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Interlude 5 – The Subtle Situation of Hero (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Tanaka English Source: Re:Library

The Sirent Nation lies in the northern part of the continent.

A quartet of adventurers treaded along a trodden dirt road leading to Livitium, the capital of Sirent.

Leading the group was a 16 or 17-year-old girl with milky-white hair, wearing a one-piece dress beneath her leather armor and a rapier at her waist. Following her was a petite, black-haired girl, radiantly beautiful and seemingly about 12 or 13 years old, dressed in priestly garments and carrying a staff adorned with a crescent moon, taller than herself.

Trailing slightly behind was a 16-year-old young man, unremarkable except for the plate armor on his torso and the longsword at his waist, his steps heavy. Bringing up the rear was a chestnut-haired girl, seemingly his age, dressed in a robe, a pointed magician’s hat, and wielding a wooden wand, her face marked by exhaustion.

The group navigated a basin surrounded by mountains, its sparse greenery consisting mostly of stunted meadows. A few Meylan Aries, carnivorous beasts masquerading as grazers, eyed the newcomers with a predatory gaze. Yet, upon receiving a stern glare from the white-haired leader, they hastily resumed grazing, tails tucked, their act becoming genuine.

“It’s quite a scenic spot, isn’t it?”

The girl in the priestly garb murmured as she observed the rocky mountains, the sparse natural beauty, the barren terrain, and the monsters in sheep’s clothing.

“That’s one way to see it…” the young man mused before calling out to the two leaders.

“Could we slow down a bit? Fiore looks utterly exhausted; perhaps it’s time we took a rest.”
“I-I’m fine, master. This much is…nothing.”

The magician girl at the back of the group mopped her brow with a cloth, her effort to appear unaffected clearly just a facade.

“Ah, we’ve been thoughtless; my apologies. Let’s rest under that tree ahead. Can you make it that far?” The black-haired girl paused and pointed towards a deciduous tree about 50 meters away.

“I can manage. Sorry to cause concern…”
“It’s really okay; don’t worry about it. Carrying that heavy load must have been challenging.”
“……No? If anything, it’s easier than usual thanks to the «Storage Bag» you lent me, Miss Hiyuki.”

She replied, giving the small knapsack on her back a light tug to emphasize her point, proclaiming, “It’s all easy!” This gesture caused her tunic to strain, drawing attention momentarily to her bosom as it shifted with her movements.

“Ah, well… I was referring to a kind of ‘luggage’ that can’t be stored in the «Storage Bag». Moreover, the bag isn’t just lent; it’s yours to use independently. Consider it a reward for the «Sandstorm Labyrinth».”

She continued in a relaxed tone, which flustered the two youths, particularly the young man who carried a similar yet differently colored bag. They initially resisted, but eventually accepted, albeit reluctantly, brightening slightly as the priestess insisted, “What’s the issue? It’ll be useful for your future adventures.”

Meanwhile, the milky-white haired leader ensured their safety, even dispatching what seemed to be the boss of the Meylan Aries—distinguished by its large size and tentacles—with a single sword stroke. After tasting its flesh and deeming it ‘unpalatable,’ she kicked the carcass aside to clear the path.


Our teleportation ended in a remote area, about 30km from the Sirent capital—a mere five-minute journey for me. The trip to Livitium was smooth, aside from Shizu frequently munching on something, and we even managed a brief pause along the way.

Despite its status as a capital, Livitium spanned only 250,000 square meters and housed a mere 3,000 people, lacking any notable landmarks. It more closely resembled a dilapidated rural town than a bustling capital. The Sirent Nation itself was sparsely populated, comprising just a handful of small towns, each with around 1,000 residents, barely totaling 10,000 across the entire nation.

Sirent, neighboring the isolated Holy Kingdom of Aeon, lacked trade opportunities and relied primarily on agriculture and livestock. Realistically, it hardly justified being a trade transfer point—its only true offering was tranquility. Candidly, it was comparable to any rural area, albeit with just enough unique appeal to warrant inclusion in our strategic plans.

However, the proximity to the enigmatic Holy Kingdom of Aeon was intriguing. Being the continent’s oldest theocracy, Aeon likely held well-preserved records of the “Lost Era,” a topic of interest highlighted by Princess Oliana, the prominent ruler of the Graviol Empire, also known by her alias “May Bell Princess.”

To further understand the connections between this world and “E.H.O,” accessing Aeon’s archives was essential, despite the kingdom’s rigid human supremacist theocratic stance.

Given the impracticality of a lawful approach, I considered establishing grassroots-level relations with its neighboring nation, Sirent, leading me to devise this plan.

While researching Sirent, I discovered their ‘Hero Selection Ceremony.’ Officially, Sirent had adopted Aeon’s teachings as the state religion, yet their indigenous practice involved hero worship.

“I am thoroughly exasperated. I’ve never heard of anyone adhering to two religions. What a bizarre world,” remarked King Collard, who had briefed me on this ceremony.

“You don’t?”

“Typically, no. We’ve distanced ourselves from our sacred teachings, though we were once a branch of Aeon’s Sacred Teachings. And lately, Amitia has been embracing a new faith—deifying Your Majesty.”

“Ugh, since when? Such adoration tends to sour my mood. Couldn’t they at least wait until after my demise?”

“…It’s hard to fathom death ever nearing Your Majesty. Anyway, the role of ‘Priestess,’ responsible for summoning heroes, has been hereditary and retains significant political and cultural influence even today.”

King Collard responded with a puzzled expression, seemingly unable to grasp how a place could embrace multiple ideologies at once. As someone formerly from Japan, accustomed to a secular mix of customs—from shrine visits at New Year to Christmas cake— I found the coexistence of multiple religious practices as straightforward as choosing different ice cream flavors.

“In short, the Illustrious Priestess has named Joey as the successor to wield the ‘Legendary Sword’ of the first hero, according to her revelation.”

Yup, I still couldn’t wrap my head around no matter what.

“To be precise, the revelation states Joey is the reincarnation of the first hero…

“Hmm…” was all I could muster. “Now, I’m even more curious about the first hero’s character.”


It appeared I wasn’t alone in my fascination, as we both gazed wistfully towards the horizon.


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