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Chapter 167 – Keep the Memory in Your Heart

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3344 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1528 words
Editor(s): Fire

Unable to endure the fact that I’m naked, I hurried out of the bath and changed into my clothes. I’m really glad Mister didn’t choose a yukata. Though since she feels the same way as I do, I do trust that she wouldn’t wear one. Still, there’s precedent of Mister being weak against persuasion.

“Hmm, boring.”

I’m wearing monochrome striped pajamas. While it’s not something for show, don’t we have anything slightly better? Well, that extremely gaudy sleepwear the second me chose isn’t really any better. Honestly, both of them are extreme.

“You didn’t have to run like that.”
“I already reached my personal limit.”
“You’re one sheltered girl.”

Following me, Kaori also left the bath, but was she able to properly warm her body? I know that she came to talk and not to take a bath, but she might catch a cold if she leaves the bath with her body not warmed in this season.

“So, continuing from earlier…”
“Since we’re here, why don’t we sit down?”

Outside the dressing room, there’s a large rest area. Now then, should I have ice cream or something to drink? I contemplate my choice in front of two vending machines. I have no hesitation in using Mister’s money. After all, they’re also my possessions.

“Cold! But tasty!”
“You two aren’t that different in this regard, huh.”

I chose a soda ice pop. It’s cheap but the refreshing taste fills my mouth. It’s my first time eating frozen treats like this. Back at home, I wasn’t even allowed to eat ice cream right after taking a bath. It’s probably fine now. Rather, Mister would probably be allowed to do most things.

“Can I continue our conversation?”
“Of course.”
“Why did you give an instant yes?”

I knew she would find that unusual. Mister has been having difficulty deciding on her future career path, but in reality, she has no issue in terms of pure options. However, this comes with the demerit of having to rely on the rogue’s den people. In other words, it’s a path that continues from her past. And that isn’t what Mister desires.

“One reason is because mister really treasures the current me. She believes that relying on her past to pave the future isn’t proper.”
“She wants it to be Kotone’s own future, I see.”
“That’s right. I personally don’t mind either way for as long as she’s happy.”
“If the two of you were separate people, I’m sure you two would be dating.”

That might have been a possible path. But it’s a path that has long been cut off, proven by the mere existence of the present. Besides, I feel this way towards Mister precisely because we share one body right now.

“The other is to gain a primary occupation. The future of being a singer has already been cemented; it cannot be avoided. If so, an occupation that will hinder our singer activities is necessary; an occupation that will force it to the sidelines.”
“But don’t you have other choices? Like, you know, taking over as family head?”
“That is a future that both of us refuse to take. I have already given up on everything once. Mister isn’t originally a part of me, so she doesn’t believe herself to be worthy of succeeding.”

Certainly, if I succeed as the next heir, that will put a significant limit on my ability to perform as an artist. However, we’re not desperate to the point of choosing a path we don’t desire. Being a singer is not a profession we loathe to the point where we’d turn back on our principles.

“I’m honestly not enthusiastic about it, but I don’t believe the Shimotsuki family would let go of us so easily.”
“An unenthusiastic singer, huh. Is that really okay?”
“I have no confidence in regards to that. However, I’m sure mister will be able to sing at full force.”

I’m sure she’ll tackle it earnestly as she always does. If it’s a pre-recorded performance, she should be able to ignore her surroundings with enough focus. However, live performances are absolutely impossible. This is mainly due to my disposition.

“Kotone is pretty knowledgeable about music too. Actually, she’s generally capable of everything.”
“She considers herself a master of none.”
“The worst thing is that she has no self-awareness of how out of the norm she is.”

I know part of it is my talent, but Mister is talented and capable to begin with, and much of what she does proves against a lack of mastery. While she doesn’t think of it as much, acting as if what she has done is normal, Mister is clearly not on the normal side of things. Most of the twelve families act similarly, though, so I don’t think of it much either.

“For those reasons, your proposition, Kaori, is a godsend for us. Honestly, if you hadn’t asked, Mister might have begged for it instead.”
“But it won’t be anytime soon. I still have a lot to learn at vocational school, after all.”
“We’re considering the pursuit of higher education as well. We’re going to focus on studies until graduation.”

Mister found employment immediately after graduating high school, so he doesn’t have any university experience. However, as a member of the twelve families, she is obligated to graduate from a university. The only thing to worry about is how strong Mister’s ability to attract people is. And what ensuing chaos this will result in.

“It’s still a year away, though.”
“A year’s a short time, you know? A lot happened since I met Kotone, but the passage of time is really fast.”

A lot of things happened—things that Kaori does and doesn’t know. Among them are situations that would have never occurred or could not be overcome without Mister’s presence. And I’m sure this will continue in the future.

“Well, we’re done talking about the future, so what should we do next?”
“Aren’t we going to sleep now?”
“We got the chance to meet, so it’d be a waste to just end it here. Want to try playing ping pong?”

I honestly would rather not get more accustomed to my current body. If my synchronization score increases, it might cause problems for Mister. At this rate, there’s a risk that we might end up switching places at random. Still…

“What will be the wager?”
“If I win, treat me to ice cream. If you win, you’ll get juice. How’s that?”
“I accept.”

Still, if Mister was awake, I’m sure she would tell me not to waste this opportunity. If any problems occur, then I’ll simply have to resolve them as usual. It isn’t as if I’ll be unable to do what I have been doing until now. Regardless of the difficulty, it’s my role to resolve things. That’s why I don’t want to make a choice I’ll regret.

“Fu fu fu, have you forgotten about mister’s incredible athleticism?”
“Kotone, you’re jinxing yourself.”

Despite my appearance, I was able to put up a good fight against Mister when I was young. With that considered, even if I have a hard time against Kaori, the chance of me losing is nearly zero. I’ll be taking my juice.

The result: I lost.

“The choco bar of victory! Delicious!”
“Sexual remarks are unfair!”
“Ha ha ha, not listening to a loser’s grumblings!”

I was actually winning at first. However, Kaori caught up and overtook me using an unexpected secret attack: repeated sexual comments. Where did she learn to use such an underhanded method? This is definitely Mister’s fault.

“Grrr, then let’s battle with that next!”
“Air hockey, right? Challenge accepted!”

When was the last time I actually played with a friend like this? That girl, who was my only friend, has long left for a faraway country, and we have yet to contact each other. I don’t know how Kaori thinks of me, but I consider her a friend.

“Your unfair methods won’t work on me this time.”
“Are you sure about that?”

That look—she’s scheming something. Other than sexual remarks, what else will she pull? Since there is a fair distance between us, she won’t be able to physically hinder me. In that case, her choice of options is limited to psychological attacks.

“Too bad you weren’t wearing a yukata; otherwise, I would’ve seen your cleavage with how you’re posing right now.”
“Regardless of what plan you come up with, I know that you’re weak against sexual stuff!”
“Because Kotone is the same!”

I completely missed the timing, resulting in the puck slamming into my goal. Kuh! To think that Kaori would continue to use such an unfair trick. I didn’t think she was the type to be greedy for victory. Maybe she really was influenced by Mister.

Forgetting about the present and the future, the two of us continue to play. I don’t know how exactly this will end. But I feel that this precious memory will allow me to push onward.


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