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Chapter 23 – Self-Contradictory (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Tanaka English Source: Re:Library

Sasaki and her fellow angels of the principality furrowed their brows as they surveyed the massive hole that had been torn through the Sky Garden, spanning from top to bottom.

“We’ve avoided the worst-case scenario, but the first plan was not executed flawlessly.”

“Indeed, there’s no need to dwell on it so heavily. The Sky Garden didn’t crash, and the hole will self-repair. Besides, the Princess had given us the green light to use brute force. All’s well that ends well, right?”

«Hanuman» Byakuya remarked casually, having come to the Sky Garden from the Yuz Grand Duchy—not out of urgency, but rather to alleviate the boredom of his ample free time.

Sasaki rubbed her temple in response to his remark, a gesture that highlighted Byakuya’s naivety or, to put it bluntly, his muscle-brained personality.

“Byakuya, remember, the Princess’ acknowledgment came only after the fact. Have you forgotten that our duty demands flawlessness? We were tasked with eliminating Nidhogg before any harm could come to any victims or the Sky Garden itself—a task at which we clearly failed.”

Although Sasaki, the leader of the Principality, lectured so earnestly, Byakuya, a fellow member of the ‘thirteen demon generals,’ listened with an air of indifference.

“Are you listening to me, Byakuya?”

“Yes, completely. But truly, does it matter at this point? Everyone is safe, so our focus should be on supporting the Princess with our strength and defeating the enemy’s leader.”

“This mindset is precisely why we’ve suffered this damage. Moreover, it’s high time you recognized the honor bestowed upon you as the general of the one and only, Imperial Crimson, Byakuy—”

As Sasaki was chastising Byakuya for his nonchalant attitude, a colossal monster—a super dreadnought class, resembling a cross between a platinum dragon and a primordial fish like a pirarucu, but with legs—surged upward from the hole beneath the Sky Garden, cleaving through the clouds as it ascended.

“Come now, Miss Sasaki. I understand your concerns, but such thrilling events don’t occur every day. Let’s not dampen our enthusiasm, shall we?”

Chastened by his sharp tone, Sasaki pursed her lips.

“Sir Kuon.”

“Woo-hoo! So cool, gramps. I knew your years hadn’t been accumulated in vain and that you’d understand. But I’m truly surprised you emerged from the Bottom Lake, especially since you usually avoid the Imperial Council, opting to send a proxy instead.”

Byakuya floated mid-air, cross-legged, his nose twitching as he spoke.

The newcomer, «Bahamut» Kuon, owned an underground lake within the deepest strata of the Sky Garden. Like Sasaki and Byakuya, he too was one of the thirteen demon generals.

Normally, Kuon secluded himself within his underground lake, and even under Tengai’s urging, he typically sent only Behemoth Setsuna—a bipedal retainer resembling a cross between an elephant and a hippo. However, this time, he chose to make a personal appearance.

“Well, as you can see, this old man’s condition isn’t one for sudden movements. Yet, the Princess herself visited my abode and issued an imperial command, bypassing young Tengai. I figured it wouldn’t do to let my bones rust completely, eh?”

Kuon spoke bluntly while letting out a dry laugh.

“Oh, absolutely. He’s as stubborn as a mule that refuses to budge.”

“Hmm-hmm,” Byakuya nodded, indicating his agreement.

Given Byakuya’s mischievous nature, clashes with Tengai were inevitable. Meanwhile, Kuon, also a dragon, still regarded Tengai as little more than a child.

Sasaki, though she harbored many complaints, kept them to herself. Despite everything, she was a leading figure among the thirteen demon generals. As this was happening, an icy voice called out from behind.

“It seems everything here has been settled, huh? I’d like to return to my lord’s command, if that’s alright.”

Turning around, they saw a red-haired angel with a deadpan expression, floating in the sky with her wings gently flapping.

“Kaede… ah, right. Please convey my regards and gratitude to Master Lubbock. His timely advice was crucial in formulating our plan.”

“Understood. If there’s nothing else, then I—”

She bowed politely.

“Wait. Weren’t you going to meet your sister—Momiji?”

Kaede, once Hiyuki’s pet and now allied with Lubbock, was about to depart when a question stopped her abruptly. She responded to Sasaki in a clipped tone, her glance brief and fleeting.

“It’s unnecessary. Either way, we will be enemies when next we meet.”

With those words, she turned and flew off, leaving Sasaki to watch her departure with a mixed expression.

“Haa… hey. What happened to confronting the Princess’ enemy leader? Aren’t you going?”

At that moment, Byakuya interjected excitedly, disregarding the tense atmosphere.

“Please wait a moment. I will confirm with Lady Mikoto immediately.”

Sasaki said, attempting to contact Mikoto telepathically.

“Currently, the Princess, Master Lubbock, and Master Tamegoro are handling the situation. The Four Heavenly Kings are also supporting them, and adding more combatants now would only cause chaos. We will stand down for the moment but remain vigilant for any intruders.”

“Boo-hoo, why do I never get my chance to shine?”

Byakuya complained petulantly before flying off to an undisclosed location.

“Hmm… in that case, I shall return as well.”

Kuon sighed, a yawn mingling with his exhalation, as he returned to the underground lake of the Sky Garden, his departure once again parting the clouds.

Sasaki frowned at the overly independent actions of the round table members and directed her subordinates, who were patrolling in the vicinity, to tighten their guard.


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