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Chapter 36 – Edim and the Path of Solution

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Author: Rina Shito Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Liomad

——Edim’s Perspective

Starting with his interference in the fight against the fiend, Ortidiot had caused me nothing but trouble. I had put up with it because he was in a superior position, but I finally lost it and exploded with anger when he slanderously said I was ignoring Lady Tilea.

I even got into a shouting argument with Ortidiot in front of Lady Camilla. We were rebuked by Sir Nielsen for it and ordered by Sir Dryas to “make a spectacular achievement in a week!”

Uu, that’s a tall order. It’s simply impossible. This is all Ortidiot’s fault that I had to go through this.

I glared at Ortidiot with resentment. Ortidiot glared back at me as if it was my fault.

“Edim! Because of your blunder, Lady Tilea lost her faith in me.”
“Haah? She never had any trust in you, to begin with. Rather, that’s my line! You’re the one who blundered, aren’t you? With due respect, please don’t drag me down with you.”
“You dare to speak that way to me?! Don’t be cocky, you half-demon!”

Ortidiot raged and choked me.

Y-, you’re hurting me, you mindless brute!

Yes, he is an idiot, but his power is real. My body, which boasts of being the best among vampires, screams.

“Stop it with the discord between your own. It’s unsightly. Just produce the result, you’re dead if you can’t. That’s all.”

Sir Dryas delivers heartless words. He puts me together with this Ortidiot… All I can do is laugh. After Sir Dryas’ notice, the executives left the conference room. This idiot and I are left all alone…

Haah~ What a day today is.

One second I thought Lady Tilea was suspicious of me, the next she humiliated me at the military meeting. I was even tortured with stone slabs on my lap for not being loyal to her.

Ugh, my legs still feel numb. That Ortidiot kept adding more and more stones for no good reason. That was probably hundreds of kilograms. If it wasn’t for my vampire body, my legs would have been shattered to pieces. The Evil God Army really is full of crazy people.

Well, that said, the torture itself isn’t the worst. This body of mine isn’t so inferior that it could be affected by a slight injury. The cold stares from the executives, especially from Lady Camilla, that’s what are the most painful.

Will I be executed at this point?

I have nowhere else to go. The place I belong is Lady Camilla, she is all I have…

Haah, haah, haah, s̲h̲i̲t̲!

All these negative musings made me palpitate violently. Even though I’ve abandoned my human body… this must be the remnants of my human emotions.

Haah, haah, I can’t breathe. My chest feels heavy.

I looked to the side, and I saw Ortidiot was just as pale. He must have thought he could throw all the blame on me. But he wasn’t given the chance. Now, the two of us were given the collective punishment. Did the gravity of the situation finally get through his thick skull…?

“What is it?”
“This isn’t time for us to fight.”
“Yes, I know.”

You really should’ve realized that sooner. I mean, you’re the one who’s been inciting the fight all along!

“Let me tell you, Edim. This whole thing is a plot by that f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g General Counselor”
“Eh, it is?”
“I’m sure of it.”

Ortidiot sounded convinced.

“B-, but, why would Sir Dryas do this?”
“Obviously. It’s to increase his power and to monopolize Lady Tilea’s favor.”

Uh, no, I don’t think so. Unlike you, Sir Dryas doesn’t use his authority for no good reason. There must be a reason for this.

Analyze, Edim. Leave it to Ortidiot and you are doomed. Look back at the livelihood you’ve had till now. Think, how in the world did it turn this way?

My life was pretty normal until yesterday… Lady Tilea praised me for defeating the fiend. I have never missed greeting Lady Tilea and Lady Camilla. Even the leadership of my kin is going well.

If so, then why?

“Y-, yes?”

Ortidiot’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

Right when I was trying to dig for the cause of the problem. Why must he always interrupt me all the time?

“Stop daydreaming, Edim! Don’t forget that we are in a tight spot right now.”
“Our enemy is vile and immense. Therefore, we must work together.”
“Why are you surprised?! We simply must form a faction with me as its leader.”
“A faction…?”
“Yes, and you bloodsuckers will be included. Be grateful.”

I-, I’d rather not.

Your faction will be nothing but a ship riddled with holes and on fire! What the hell are you talking about out of nowhere? Who in the world would rally around this idiot? I was speechless.

When I was taken aback, Ortidiot proceeded to ask me, “So, what do we do for our next meeting?” as if it was a confirmed fact that I would join his stupid faction.

Hey, I haven’t accepted it yet!

Ortidiot then added, “Numbers are strength! That f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g general counselor, I’ll show him hell!” he exclaimed, his eyes glittering..

This-, this idiot must have had his brain filled with maggots. No, I’m going to ruin myself if I keep hanging around with this idiot. I had to keep my distance from this idiot.

“Or-, Ortissio, sir.”
“What is it? Have you found a method to bring down that f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g general counselor? You’re a member of my faction. Make sure to work hard.”
“About the faction, I am really grateful for your invitation. But, I’m not sure us half-demons can be of use to you…”
“No problem. What we lack in strength, we make up for in numbers. Edim, go and double the number of kins you have!”
“Double the… it’s impossible!”
“What do you mean impossible? If each of your kin turns one, your number will easily double.”
“Indeed, theoretically it is possible, but Lady Tilea has strictly forbidden me to increase the number of kin.”

The “Laws of Vampires” have been issued by Lady Tilea. Article 2 of the law states, “Do not increase the number of your kin.”

“I see. If it is Lady Tilea’s order, I have no choice. Then give me a list of the kins you currently have!”
“Wh-, why?”
“It’s obvious. To take your kin under my command.”

What?! How shameless can you be?! Why should I entrust you with my kin’s network that I have worked so hard to create? Don’t joke with me. The only thing I owe you is a deep-seated grudge.

“What’s wrong? Make a list. Bring it to me. Don’t be lazy!”
“The-, the thing is, I’m not really sure I know them enough to make a list. I’ll go get the person in charge. Would you like to talk to him instead?”
“You don’t even know your own subordinates? For crying out loud, you’re making this worse for yourself.”

That’s my line. Well, I could argue with him, but I don’t have time to deal with idiots right now.

I left the conference room and called my kin, Dalf.

Telepathy, activate!

“Dalf, respond!”
“Mistress Edim.”
“I’m sorry to bother you when you’re busy. Please come to conference room B immediately and deal with this Idio…Sir Ortissio.”
“Yes, milady. I’ll be right there.”
“Good. Also, Sir Ortissio is going to talk about alliances and factions and whatnot. You must circumvent it no matter what.”
“Are we not accepting it?”
“Of course not. Why would I go down his path of self-destruction? Just go along with the story as you see fit.”
“I understand.”

All right, I can leave the rest to Dalf. Dalf has a lot of work to do, from overseeing my kins to gathering information, so I really don’t want to use him to just keep Ortidiot busy, but there’s no way around it.

This matter, I have to consider it my own way.

I think that Lady Tilea was the cause. I don’t know why, but Lady Tilea has lost a lot of trust in me. This is why there have been a series of strange incidents since this morning.

After all, The Evil God’s Army is centered around Lady Tilea. Even Ortidiot and sir Dryas are united in front of Lady Tilea despite their bitter hatred for each other.

If Lady Tilea disliked me, what would happen to me…

Even Ortidiot, despite his many mistakes, can get by because he is Lady Tilea’s favorite. If it were not for that, he would’ve been executed a long time ago.

Being given up by Lady Tilea is equivalent to a death sentence for those in the Evil God Army.

No. That’s scary.

I will do everything I can to regain her trust. I will bow my head until I receive her forgiveness. Hell, I will personally kill every single person in the Royal Capital if Lady Tilea so wishes. If Lady Tilea wants to punish me, I will endure it.

So please forgive me.

I went to Lady Tilea with determination.

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