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Chapter 178 – Clear Skies at the Graduation ③

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3450 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1688 words
Editor(s): Fire

Release a debut singer before the end of June. This demand was beyond my expectations. I assumed that it would be for us to sing together. So I prepared restrictions to that end, as well as other countermeasures.


Recovering from my confusion, I had to ask Sherry’s goal in doing this. I’ve told her that I won’t perform while I’m still a student. So why does she want me to release a single? I don’t believe that it’s purely for her own personal satisfaction.

“In our line of work, we have a relevancy period. Once it passes, there’s a high chance that you’ll lose popularity. And right now, you’re currently at your peak.”
“Right now?”
“Being unidentified and mysterious, you’re a hot topic. And since we’re acquaintances, every media outlet is naturally out to discover your identity. But what will happen if you continue to do nothing and your relevancy declines?”
“I would just be another fad.”
“Correct. Even if you’re affiliated with an agency, it would be meaningless unless you release songs. For this time, the graduation ceremony can boost your relevancy, so all that’s left is a song.”

You can’t ask me to release a song when I’m still not mentally prepared. I haven’t resolved my internal conflict about this. If I sing in this state, I don’t think I can perform well enough to satisfy the audience.

“In the first place, do you think I can even succeed as a singer?”
“In terms of technique, you still have ways to go.”

I know, right? While I do have experience as Souji, I didn’t really practice with the aim of being a professional singer in mind. It was just my hobby during my student days. Meanwhile, Kotone’s only experience with singing was her music classes.

“However, technique can be improved with specialized training. It was the same in my case. Another factor is how much emotion you can pour into your song. For that in particular, you get passing marks.”
“Emotion, huh.”
“Is there something wrong?”

She noticed my voice turning slightly glum. I only have roughly one month left. Regardless of how much I practice, there’s no telling if I’ll still remain when the time comes. Kotone is also working hard for our future, but we still aren’t sure which of us will remain. Despite my melancholy, for some reason, I was tickled by an urge for mischief.

“Singles generally contain two songs, right?”
“There isn’t a strict rule saying so, but that is how it usually goes.”
‘Isn’t that great, Kotone? You’ll have a song too.’
‘Are you stupid!?’
‘If I’m getting humiliated, then you’ll be on it with me! Don’t underestimate the rogue’s den!’

Who the hell would willingly self-destruct on their own? If it’s something that can’t be avoided, it’s only natural to try to drag someone along with you. Moreover, I don’t even need to look far; I already have a viable candidate within me. There’s no way I would overlook this chance, would I?

‘It’s already been verified that we can switch places. Moreover, since we can prepare for it this time, there should be less risk than before. ‘
‘I won’t come out no matter what!’
‘And I’ll drag you out no matter what, so prepare yourself!’
“By the way, if you refuse this, I won’t cooperate.”
“I’ve already anticipated that; don’t worry.”

We continue yelling at each other in my head, but I’m still keeping an open ear to hear Sherry’s words. By won’t cooperate, she is referring to the new plan. After all, that’s a request from me completely unrelated to the twelve families. Why did this all end up with me asking a personal favor?

“Still, if I were to release a single, there would be a lot of work to do. I don’t know how the agency will react to this, and who knows if the song will be prepared in time.”
“Oh, the agency has likely been silently waiting for your debut, you know? Besides, your composer is the Shiro, right? I don’t believe her to be the type to just sit still waiting.”

She knows the internal workings on our end, huh. Yui would probably be happy to organize a schedule, and I can’t even imagine how many songs Shirose has in stock. I can only pray that they aren’t weird songs.

“If this situation hadn’t come up, what would have been your plan?”
“We’d sing until you said yes.”

My throat would be gone before I could say yes. I imagine that she’d likely drag me to some nearby karaoke shop. How do I say this? Sherry probably doesn’t care about the place as long as she can sing. And with there being only one entrance, escaping would be practically impossible.

“I cannot afford to refuse in this situation, so in regards to the single, I accept.”
“Then I’ll have to respond adequately on my end. I’ll provide full support for this plan of yours.”

Frankly, this plan is impossible to successfully execute alone. Well, it’s not impossible to do alone, but it’ll take so much preparation, and people would probably be taken aback if they witnessed it. With Shirose as the only participating rogue, she’ll be easy to manage, and she’s not the type to act proactively either.

“Considering the location, I want to shoot a music video. Would that be bad, too?”
“I’m going to wear a box.”
“Ah, the box you wore during that radio program, correct. What was that?”

The box casually sits on top of a shelf. I’ve turned its backside to the front, so it should just look like a normal box with a hole at the center. Despite its appearance, it’s an expensive object, so I made sure to clean, disinfect, and deodorize it before putting it there for storage.

“Can I sign on it?”
“You’re probably the only person who can say something like that with a straight face.”

I’d rather not be Sherry’s advertising signboard. If she signs on it, I won’t be able to wear it anymore since we’re in different agencies. That’s my only method of concealing myself, you know? Because lately, I’ve been thinking that it’s probably better than wearing some weird mask.

“Since there will be a music video, will it be a new song?”
“Naturally… is what I’d like to say, but there’s not enough time for that. The most that can be done is to rearrange an existing song for a duet.”
“How long will that take? I’ll need to practice on it, after all.”
“Don’t underestimate me. I’ll be done in three days.”

I feel like that won’t even take three days. And that when it’s done, I’ll likely be abducted. And my special training from hell will begin. Even if I try to escape, she knows my sphere of activity, so it’s probably impossible.

“You’re going to have a hard time from here on, Unknown. After all, you’re going to have a special training session with me while practicing your new song.”
“I can only hope that my throat can take this.”
‘Mister. I know you want me to sing, but there’s no assurance that I’d be prepared by then, you know?’
‘Don’t worry about that. If you can’t make it, then we can just postpone the performance.’
‘Wow, straight to an irrational and high-handed method.’

If anything, the problem would be the risk we incur when Kotone and I switch places. Last time, I lost the ability to move as a side effect, but this time, I plan on having Kotone prepare for it in advance. While this should reduce the risk, I don’t believe for a second that it will completely eliminate the side effects.

‘Besides, wouldn’t it be an issue if other people knew of my existence?’
‘With Shirose, it won’t be a problem. Besides, the rogue’s den folks are mostly insane.’
‘In a sense, you have a lot of trust in them.’

Kotone has seen my memories, so she knows what shenanigans those fools have been up to. The stupid things they’ve done are really hard to believe. Some of them even have zero self-preservation instinct.

“Well, I suppose that ends our strategy planning. Why don’t we have a meal together, Unknown?”
“I politely refuse.”
“No need to be so reserved. I’ll pay for everything.”
“Regardless, I’d like to decline.”

Whether it’s a treat or not, I can already anticipate what will happen after the meal. That is, Karaoke until sunrise. Tomorrow may be a school holiday, but I have a shift. I don’t want to work without any sleep.

“Then I have no choice. I’ll drag you along if I have to.”
“I told you I don’t wanna!”
‘You completely deserve it, mister.’

She grabs my hand and drags me to my room’s entrance. Why are so many twelve family adjacent people so coercive? I guess I have no choice but to surrender. And naturally, secure someone else to drag along. Being alone with Sherry will absolutely be hell.

“Koto~ne. What’s for tonight’s dinner?… Sorry to intrude-”
“She’s off duty tomorrow.”
“You’ll be joining us, then.”

Akane came in with a smile and, upon seeing Sherry’s face, immediately tried to escape, but we secured her. With this, I can have some rest time. I’d like at least one more person here, so maybe I should bring in Rin.

“To think that Kotone would sell me out. But I would have done the same thing, so I can’t really criticize you.”
“Akane. Let’s march to our death together.”

She’d have you sing until your throat gave out, and no one likes that. After successfully dragging Rin along, they apparently continued until sunrise. Insisting that I have work in the morning, I somehow managed to leave at around 3 am.
What I didn’t expect was a glowing Sherry and a half-dead-looking Akane and Rin coming to my room in the morning. This isn’t your house, damn it!


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