reid The Assassin

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1422 words
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

Continue reading Chapter 83 – Reid The Assassin

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 83

If you remember the show Code Lyoko, check out IFSCL, a fan game that has been WIP for more than a decade!

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» Chapter 83 «

Chapter 82 – Coincidental Discovery

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Aurum English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1150 words
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

Continue reading Chapter 82 – Coincidental Discovery

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 82

So this was the Lost Post.
Luckily it has been found, so you just have the Lost Pause (in releases).

Chapter 76~80 will be translated by Yuki. Chapters 78 to 80 has been proofread by Mui. Due to Aurum failing to meet his deadline again, he will no longer be the official translator beyond chapter 82.

P.S. Have you guys checked out the awesome illustration provided by Mui?
I love the bathing scene from Volume 3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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» Chapter 82 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 81

Demon Slayer has ended.
The ending was rather meh, but considering the author’s style, it suits.
Overall, I wasn’t much of a fan. Choosing to give the backstory on characters just before they die, while interrupting the flow of the action gets old fast.
Very repetitive.

Chapter 76~80 will be translated by Yuki. Chapters 78 to 80 has been proofread by Mui. Due to Aurum failing to meet his deadline again, he will no longer be the official translator beyond chapter 82.

P.S. Have you guys checked out the awesome illustration provided by Mui?
I love the bathing scene from Volume 3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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» Chapter 81 «

Chapter 81 – Night Training

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Aurum English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1331 words
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

That’s right, I couldn’t find a suspicious person.
But the prickly feeling I felt on my skin made it clear someone was staring over here.
Someone was monitoring us without a doubt.

“If we’re done here, let’s go home? Everyone’s waiting.”
“Well, that’s true. I got the information I wanted… gotta share it with the others, also, gonna have to get Maria or Maxwell to send out a talking familiar.”

Upon my recommendation, she started hurrying home with me following right after, but the pursuer’s gaze never came unstuck from us.
And yet, I couldn’t identify them. There’s a high probability they have a similar concealment Gift as me.
It’s probably impossible to nullify without the use of detection-type gifts or magic.

“Well, that’s obvious since they managed to avoid alerting the Treants. That being the case, going home like this would be a problem,” I muttered under my breath.

At this rate, returning home will clue them in on the Six Heroes working on this case.
If they find out then they’ll surely try escaping the city, just like those kidnappers were trying to do.

“Cortina, c’mere.”
“Hm? Where we going?
“Umm… Number one.”
“Ah, got it. You did drink a lot of tea after all.”

We ducked into a nearby cafe and ordered a tea set in a seat near the back and hurried into the restroom together. As expected I couldn’t feel the piercing gaze on me anymore. Well, it’s more accurate to say the pursuer couldn’t chase us into the middle of a cafe.

Even with a covert gift, you can’t fully hide from the view of a large crowd of people. This particular pursuer would’ve been found out the moment they walked into the cafe while observing us, so it seems they hesitated in front of the shop.

“Cortina. Change out immediately.”
“Ah, got it. Everything’s fine now.”

I couldn’t change out my clothes so I just took off the wig. Cortina took her hat and jacket off. I threw on Cortina’s jacket over my dress to disguise myself. The formal-looking jacket and my long blue-silver hair should’ve helped me give off a different impression.

Cortina gave off a very different impression just by taking off her hat and jacket. When we left the restroom we were pierced by a different kind of gaze. But of course, next to me was the super famous celebrity Cortina. Naturally, everyone in town knew about Cortina so they didn’t make a big deal out of it but they still couldn’t help noticing her.

I took the lead in choosing a table near the back of the store so we couldn’t be peeked on from outside. We undid our disguises inside so even if our pursuer came in now, he shouldn’t be able to recognize us.

In any case, no one else has come in since. Incidentally, Cortina and I went to town on the cakes.1 Sweets… As it so happens, I liked them even in my previous life.

That night, I put my covert Gift to its fullest use to slip out of the house.
Just to make sure, I checked the circumference of the house for any suspicious individuals.

“Hmm, was it really this easy to shake them off?”

That said, it could also be because the villain figured keeping up the chase and getting involved with Cortina was a bad idea.
Regardless I’ve got a prior appointment so I headed off to the lumberyard.
Cloud was waiting there for me with a piece of wood.
I made sure to conceal my face and hair so he wouldn’t be able to identify me.

“Sorry for the wait! Were you here long?”
“Nah, I just got here… this conversation feels weird.”
“Shaddap. We’re starting your training immediately.”

Having been waiting, Cloud finished up some warm-ups with his piece of wood.
But I can see his arms trembling slightly, perhaps it’s a little too heavy.

“Ready? The key to using a sword effectively is to equip one that’s suited to your body.”

Prick! I feel like something’s stabbing into the back of my head. Mentally that is.

“A heavy weapon will just place a large burden on your body. It’s also a detriment that you can’t fight for extended periods. My advice is to first choose something lighter that’s easy for you to hold.”
“I see.”

I feel like a second boomerang is smacking into the back of my head, but I’m not saying anything wrong here.

Maintaining the frontlines also means securing the safety of the rearguard and that’s the vanguard’s main job. If lugging a heavy weapon leaves you tired out as soon as the battle starts then you can’t accomplish that role.

First, he’ll need to get a weapon suited to his body, only then can he stand at the starting line. Luckily we’re in a lumberyard, if it’s a piece of wood, well, we’re just crawling around in them. We look around and get him a suitable one and square off against each other.

“To maintain the frontlines means to remain standing. In other words…”
“When there’s hardly any difference between you and your opponent, going on the attack is a poor choice. You should prioritize defending instead.”

HIs posture broke after swinging his piece of wood down and at that moment I lightly struck his side.

“Launching an attack leads to a gap. So hold yourself back to avoid that and wait for your opponent to create one instead.”
“G- got it.”

We crossed planks repeatedly, each time sharing some instruction.

Being raised in an orphanage, I never had anyone I could call ‘master’, I taught myself bit by bit through countless fights. I tried to convey that knowledge to this boy through words.

Up till now, I hadn’t taken an official apprentice, but I wonder if this is the feeling Lyell had when he taught me swordsmanship.

When I tried teaching Cortina stealth it didn’t feel like teaching an apprentice, I don’t really get it.

“Don’t limit yourself to using swords as weapons. We’re using this piece of wood like a sword, but it’s still just a piece of wood. When the time comes, use what’s handy.

I swung the piece of wood around and started holding it like a staff.
As Cloud had been so focused on using the wood as a sword, he couldn’t respond to the sudden change and lost his means of attack.
Taking advantage of that, I struck at his hand causing him to drop his weapon.

Swords aren’t the only weapons. There are axes, hammers, staves, and bows as well.
Finding a weapon that suits you is an important part of becoming strong.
Thanks to my Gift, it was easy to use thread as a weapon, but Cloud who doesn’t have that advantage will require a lot of trial and error.

“Got it? What I’m teaching you is how to fight. Ways of defeating monsters and evildoers. You’re forbidden from using what you learn to harm the other kids.”
“I understand you’re being bullied. However, what I’m showing you goes beyond that level. These are skills to defend yourself by killing your enemy.”
“You don’t want to kill them do you?”

Childish bullying can be merciless. Being able to calmly laugh off causing a serious injury as a simple bit of mischief.
However, if he kills the others he’ll instantly be an evildoer. Even if it’s self-defense, he’ll be marked as the one in the wrong because he’s a half-demon.
It seems Cloud understands that, so he doesn’t have that kind of hostility in him.
And so from now on, I’ll teach him how to defend himself, techniques that will be useful once he leaves the orphanage.
I’ll train him.

And thus, I, or you could say the existence known as Reid, would leave behind a bit of ourselves.


Hero’s Daughter Chapter 80

So, I thought I scheduled another chapter of this.
But I can’t find it.
Oh well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Chapter 76~80 will be translated by Yuki. Chapters 78 to 80 has been proofread by Mui. Due to Aurum failing to meet his deadline again, he will no longer be the official translator beyond chapter 82.

P.S. Have you guys checked out the awesome illustration provided by Mui?
I love the bathing scene from Volume 3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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» Chapter 80 «

Chapter 80 – Unseen Shadows

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters
Translator: Yuki English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 923 words
Editor(s): Mui, Deximus_Maximus

Continue reading Chapter 80 – Unseen Shadows

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 79

You are about to enter the reincarnation zone.

Chapter 76~80 will be translated by Yuki. Chapters 78 to 80 has been proofread by Mui. Due to Aurum failing to meet his deadline again, he will no longer be the official translator beyond chapter 82.

P.S. Have you guys checked out the awesome illustration provided by Mui?
I love the bathing scene from Volume 3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 79 «