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Chapter 2 – Port City (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Tanaka English Source: Re:Library

“The opportunity has practically fallen into our lap, huh.”

Kagerou remarked, feigning an all-knowing air.

Regardless of the meeting’s success, it ended on a peaceful note today. During the discussions, Oliana began showing a genuine interest in our nation. She expressed a desire to visit more frequently and even inquired about the possibility of installing a teleporter directly at her residence in the Imperial Palace’s detached villa.

Unfortunately, her expectations hit a dead end. Unlike the world’s standard teleportation magic circles, which require users to register their mana signatures at desired locations, our teleporter can transport users anywhere. It’s akin to the OOParts of this world.

When the trio returned, Kagerou revealed himself by deactivating his “Stealth” skill and began indulging in strawberry tart and creme catalana—both my creations, which Oliana had enjoyed so much she took some as souvenirs. He had been secretly observing the meeting, believing his presence would disturb the peace: “The meeting would be anything but peaceful if I showed myself in front of that little boy or the esteemed princess, so it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie until absolutely necessary.”

“What exactly do you mean by ‘our opportunity’?”

“Huh? I’m saying it’s our chance to infiltrate that fatty’s sanctuary. —Wow, these sweets are delicious!”

“The fatty” was our nickname for ‘Azure God,’ or the Dragon Knight Devta from «E.H.O». In reality, he was quite stout, a fact I confirmed during an offline meetup.

“Are you suggesting a connection between the pirates and Devta? Do you know something?”
“Absolutely, they’re definitely connected. But first, may I ask how you plan to sneak into Faximile, my lady? —Oh, could I have another serving?”
“By disguising ourselves, perhaps as commoners or something—”

“Impossible,” he immediately dismissed my plan. “A foreigner in a dictatorial land, governed by military rules and filled with fanatic believers, will stand out. There are no pilgrims from other nations here, and the number of devout believers is as vast as the stars, all regularly reciting holy scriptures and praying. Rash preparations would lead you nowhere.”

Ugh. Our reception as foreigners was poor when we visited Sirent, the adjacent nation. And it appeared that the situation in the Holy Kingdom of Aeon was even more stringent.

“By the way, we typically used the teleporter to visit him, but that teleporter has been destroyed, so it’s no longer an option.”

While helping with the serving that Mikoto brought over, Kagerou used the spoon and fork he was holding to form an ‘X’ sign.

“The only option left is to use the teleporters of others, but both Tamegoro and Lubbock personally use a teleportation stone instead of a teleporter. And if you’re wondering if there’s anything else—well, there actually is. I believe the guild homes must have fixed teleporters. Currently, it’s either Achako’s «Camellia Palace» or Master Momongai’s «Underwater Battleship: Kaitei-Ou».”

“He’s rolled those too…?!”

The newfound information left me astounded, yet the expression on Kagerou’s face grew somber.

“—Well, they’re not at all comparable to Lubbock or Animaru in terms of strength, so you might as well ignore them. As for returning to the guild home, Achako’s «Camellia Palace» has disappeared without a trace some time ago.”
“Has it been moved to another location?”
“That would be welcome news if true.”

Offering a vaguely disturbing hint, Kagerou took a bite of dessert.

“Let’s just say it’s off the table for now. If not her, then our only option is Kaitei-Ou’s teleporter. As long as we have that, it’s our silver bullet against him.”
“That sounds promising, but… do you know where Kaitei-Ou is currently located?”
“Not an inkling,” Kagerou bluntly replied, sipping his post-meal black tea.

“What was the point of that whole spiel then!?”
“Well, my lady, this is why I said this pirate uproar is our opportunity.”
“Oh dear, you seem to be unaware. You see, ‘The Seven Seas are no one’s but mine’ and ‘I am going to be the Captain xxxx!’ were signature phrases of Master Momongai.”

Huh, I didn’t realize he had such a flair for the dramatic. We never talked much, so I hadn’t noticed.

“So you’re suggesting Momongai is the mastermind behind the pirate havoc?”
“I’m not certain if he’s orchestrating everything or just another pirate causing chaos, but there’s a high probability of his involvement. It could be a false flag, but we should investigate.”

Hmm. Regardless of his involvement, we still need to address the pirate issue… But that means we can’t avoid the sea, huh.

Honestly, I would prefer to stay miles away from anything connected to water, but I couldn’t exactly say that outright.

“Alright, Tengai, contact King Collard and ask him to prepare Quito’s villa and also request a local guide.”
“Yes, right away. Regarding the servants to accompany us… may I use my discretion as usual?”

After a moment’s thought, I instructed Tengai.

Given that it sounds like we’ll be raiding the enemy’s headquarters this time, it would be prudent to bring along our strongest forces.

Hearing my words, Utsuho’s lips curled into a faint smile.

“Hehe, so it’s finally time for all the Demon Generals of the Round Table to set out.”

In response to her words, the surrounding Demon Generals simultaneously exuded a battle-ready aura. Their sheer eagerness shook the entire castle, and their war spirit alone shattered the windows.

“The time is nigh. The fool masquerading as a god shall now be smitten by the Princess! Listen, everyone, this isn’t just a war—it’s judgment time!”

As Tengai further fueled their heated spirits, the battle intent of the Demon Generals soared to new heights, causing a shockwave that flipped me and the chair I was sitting on.

—Oh heavens, what have I done?! Bringing along over 20 pets, each a match for a large-scale raid class monster, seems more suited to a world-ending war than a skirmish against mere two or three players!

“It seems we’re already reaching the climax, huh?”

While I shuddered at the situation, Kagerou remained in his usual laid-back style, pouring himself a second serving of black tea.


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