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Interlude: Ciel, Alias, and New Outfits (Part 2)

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Author: Himezaki Shiu Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library

Another highlight is the party dresses.
Shusii crafted a vertically asymmetrical princess line dress for each of us, a style characterized by a snug fit on the upper torso that flares out from the waist.
Although I’ve known about this style of dress back on Earth, I thought of it as something irrelevant to me until now.

Ciel’s dress was predominantly yellow, while mine was blue.
The dresses were designed to be bilaterally symmetrical to each other and were cute, frilly, and filled with ribbons.
A perfectly fine design for a girl to dress in, but I find the style too cutesy for me to wear.
Thankfully, the color of my dress gives it a more subdued look.

The dresses share the same design but distinctly differ in their accessories. Ciel’s accessories feature many small, charming gems, whereas mine are adorned with larger, more grandiose gems.
We had one earring each, as we typically only wear earrings on one side, but mine had a bigger gem on it.
Apparently, there was a lengthy debate about the design of the dresses, mainly when it came to the accessories.

About whether our accessories should be made bilaterally symmetrical as well, or instead different and distinct for each of us.
Of course, the latter won, and this was the result.
And Shusii enthusiastically told us all about it.

Now, inside the manor’s dressing room, a different dress was presented before us.

「This is the dress Lisyl made, right?」
「Yes, that’s right. She apparently put great effort in this, you know?」

Ciel asked Mother, who was right next to her, and received a gleeful response.
Meanwhile, Lisyl had a wide, delighted smile.

The dress was a gentle yet vibrant green, reminiscent of leaves under sunlight.
Unlike the opulent dresses sewn by Shusii, this one featured a subdued high-waist silhouette with a less flared skirt.
This silhouette, combined with a summery, leaf-like embroidery, lent a more mature appearance to Ciel.

The accessories, seemingly modeled after flowers, were small but not drowned out by the dress’ green hue.
As a whole, the dress conjured the image of a forest beauty? If not an evolved form of the forest girl fashion.
A fitting creation from Lisyl, a spirit of the forest.

Planting myself back in reality, I can sense something akin to magical power emanating from this dress.
If I had to be specific, it was imbued with Lisyl’s energy.

『This dress is quite impressive.』
「Yeah, it’s amazing. It’s practically like a whole clump of magic power.
It could probably block more attacks than most regular armor.」
『Right? Considering its durability, it could likely withstand even a wyvern-level attack.』

That’s only the dress’ durability, though; there’s no guarantee that the wearer would remain unscathed.
The scary part is that while it’s that durable, it doesn’t seem to have been designed with defense as a primary consideration. Mother Fii then gave an answer that seemingly supported this assumption.

「Despite that, its defensive properties apparently have been moderately toned down. After all, you have Ain’s barrier, so increased protection isn’t necessary.」
「That’s true.」
「That’s why… Actually, it would be quicker to show with it worn. So, why not try it on?」
「Sure, understood.」

Urged by Mother, Ciel left the room with Mia.
Unlike with simple clothes, a proper dress isn’t something we can wear without help, so Mia is coming along to assist. It’s Mia instead of Mohsa or Luna because it was decided that she will accompany us to Ausente.
We initially planned on traveling alone, but a noble daughter traveling incognito without any attendants would appear suspicious, so Mia will be joining us.

Mia was chosen specifically because she is the only one regarded as our personal hire.
Also, we needed someone who could act as a bodyguard, and Mia was the most suitable for this role.
While Mohsa and Luna are highly competent as lady attendants, they’re not particularly strong.
On the other hand, Mia is proficient in sorcery. If ranked, she should be at the higher end of D-rank, verging on C.

With further experience, she should reach C-rank in no time.

I digress. With Mia’s assistance, Ciel changed into the dress.
The vibrant green suits Ciel very well, and the small, flower-like gems further enhance her appearance.
I’m sure this dress would certainly draw attention at a noble’s party.
A child-like youthfulness with an air of maturity peeking from within; it’s a distinct charm that can be only found at her current age.

Furthermore, the dress is impressive in its own right.
If worn by an ordinary person, it’s possible that the dress would even overshadow their presence.

「It suits you very well.」
「Thank you.」

Receiving Mia’s compliment, Ciel twirled to examine her own appearance.
In this occasion, I noticed that despite the long skirt, the dress was remarkably easy to move in.
It’s so comfortable that I would love to wear it regularly, but unfortunately, doing that would undoubtedly make us stand out.

Returning to Mother, she exclaimed, “Oh my, how beautiful.”
The compliment was for Ciel, but I felt proud hearing it. Especially since Mother isn’t the type to give half-hearted compliments.
Lisyl also nodded in satisfaction upon seeing Ciel.

Luna and Mohsa, meanwhile, were captivated by Ciel.
Uh-huh. Just as I thought, Ciel is incredibly charming.
While I have no intention of showing her off to people, it’s honestly gratifying to see Ciel being acknowledged by our acquaintances.

「By the way, Ciel.」
「What is it?」
「I’d love to see Ain try on this dress as well. Would you mind switching with her?」
「Right, that’s right! I want to see that too, so let’s switch!」

Mother inquired with an ominous smile. I have a bad feeling about this, but Ciel eagerly agreed and switched with me without any hesitation.
Judging from how she didn’t even ask for my confirmation, she must be really excited about it. While this does make me happy, I can’t help but feel nervous.

As I was contemplating, ‘Ain, it’s amazing! It’s so amazing!’ Ciel’s excited voice resonated in my mind.
It felt odd that her first reaction to me in a dress was ‘amazing,’ so I looked at myself and was surprised to see that the dress’ color had changed.
The previously vibrant bright green had deepened into a rich, verdant hue.

How should I describe it? It’s evokes the image of an overgrown forest’s depths.
The flower-shaped gems now flickered with a bewitching, whimsical glow.

『Pretty! You’re so pretty, Ain!』
『Thank you very much. You were beautiful as well, Ciel.
You looked like a forest spirit.』

While feeling a bit embarrassed by Ciel’s relentless compliments, I made sure to reciprocate.

「And Lisyl, thank you so much for this wonderful dress.」

And to distract myself from the embarrassment, I expressed my gratitude to Lisyl.
Lisyl shook her head and responded with a jovial smile.
Perhaps she didn’t want me to fret over it, but with the dress incorporating such advanced technology, that’s easier said than done.
I hope I can return the favor someday, but I wonder what would make Lisyl happy?

That ends our princesses’ outfit reveal! It really was just all outfit reveal this time, lol.

I honestly love the idea of the asymmetrical party dresses. It really does scream “two as one” design-wise, each of their respective dresses having elements of each other. Also, only one half an earring for each of them? Glad to see that the servants know that they are each other’s pair, lol. Meanwhile, Lisyl really didn’t hold back and just gave our girls a color-changing dress that they can share, lol. It was also nice to see some interaction with Lisyl.

Now then, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please feel free to comment. Stay healthy, stay safe, and have a nice day~!

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