Two as One Princesses Chapter 58

Hiya~! Weeeeell, I’m a late again… Still, the show goes on! AinCiel regular update, here now!
Last time on AinCiel: After the incident, our princesses decided to visit an old friend for a bit of a help. Also, there was no assassin girl, only a human sized spring roll, okay? After a small chat with our friend, our princesses went back to the inn. With Viviana’s arrival, they finally pick up on where they last left. Now then:
What will happen this time? Will our Sorceress Viviana have an answer to her problems? Will Ain have something to learn in this chapter? And lastly, will our princesses have some time with each other?
Find out in the next chapter: Circuits, Song, and……!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Chapter 58 «

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