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Chapter 174 – Valentines Day Greet Around ④

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3286 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1550 words
Editor(s): Fire

Lunch break ended with Minadzuki grumbling to me. He told me to remember this, but I have no idea what I should remember. While I did tease him a bit, I didn’t really do anything bad.

“Now, what to do?”

As the classes ended, I was conflicted on what I should do next. If I carelessly charge in right now, I might just endanger myself. Hadzuki, I should be able to manage. So the one I need to watch out for is Aya.

“Actually, maybe I should make the first move.”

One thing I can do is attempt to outplay their plan with lightning speed, then attack and retreat. To put it simply, I make it so they won’t have time to think, hand over the chocolate, and run. For that, I’ll need to buy something at the school store.

“Hadzuki, are you present?”
“Yes, ye~s. I’ve been waiting for you, Kotone.”

After dropping by the school store, I went to the upperclassmen’s floor. For the underclassmen, I didn’t know which class they were in, but with the upperclassmen, I know where they all are. I first went to the less troublesome Hadzuki.

“You seem to have some unusual expectations, but it’s basically a friendship chocolate.”
“It’s more of a cookie, isn’t it? Well, I’d be troubled if you handed me a serious Valentine chocolate.”

Love between two eldest children of the twelve families—who knows how many obstacles there are to overcome? Actually, I can’t even imagine Hadzuki and I being in that sort of relationship. Both of us think being friends is good enough.

“Since you’ve been a great help for me, I suppose I’ll have to thoroughly return the favor this coming White Day, then.”
“No need to put much effort into it. I’m fine with something ordinary, please.”
“Ha, ha, ha! That’s non-negotiable, you see.”

What are you scheming? Besides, White Day is so close to your graduation. I don’t recommend doing something stupid before graduation, you know? I speak from experience as someone who was bound and immobilized during my graduation day. I was tied up with a rope during the diploma awarding; I didn’t expect that they’d make me go get my diploma while a teacher is holding the other end of the rope.

“Even if I don’t put in a lot of effort, I’m sure the others will be doing so.”
“Please don’t taunt them.”
“The boys are more docile than the girls, so personally, I think a bit of taunting would do just right.”

Those that are sure to cause trouble are: Hadzuki, Aya, and me. However, it’s mainly the girls like Kotori and Rin who tend to ride with the waves. If I have to say, the boys seem to occupy the stopper role.

“It’s great how everyone knows how to go with the mood.”
“There’s a difference in mental stress between those who regret it later and those who enjoy it regardless.”
“Nagatsuki is the former, Minadzuki is on middle ground, and the younger Nagatsuki is the latter. Quite telling of their personalities.”

“The older brother and the younger brother make a good balance in the case of those siblings.”
“The siblings really do strike a good balance. The honest and straightforward older brother and the scheming younger brother that supports him from the shadows.”

“Lately, I have a feeling that the little brother has his eyes on me for some reason.”
“Hmm, but I don’t believe he’ll proactively get involved with you, to be honest. Rather, he must be showing caution towards you. Being that you’re an unpredictable runaway train.”

So it’s that, huh. Since he’s the cunning and systematic type, he’s similar to Hadzuki. However, spec-wise, he’s one level inferior to Hadzuki. In other words, he’s weak against sudden and unpredictable situations. And he’s aware of it himself, which is why he’s vigilant against me.

“Now then, wild runaway train. How long do you plan on buying yourself time?”
“I suppose this is the most I can do to keep them waiting. If I don’t strike before they send a scout, it’ll probably result in trouble.”
“As I thought, you do have something planned. Still, I’m not coming with you.”
“That’s unexpected.”

It’ll definitely be interesting, so I was convinced that Hadzuki would come with me. Since it’s her class vs. me, I’d lose when it comes to pure numbers. Because of that, it would be greatly appreciated if I had the ingenious Hadzuki on my side. Who I can then sacrifice when push comes to shove.

“Their class is merciless against me, you see. It’s nerve-wracking in a place with no safe zone.”
“Kishita is on their side as well, so it’s a big disadvantage that they know my habits and moves.”
“If it’s only Aya, then they’ll still be manageable. But with Kaori supporting them on the strategic front, I alone won’t probably be enough to even the odds.”

In general, Aya doesn’t really try to anticipate other people’s plans. Her usual tactic is to charge right through and rip the enemy plan to shreds. If we had the same resources, then I likely wouldn’t lose, but I’m at an overwhelming disadvantage this time.

“I fear that Kishita already knows my plan.”
“In that case, what will you do? Will you try to outwit them?”
“I’ll blitz through at full speed. Attack, retreat, and escape.”
“That’s a valid tactic, but you might end up susceptible to obstruction.”
“It’s a known fact that speed-types are weak against obstruction. All else will depend on conjecture.”

If I’m going to be obstructed, then I just have to plan around the obstructions. In this situation, I have to set an escape route that will absolutely lead to escape. Still, since they’re in a classroom, the only paths available are the front and back doors. The important part will be how to secure a path inside.

“I wonder what schemes lie in store. After all, Kotone, I’m sure you will probably use both trickery and brute force.”
“I believe this time will lean on the brute force approach. Well then, I’ll have to depart now.”

He really isn’t coming along, huh. In the past, I thought that Hadzuki had difficulty dealing with Aya, but that’s not right. It’s her class that he actually has a hard time dealing with. If they attack him all at once, even Hadzuki can’t come out on top.

“Now then, it’s time to make my move.”

I slightly open the back door and observe the situation inside. Everyone is present and sitting in their seats, like they’re waiting for the homeroom teacher to arrive. Homeroom was already done long ago, so it’s seriously bizarre.

“Really, how did she organize them? Ah, I got noticed. Whoop.”

One student noticing me isn’t enough. I knocked on the door, attracting several people’s attention. At the same time, I threw a certain object through the gap of the door, as if it was a grenade. In reality, it was just a bar of chocolate.

‘First come, first served!’

I stuck a message on the chocolate bar I bought from the school store, and the students who saw it reacted immediately. Like dogs commanded to wait for hours, they instantly jumped towards the snack that landed before them. Both boys and girls scrambled for it, but is this really alright?

“It’s convenient, though.”

After confirming that they took the bait, I rushed to the front door. I take action while they’re still in chaos. I opened the door and immediately found my target. I arbitrarily guessed that she’s probably on the teacher’s table, and I was right.

“Here, have this!”
“Ah-, wai-!?”

Don’t give the enemy any time to think. That’s the essence of blitzkrieg tactics. I forcefully made Aya’s hand hold the cookies, immediately turned around, and sprinted to the door I came through. I see that Kishita is already in the middle of closing the door. But I already anticipated that.

“Sorry, I need to go through!”

As the door was being closed, it suddenly stopped moving while leaving a small open gap. I slipped my fingers into that gap and forced it wide open. In the battle between the grip strength of fingers and the power of a whole hand, the latter obviously wins.

“Perfect victory!”
“There will be pursuers, so please take care.”

Before I went in, I left an empty bottle of water between the door frame and the door. That’s why there was a gap when the door was closed. Kishita should be able to handle the rest. I really appreciate the warning, though.

“If I escape, it’s my win.”
“I’ll remember this!”

I hear the yapping of a sore loser, but I’m already a fair distance away from Aya’s class. Even if they chase me down, once I reach my next destination, my victory is secured. Normally, students hesitate to enter that place. The faculty room, to be exact.

“This is easy compared to the rogues’ den.”

With them, I’m sure I’d be captured the moment I charged inside. Now then, all that’s left are the adults.


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