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Chapter 171 – Valentines Day Greet Around (Part 1)

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3317 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1541 words
Editor(s): Fire

We arrived inside campus premises, so I put on my mask as usual. I’m only changing the way I speak, but you can’t underestimate how effective it is. Regardless of which Kotone remains, I’ll have to keep my reputation among the students stable. I have to avoid having a similar reputation to the previous Kotone, or the one I had during my rogues den days.

“Already giving out chocolates this morning?”
“We’ll pass by Kotori’s class on the way, so I’ll give it to her if she’s there.”
“I can already smell trouble from the get go.”

Don’t jinx it. Kaori will probably come with me to Kotori’s place. As I opened my shoe rack, there were several unfamiliar boxes inside. It’s that, huh. Valentine’s gifts for me.

“What do you mean why? You of all people should know that certain people might have a liking for you.”
“But I’m a girl, you know?”
“And didn’t you just give me a chocolate earlier?”

It’s just a symbol of my gratitude. It’s called a friendship chocolate precisely because it’s between friends. However, among those I got, there’s some in a heart-shaped box. It’s clearly the type you give to someone you’re romantically interested in, isn’t it?

“No need to think about it too hard. The chocolate is free of sin.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but some underclassmen are coming our way.”

Again, why? The only underclassmen I’ve interacted with are those from the twelve families, like Rin and Minadzuki. I practically had no significant interactions with the other underclassmen. And yet, no matter how you look at it, I see several of them headed straight to me.

“Ms. Kisaragi! Please accept this!”
“Umm, thank you.”

Despite my confusion, there wasn’t any reason to refuse, so I accepted it. Kaori watches over this while trying to stifle her laughter. She probably finds it funny how I have no idea why I’m getting these for Valentines.

“Thanks to your previous work as a member of the student council, the underclassmen find you really reliable.”
“What did I do?”
“C’mon, didn’t you mediate when a problem broke out during the ball games?”
“That was partly my fault to begin with, so it was only natural for me to intervene.”

I had some fault in the conflict with Kirigamine, after all. Though even without that, as a member of the student council, I still probably would’ve arbitrated anyway. I guess that was enough to make me reliable to the underclassmen. There might have been some other reasons, but I don’t remember anything.

“Oh well, you lacking self-awareness isn’t anything new.”
“That’s quite a loaded statement there.”
“It’s your fault for not being self-aware enough.”

I do actually pay some attention to people’s image of me, but for me, I’m satisfied as long as I don’t hear much negativity. I don’t go out of my way to find positive rumours about me. At most, I just pray that Kotori hasn’t been saying anything weird about me.

“Ah, Kishita. You came at a good time. Actually, I-…”
“I’m sorry, Kotone. I won’t be accepting anything right now.”

Tch, she got the first move. I was planning to give Kishita both her and Aya’s share so I wouldn’t need to go to their classroom. That class has a similar atmosphere to that of the rogues den, you know? Maybe they got contaminated. Though compared to the rogues den, only a small percent of them are contaminated.

“If I, hypothetically, forcefully handed this to you, what would you do?”
“Several people might barge into your classroom and attempt a kidnapping. Under Aya’s instructions.”
“At this point, maybe I should just chuck this in Aya’s classroom? Just with her name on it.”
“Like throwing a hand grenade to the class waiting for sortie. It’ll signal the start of hostilities, so please hand it to her normally.”

She put her hands on my shoulders and pleaded with me, so I couldn’t refuse. Also, her glare has intense pressure behind it, which further convinces me that I shouldn’t act carelessly. I guess I’m being sacrificed, then. What about the time?

“Then, I’ll give hers after class.”
“I’ll relay the message to her. And thank you very much. The class has been preparing for action this whole time, it’s really uncomfortable to be there.”

Why does it sound like they’re some military unit? Like I thought, their class has a slightly similar scent to the den. But it’s different in their case. Aya’s class seems to have more unity. In the case of the rogues den, it’s mainly individual cooperation.

“Well then, see you later.”

We parted before the staircase, and Kaori and I headed to Kotori’s classroom. Which is just right next to the staircase, actually.

“Kotone! You came by!”

Before I could call for her, Kotori ran up to us, which was expected. However, the large box she has in her arms is a bit unexpected. I wouldn’t mind it even if it was just a tad smaller, you know?

“Here, have these . Sweets for Valentine’s Day, as thanks for all that you’ve done for me.”

I hand Kotori a small bag with some decorative wrapping. I’m also saying a bit more compared to the others to prevent any weird misunderstanding. If I tell her something like, “I made it with love,” Kotori would probably faint from excitement. Not that I’d ever do it.

“Thank you very much! In that case, this is from me. I’ve made it with a lot of love!”
“T-Thank you.”
“And this is yours, Kaori.”

Is it me, or is mine three times bigger than Kaori’s? But I don’t have the courage to say it out loud. And is it me or does my chocolate weigh a lot heavier. Not just physically.

“Kotone, I’ll keep this safe and treasure it forever!”
“No, it will eventually expire, so I would rather that you eat it soon.”
“I can store it forever if I dry freeze, can’t I?”
“Make sure to eat it, alright?!”
“… Understood.”

You don’t need to be that conflicted about it. Why do I have to emphasize that you have to eat it this much? At worst, I feel like you’d use it as room decor like some madman. Please don’t do that.

“That reply really isn’t giving me any comfort.”
“Can’t be helped, it’s Kotori, after all.”

It feels like you’re done for once you react like that. Once you are no longer wary of Kotori’s actions, things might just develop in dangerous directions. Even now, she seems to be keeping a close eye on my moves.

“Incidentally, how were the ski resort photos?”

I intentionally avoided that topic, you know. Uwah, Kotori just has a mushy grin on her face, the kind you can’t show in public. This class seems to be quite used to it, though.

“They did great work. The photography team was rewarded with a special bonus and a special holiday.”
“That’s quite generous.”
“They provided wonderful results, so it was only natural to reward them.”

Now I understand why those people went far and beyond. The Fumidzuki family properly rewards you in accordance with your work results. With that in mind, they’re able to work that hard. Another reason is probably because they just want to see Kotori happy.

“Kotori, good girl.”

Let me pat her head. Doing this makes me feel like I’m petting a puppy. It’s comforting for me, and for Kotori… Yeah, she once again has an expression not fit for the public eye. The people around us are either smiling warmly or wryly.

“I’d appreciate it if you send me a copy of the final edit later.”
“Of course! I’ll share it with Kaori too!”

Not keeping everything for herself is Kotori’s virtue. However, why do I have the feeling that I’m going to be seeing it with her as well? It should be less stressful than the song festival from before. After all, I’m only snowboarding.

“I wonder why, but I really have a bad feeling about this.”
“What’s the matter?”

With the goggles and cap, my face is covered. My figure is also well concealed thanks to the snow wear. With those perfect conditions in place, I’m sure there would be people who’ll want to make use of it for Unknown. And the editing was done by the Fumidzuki family, the quality is assured.

“I can’t get rid of the evidence!”
“What dangerous thing are you talking about?”

If Yui, no, the rogues den fools sniff it out, I’m done for! Taking the data from Kotori is practically impossible, and with those guys being as good as police dogs, I can’t imagine that they’d miss it. I’m completely toast.

“Kaori. Where can happiness be found, I wonder?”
“Hey, are you really alright!?”

As I was saying weird things with a distant gaze, Kaori’s voice had a genuine tone of concern. It’s alright; I’m still thinking straight. Anyhow, let me forget about the unlikely future; what’s important is the present.

I need to show my gratitude.


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