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Chapter 175 – Valentines Day Greet Around ⑤ (Part 2)

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2357 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1214 words
Editor(s): Fire

I make a quick bow and exit the faculty room. Still, I didn’t expect that the principal would be in such a state. I always thought of him as someone who could separate his public and private life. Is he just so happy that he can’t control his emotions?

“Ah, now I don’t feel like going in anymore.”

I stand before the principal’s office with extreme hesitation. It’s not that I’m scared. I just feel like it’s going to be troublesome. How do I say this? It feels to me that if I talk to the principal in his current state, he might have another weird request for me.

“Still, I have to hand him one too.”

It’s a fact that the principal has done a lot to accommodate my stay in the academy. Being someone I’m greatly indebted to, there’s no way I can’t give him a token of my gratitude. I muster my courage and open the door. Of course, without knocking. How do I say this? It feels too late to change now.


Before I could call his attention, I was instantly taken aback. That’s just how mushy his face was. This is just too different from his usual expression, in a bad way.

“This certainly makes it hard to get work done.”
“Kisaragi, huh. What is it?”
“Umm, since it’s Valentines, I’m distributing gifts to the people who have been at my aid.”
“Quite admirable of you. And so you came here for that?”
“Yes, that would be the case. More importantly, it’s best you do something about that look on your face. You have not even a pinch of dignity right now.”

His face is one problem, but another is how he didn’t even reprimand me when I came in without knocking. That’s not how it usually goes. It’s a Satsuki family personality trait to be completely impartial in regards to anything. He’s obviously letting his emotions go to his head. This definitely makes work difficult to get done since the whiplash from the principal’s usual behavior is too distracting.

“Principal. If Teacher Saeki saw you right now, I wonder what she would think?”

That’s why I’m going to encourage him a bit. Since I’m partially to blame for him turning out like this. It’s a bit like a stray arrow that went off course. But since I have a part in this, I’ll have to take responsibility. This is reminding me of how I ended up being burdened with trouble in a similar way in the past.

“Working with a permanent grin on your face, being much more lenient than usual. I understand that you’re happy that your love has been requited, but seeing you in such a disgraceful state might cause her disappointment.”
“At least keep your personal life and official matters separate. Basking in your happiness in private is well and good, but please act professionally at work.”
“T-that’s true. I have to pull myself together.”

Why does a high school girl like me have to scold a principal? Our positions are completely reversed, but I guess this is in character for us. No, it might have resulted only in this because I became Kotone.

“Now then, please accept my token of gratitude.”
“In that case, take this.”

As if we were exchanging gifts, he handed me an envelope. After verifying if I can read it now, I got a yes, so I opened the envelope and saw inside an invitation letter. For a wedding ceremony, at that.

“For me?”
“If possible, I want you to give a speech.”
“Oi, wait a sec.”
“It’s all thanks to you that Shizuru and I got together. For that, Shizuru and I agreed to ask for a speech.”
“There’s no way I can just honestly talk about how you two got hitched.”

There’s no way I can speak about how you used me as talking material so that you two would have something in common. It’s the wedding of a third son from one of the twelve families, so important people are sure to be there. Like hell I can expose the principal in that kind of place.

“I’d appreciate it if you re-adjust the details a bit.”
“I never said that I’d accept.”

Why is he continuing under the premise that I’ll surely be there? As usual, the twelve families don’t care to confirm one’s agreement, only forcing the conversation’s progress. It’s the same with every family. Listen to me for a bit.

“Shizuru also asked if you could sing that song at the ceremony.”
“Please don’t add more unreasonable requests.”

That’s weird. Why am I being requested to sing and speak at a wedding ceremony when I only came here to give a Valentine’s gift? Well, it is related to love, so it does fit with the theme of the day. Still, this is too much for me.

“I accept the invitation, but I refuse to give a speech and perform in public.”
“You cannot refuse.”
“Please don’t abuse your authority as principal against a student. The speech aside, I will be hiding my face, so performing the song is impossible.”
“For the speech, I only need to designate you by name. That will be enough to make it inescapable.”

As was the case before, a named invitation from the twelve families cannot be refused. And if Kotone’s name is called on the day, it will have to be done. Every one of these twelve family members really aren’t picky with their methods. I admire how the principal is putting in effort for his beloved’s sake, but don’t drag others into this.

“It will be on… the first week of May, is it? So I have until then to fabricate a story for the speech.”
“That’s not a nice way to put it. That aside, as for the song performance…”
“Can it be pre-recorded?”
“Live performance, if possible.”
“In that case, I’ll do it for as long as you clear me of my debt to you. Also, please shoulder everything that I will request of you.”

Since we’re doing this, then I’ll prepare with all I have. Either way, there’s no telling which one of us will be left by then. Having everything all prepared and then leaving the rest for the future isn’t a bad idea. This is all the principal’s fault, after all.

“I don’t really mind, but do you plan on doing something big?”
“Who’s fault do you think it is that I have to push myself this time?”

I’ll have to ask for the rogues den’s help as well. I have no idea how much the commission fee is going to be. I don’t plan on leaving debts behind, so I’ll have the principal shoulder all the expenses. Lastly, there’s only one thing I can say:

‘Do your best, future me.’
‘Please be aware of how irresponsible that statement is, mister.’

From the fact that she doesn’t stop me, it seems like even Kotone thinks that it can’t be helped. This will probably end up being Kotone’s first major undertaking. Yup, this is going to be fun.


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