The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist Chapter 6-6 Part 1

With Blue Archive and Project Neural Cloud both doing major story events at the same time I am absolutely swamped by gacha content.
It’s actually kind of insane how time consuming both are despite both being side games!

Neural Cloud’s is taking the lead on time consumption due to the fact all the story event stages are like mini-puzzles of their own!
It took me quite a while to work out how to do one of them in the two turns it needed for the extra reward.
And I found a bonus easter egg in one of the later levels which has made me concerned about if there’s other easter eggs in previous ones!

Things are getting interesting though.
Our previous enemies are now our allies, the main enemy is putting on major shows of force and our quasi-allies might be less benevolent than we thought.

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» Chapter 6-6 Part 1 «

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