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Side Story – Needless Fuss for On-Air Antics: First Half

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3343 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1577 words
Editor(s): Fire

Why am I even here? I wonder to myself as I stick out like a sore thumb, but this isn’t going to solve my current problem. I know that, but seriously, why did this have to happen?

“For today’s guest, I mobilized the full extent of my connections to invite the big hitters of the New Year. We present you, the members of the band group EXIST!”
“Representing EXIST, it’s Isa here! The other idiots couldn’t come to the studio due to various personal reasons, so sorry on their behalf!”
“Yep. With my plans ruined from the get-go, I’m literally shaking my fists. And so, coming in as a stand-in for the three idiots, who might this white cardboard box-headed degenerate be?”

That’s me. Do you know how it feels to step in a car, have something cover your head, and then you’re suddenly brought to a radio station? Moreover, this cardboard box was clearly made by an old acquaintance who’s good at crafting. It fits so well, it doesn’t even feel like a cardboard box.

“A newcomer to our agency. We’re also here to give a proper introduction today.”
“That’s quite the novel fashion sense, isn’t it?”
“It’s not like I’m wearing this because I want to.”
“I mean, you kept insisting that you don’t want your face revealed, after all. You even had it incorporated into the signed contract.”
“I’m surprised your agency bit that bullet, Isa.”

I honestly thought the same. Like, does an agency really need to break their backs for some unnamed singer that happened to appear on public broadcast one time? I mean, I know I’ve gained attention due to my interaction with Sherry, but there wasn’t any need to have such a disadvantageous contract.

“Be careful; you’re going to have trouble keeping up with her in the future.”
“I already know. Actually, she just told me that she’d treat me to dinner today and then suddenly I was abducted here.”
“Should I call the police?”
“It’s fine. If needed, I can handle it myself.”
“Hearing you say that is really scary, Anne.”

I’m in a position where I have a variety of measures I can enforce against Isami and the gang. There’s disciplinary action from step-mom and Teacher, or confinement treatment from my bodyguards and the old man. And why not offer both as a set, too?

“Originally, the plan was to introduce EXIST and ask about some memorable episodes, but anyways. First off, let’s introduce the newcomer/victim of the day.”
“This is our agency’s shining hope: Unknown!”
“You seriously brought her here without any warning!?”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re not at fault here, Unknown. Isa’s at fault for practically kidnapping such a topical artist. Hey, reflect on yourself.”
“Sorry, I guess?”

There wasn’t even a hint of sincerity from that, so I turned to my side, grabbed her head with one hand, and tightly exerted pressure on her temples with all my strength. She let out a shriek that isn’t appropriate for public broadcast, but I could care less about that.

“Is it just me, or am I seeing something really nostalgic here?”
“Honestly, you seem pretty adaptable if that’s your only reaction.”

Isami and I have always been like this since childhood. And this radio personality right before us is one of the pleasure seekers of the rogue’s den. So I know that this wouldn’t faze her. However, this is technically our first meeting.

“Still, to think that the rumored Unknown would make an appearance like this. Is your head alright?”
“Strangely, it’s surprisingly comfortable.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”

Don’t worry, I understood exactly what you meant. Still, this box has such a great fit, so there’s no need to worry about the eye holes mis-aligning due to movement. And yet it also doesn’t feel cramped, nor is it suffocating; the craftsmanship really takes center stage. Moreover, it even has a hole on the back to let my ponytail out.

“How much did it cost?”
“About this much.”

From the number of fingers Isami raised on one hand and her circle gesture on the other, we were able to guess the price. It’s so stupidly expensive that both of us were left speechless. This material is definitely not cardboard. I’m absolutely sure it’s made of some other stuff now.

“Man, does getting popular make it easier to use money?”
“It’s a stupid use of money, at least, And I can somewhat guess that the one who created this intentionally made it with special materials.”
“They probably did some sly stuff like demanding a large sum because of the unprompted effort put behind it.”
“That actually was what happened, so I kicked the idiot with a smile.”

It’s rare for Isami to go for a physical approach. Most of the time, she can just laugh it off, but I guess the asking price was just too high. You’re not any better for commissioning for this to be made, though.

“By the way, this is a live broadcast, right? Shouldn’t you be steering the conversation?”
“Ha, ha, ha! I’ve already given up on that since I saw the two of you!”

The guy who looks like a director over there has his hands over his head. Is this really okay? We’ve only been doing idle chat, you know? I’m perfectly fine keeping it this way, but this would be bad for the program, right?

“It can’t be helped; I’m going to be scolded if I don’t get much information for our listeners. Unknown, are you going to commit to your anonymity?”
” Anne is super shy, you see? You can’t really sing in front of people, right?”
“Okay, you keep your mouth shut. Understand that those loose lips of yours can risk the revelation of secrets.”

She might just say things she shouldn’t, after all. Isami being impossible to control is common knowledge among the rogue’s den. Why did you even think of asking her to come as a guest? Was it an order from the higher ups?

“Alright, we’ve got a question from a listener. Are you male or female?”
“Who knows?”
“You’ve got two impressive things on your chest, so the answer should be apparent.”
“I might just be wearing some humongous pads, you know?”
“If you have the guts to do that, you would be cleared of the shy allegations.”

I’d rather not be some degenerate man who likes padding his breasts and has a white box for a head. And where did the shy allegations even come from? I look to my side and see my smiley childhood friend, who’s absolutely getting a scolding from me later.

“Next question is… There seems to be a lot of questions coming in.”
“All thanks to my popularity!”
“That’s definitely not the case. The Unknown effect is amazing. What are your thoughts about this, Unknown?”
“I want to go home.”
“I’m getting worried about the absolute whiplash in moods, but you two perfectly balance out. I understand you got roped into this, but stay for a while.”

She’s really not holding back. She probably noticed my true identity to some extent. Being a friend of Isami and seeing how close we are, I’m sure she can guess that I’m the rumored Kotone shared among their group chat.

“Next question: What’s the relationship between you two?”
“A friend I can’t get rid of.”
“Best of friends!”

We responded simultaneously but with completely opposite answers. She looks at me with sympathy and Isami with pity, but I’m not saying anything wrong here. Even death couldn’t keep us away, so she actually is a friend I can’t get rid of.

“I can see that you two get along well. On that topic, you also have an acquaintance with Sherry, don’t you?”
“It’s more like she’s always dragging me around. She just keeps advancing things on her own, dammit!”
“Jeez, you seem to have a lot of stress. Haven’t you just vented some time ago?”
“Idiots causing chaos just add to stress; you think I could actually blow off some steam?”
“You say it like you didn’t start the whole thing. Man, I wanted to join in too.”
“If we hadn’t been confined, we could’ve participated too!”

I’m absolutely sure our radio lady would’ve had a video with live commentary shared among the group, so I’m really glad that she didn’t join. Also, you idiots outside the booth, stop nodding in agreement. You guys are well-known, so you wouldn’t have been able to move around as well.

“Whoops, it’s about time for the intermission song. The original plan was to have one of EXIST’s songs played, but…”
“Don’t worry, I can already guess the punchline. Don’t you dare do it!”
“Director! Do you still have Unknown’s data? She’s already here, so no need to get her permission!”

Don’t advance the program without actually asking for the artist’s permission. Ah, Yui is saying something, and I’m sure it’s about the permission; I have to stop her. I was about to leave my chair but my shoulders were held down, and I couldn’t stand.

“Yeah, yeah, give it up already. This is for your own publicity.”
“Anne, we’re going to have all eyes on you so you can’t escape, okay!”

I already knew it, but there are only demons here.


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