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Chapter 173 – Valentines Day Greet Around ③

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3677 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1853 words
Editor(s): Fire

I quickly finished my lunch and arrived at the freshmen’s floor. Why am I getting so many eyes on me? I don’t come to this floor often, so I guess they’re just curious about me? It doesn’t feel like they’re scared of me, so I guess I can ignore this.

“Come to think of it, I don’t actually know where Rin and other other underclassmen’s classrooms are.”
“And that’s where I come into play.”

For some reason, the younger Nagatsuki is right next to me. No, seriously, since when were you here? There wasn’t anyone next to me up until now, right? The other underclassmen have been keeping their distance. It shouldn’t be an issue to talk to them, so I was just about to ask.

“First off, here.”
“Thank you very much. But I don’t really think we’ve interacted that much, Ms. Kisaragi.”
“I simply thought that it would be unfair to give to your older brother without giving to you as well.”

I have no memory of the Nagatsuki siblings helping me out. That’s why I decided that if I’m giving chocolates; I have to give to both of them. Besides, if I give chocolates to everyone of the twelve families except for the Nagatsuki-family, it might become a cause for conflict.

“So, why have you been waiting for me?”
“My brother messaged me that he received chocolate from you. So I thought that you might come find me, too.”
“You could have waited in your classroom, you know?”
“I play the role of someone helping out behind the scenes, and I like following up for other people.”

Now, should I take this? The older brother takes action on the frontlines, while the younger one supports him from behind the scenes. Normally, you could say that the younger Nagatsuki cares a lot for his older brother, but it’s someone from the twelve families we’re dealing with. Won’t be as simple as that.

“Keep the scheming to the minimum, alright?”
“I knew that you would have noticed.”

Manipulating the situation from the shadows in order for it to be convenient for both him and his brother’s agenda. That’s likely the way younger Nagatsuki works. Previously, I felt something unusual about how conveniently Nagatsuki appeared before me. It was probably because this guy gave him information.

“Still, Ms. Kisaragi, as you currently are, you’re at the same danger level as the senior upperclassmen, so I refrain from interfering with you.”
“Please don’t suddenly categorize me as a dangerous individual.”
“I’d appreciate it if you had more self-awareness. If I carelessly meddle with you, a number of people will probably come rushing out.”

Nothing’s going to happen for as long as there’s no malice behind it. However, if it’s ever noticed that I’m throwing down with someone, I imagine that the other twelve families and the rogues den would join the fight. That’ll cause a lot of damage.

“That reminds me, I don’t actually know your name.”
“You’re quite thick skinned to say that to someone right at their face. I’m Kazuhito. By the way, my older brother’s name is Takehito.”
“Thank you for the follow up. I always call him Nagatsuki, so I completely forgot his first name.”
“I thought that was the case. You haven’t said my brother’s name even once, after all.”

I have no reason to use it after all. Besides, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a situation with both Nagatsuki brothers present. I don’t know if they’re just being considerate or something, but for some reason, I never encounter them together. That’s why there was no need to differentiate them by name.

“Well then, please guide me to Rin’s classroom.”
“For Rin, it’s right over there.”

Still, why are there more onlookers when I’m just walking along the hallway with the younger Nagatsuki? We aren’t talking about anything particularly interesting, either. Is it just that unusual for an upperclassman to be on this floor?

“Rin, Ms. Kisaragi is calling for you.”
“Koto-nee? Do you need something from me?”
“Yes. Here, your Valentine’s day chocolate cookies.”
“Thank you very much. Was that all?”
“That was all. I didn’t really have any other business with you.”

The only reason I’d need the underclassmen group’s attention is when Aya’s chasing after me and I need help. That kind of situation has yet to happen. Generally, she’s one of the most well-behaved when inside the academy.

“Nonetheless, both you and Kazuhito are quite different from usual.”

Like, normally, they don’t really act this courteously. It’s not only their way of speaking that’s well-behaved, but also the way they act.

“Koto-nee, I don’t want to hear that from you.”

In my case, I don’t really change the way I behave. Only the way I speak. And yet, why am I here being indirectly told that I’m different from my normal behavior?

“Ms. Kisaragi is, after all, the type who suddenly becomes more active under certain circumstances.”
“Koto-nee is the type to have sudden outbursts, so she’s not much different from Sister Aya, and it’s quite troubling.”
“I don’t remember ever dragging you two into trouble.”
“Rather, please don’t. I already have my hands full with my sister alone.”

Who’s the one that has been roped into my antics the most? I can’t really recall anything impressionable, but considering how much we’re together, it’s likely to be Kaori. But, maybe that isn’t the case. There’s no telling what’ll happen in the future.

“With the field trip and the New Years, you’ve been up to a lot of antics, after all. On our end, we really need to enhance our crisis control capabilities.”
“In regards to New Years, it was quite enjoyable, wasn’t it? Rin.”
“It was fun, but I’m genuinely grateful that I wasn’t a part of that last big uproar.”

I knew it, even though I was able to stop the footage from leaking to the news stations, I couldn’t stop the leak of information to other channels. Still, I don’t think anyone can uncover the truth behind my relationship with the rogues den. At most, they’re probably thought of as extras I hired with money.

“Ms. Kisaragi seems to have a lot of mysterious connections.”
“My relationship with them is a complicated one, you see. To the extent that even I hesitate to ask for their help.”
“It seemed to me like you were quite happy to join forces with them.”

They even got the footage? Don’t tell me, did Hadzuki leak the footage to close acquaintances? As pure entertainment, it should be relatively enjoyable. But it seems like the thought of her possibly being in that situation is scaring her.

“Now then, shall we go for the main dish among the underclassmen? Where is Minadzuki’s class?”
“Right next door. Rin, what will you do?”
“Since Koto-nee put it that way, then there’s no reason for me to not tag along. After all, unlike ours, Koto-nee seems to have something planned for Minadzuki.”

If they find something interesting, they’ll immediately be on board. That’s the Shimotsuki family. It’s not like it’s something I have to keep a secret. What I’m going to give Minadzuki could be considered special treatment in the eyes of others, but for Minadzuki himself, it’s nothing more than a nuisance.

“The nightmare’s here.”
“What a rude thing to say the first time we meet today.”
“I’m already exhausted enough this Valentines Day, even before you arrived.”
“I can guess why.”

Unlike the younger Nagatsuki and Rin, Minadzuki is in normal working order. Still, it does feel like he’s trying to be attentive with the way he’s speaking. Well, if he doesn’t hold his venom tongue back against the other students, he’ll likely be isolated.

“Then don’t hand me anything, please.”
“No no, please accept it.”

If I don’t give it to you, then me going all the way to your classroom would be all for nothing. Unlike the others, I hand Minadzuki a chocolate that’s encased in an actual box. With just that, Minadzuki’s face crumpled. You really hate it that much?

“How do I even explain it to Kiyose?”
“It’s merely an obligatory friendship chocolate. No need for worry, is there?”
“Even that’s enough to fuel her burning jealousy.”

I’m seriously impressed that Minadzuki can endure that. And it’s not like she has something on him. If there is anything, maybe she has his love? Both of them are aware of each other’s feelings, so I really don’t understand why Kiyose gets so worried.

“I made sure to include a countermeasure for Kiyose, so there’s no need for concern.”
“Ms. Kisaragi including a countermeasure, that doesn’t sound good at all.”
“You’ll understand once you open the box.”

As Minadzuki hesitantly opens the box, Rin and the younger Nagatsuki go behind him to take a peek. They must be really curious about it—about what countermeasure I had for Kiyose.

“If she’s quite the jealous type, then I simply have to give my blessing instead.”
“That’s completely unrelated to Valentines!”

He instantly slammed the box close. Inside the box is a mix of white chocolate and a strawberry coated chocolate. Its appearance is modeled after the festive red and white stripes. And on that chocolate bar, there’s a message engraved:

『May you find happiness.』

This should please, and maybe even delight, the jealous Kiyose. I’m completely ignoring Minadzuki’s feelings on this matter, though. His face is bright red as he’s objecting to it, but I don’t know if it’s from anger or embarrassment.

“I personally think cheering for people’s love is in line with the spirit of Valentine’s Day.”
“As expected of Koto-nee. Your methods are nasty.”
“Looking at it from another angle, it’s a blessing from the eldest daughter of one of the twelve. That further secures the status of the relationship.”

On my part, I’m just doing it to deflect Kiyose’s jealousy. Also, because I wanted to see how Minadzuki would react. Still, this plan has a fatal flaw. It won’t work unless Minadzuki tells her that this chocolate is my gift for both of them.

“Best of luck, future husband. And don’t forget to send me a video proof of her opening up.”
“This is just plain punishment!”

That’s rude. I’m actually giving you my blessing, you know? But I am honestly looking forward to what kind of video it’ll be. And I’m curious how Kiyose is going to react.

“With this, she should no longer care about the other chocolates, so it’ll be fine.”
“I’m going to receive fatal damage from this.”
“Please push through with sheer will.”

Thanks to that, I was able to obtain the ability to tolerate most things, you see. Besides, if you max out Kiyose’s intimacy meter, she should stop being jealous so often. Though this is probably wishful thinking.

The video came one week later, but I honestly don’t want to remember it. Kiyose’s glare at the beginning was just too scary.


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