All posts by rm31439

Levelmaker Chapter 185

New Chapter!

Whew, I finally managed to copy all the chapters here! There shouldn’t be any formatting issues, but if you notice something that looks wrong, feel free to comment. Also, make sure to check out the retranslations of chapter 92-120 if you haven’t yet.

We’re starting volume 8 right after all that crazy bath action from last time. Alim seemed to have some plans for that night, I wonder how that will turn out?

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Levelmaker is returning to Re-Library

New Chapters!

Hello everyone!

Those who follow the Levelmaker webnovel and made it past the translations of chapter 92-120 by Rockwall and Melon will know me already. I picked up the series in January and have been publishing chapters on my own WordPress page.

Over the past few weeks, I did retranslations for those chapters 92-120 in parallel to working on new chapters, and also reached out to Re-Library, if they would be interested to host my translations.

As a result, new chapters (plus those retranslations which haven’t been posted anywhere else for now) will be published on Re-Library again. I usually translate 4 chapters per week and post them on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

I tend to make a lot of footnotes in my translations, which are a mix of explanations, possible alternative meanings, and my own (often sarcastic) comments. I general, you should be able to enjoy them even without reading footnotes, though you might need them in case of food, unless you know a ton about Japanese dishes.

I hope you enjoy reading my translations.


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