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Chapter 73: Hao Jian’s So Sneaky

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Mi Dashuai
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After being ushered out of the archery hall, Yan Jie and her curvy companion immediately began venting their frustrations downstairs. Yan Jie, often the ringleader of their misadventures, seemed particularly aggrieved. From his vantage point, Lin Feng caught snippets of their bitter exchange. Their resentment was clear as they insinuated that the girl who remained inside had used her allure to sway him. The barbs and accusations seemed endless.

“These two…they sound like those toxic gamers from LoL. It’s one thing to hear them, but seeing their toxicness firsthand? Whole other level,” Hao Jian mused, scratching his ear, ready to head downstairs.

“Wait a sec,” Lin Feng chimed in, surprised. “You caught all that too, Hao Jian?” From their distance, it seemed improbable that Hao Jian, seemingly average in every way, could eavesdrop so effectively.

“Some things, my friend, are meant to remain a mystery,” Hao Jian replied with a wry grin, smoothly making his way down the ladder.

Lin Feng looked puzzled. What was that potato senior up to? What secrets did he keep hidden beneath that veneer of spudness?

Once on the ground, Hao Jian flashed an impish smile at Lin Feng from behind his back and, for dramatic effect, pulled a book from his archery robe.

“’36 Proven Strategies to Win a Woman’s Heart’,” the book read.

Skimming to his bookmark, he chuckled to himself silently, ‘The art of attraction is sometimes about letting go. This gem is a distillation of my experiences. Take Li Erhua from next door, for example. She’s the epitome of grace and has this voice that’s…’

“Hao Jian, is that you? Stop dallying and come out help.” An exasperated voice interrupted. “The coriander still needs picking!”

“Oh, morning, Principal! On it,” Hao Jian responded, a hint of mischief in his voice.

Laughing to himself, he sprinted towards the coriander garden. Coriander flourishes year-round, and the archery hall’s storeroom was a testament to Hao Jian’s green thumb, brimming with an array of seeds. It seemed he’d taken to turning parts of the archery grounds into his personal Eden.

Such quirkiness might’ve landed him in hot water earlier, perhaps even costing him points. Now? It looked like a stroke of genius.

Watching Hao Jian bound away with such childlike glee, Lin Feng’s confusion only deepened further. Why was he so gleeful? Could he be the type who enjoys schadenfreude? It’s hard to believe he’s a senior. Lin Feng mentally bookmarked to keep a cautious distance from him.

Lost in thought, Lin Feng made his way to the archery hall. He selected a gracefully designed bow with a comfortable weight and grabbed a quiver full of arrows. Without delay, he approached the only girl who remained.

“Thank you, Lin Feng,” she began, gratitude evident in her eyes. “From what I’ve heard, you really are…”

He interrupted her with a swift gesture, not wanting to collect another unnecessary praise.

“I have to ask you to leave,” he said, his tone firm yet gentle.

Her initial joy vanished, replaced by a ghostly shade of disbelief. A rush of emotions welled up inside her.

“It’s because of the paths you’ve chosen,” Lin Feng clarified. “But I stopped you because I want to guide you.”

“To guide me?” Her voice trembled slightly with anxiety.

“Yes, to equip you with the skills to survive out there. It’s clear that an impulsive decision led you astray. If you’re prepared to learn, follow me.”

As he moved towards the exit, he shared a fleeting nod with Ruolian. Lin Feng was hesitant to leave the girl with his classmates. He knew that while the teachers had a nurturing spirit, the girls might not share the same sentiment.

“Let Meng Qi and the others know I won’t return tonight,” he instructed Ruolian.

“You’re venturing out again? How long will you be away?” Ruolian inquired, her voice laden with concern. Since Lin Feng’s recovery, he seemed perpetually restless. While he was injured, he often offered moments of solace with rooftop conversations, a beacon of comfort amidst the prevailing gloom –and a cat to pet.

“Just a day or two, tops. Stay safe,” he reassured. “Also, inform Mr. Liu about the tree-burning task. I’ll give a full briefing once I’m back. Meanwhile, ensure the food I’ve procured gets distributed among the group.”

With a final glance back, Lin Feng, with the young girl in tow, exited the archery hall, leaving behind a contemplative Ruolian.


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