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Chapter 163 – Agents from the Fumidzuki ②

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3036characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1474 words
Editor(s): Fire

Now, what should I do about this? In the first place, what do they mean by ‘aggressive movements’? While I have gotten used to moving around, it’s not like I can ride well as well as a veteran. It can’t be; do they want me to jump?

“Who left this here?”
“It’s someone from the table next to us. They seem to be connected to Kotori.”

Well that’s pretty close. Hearing Miyako’s reply, I didn’t want to turn their way, but I really have to check. Looking at the neighboring table, there are four women who look like normal guests at first glance. If only they didn’t have a camera facing me. Get permission first, dammit.

“Are you from the camera team?”
“Yes. By the young lady’s orders, we have come to undertake this task.”
“What camera team?”
“Maids of the Fumidzuki family that specialize in camera work. They are in charge of taking records of her growth since childhood, as well as documentation and filming for special events.”

I remember them since they kept taking pictures of me on my previous visit to the Fumidzuki residence. So they’re one of them, huh. The other three seem taken aback, but it’s completely normal for the twelve families to have weird groups like theirs.

“What happened to Kotori?”
“After overpowering the master, she was defeated by the madam and had to concede this trip. In her place, we were asked to record your endeavors, Lady Kotone.”
“Oh Kotori, she never changes.”

Harumi, look at my twitching cheeks and take a hint. I’m the one most affected here. I have no idea why Kotori is so obsessed with me. There are many other cool women in the world. How will she react if I turn into the original Kotone?

‘I’d really appreciate it if she loses interest in us.’ While I was entertaining such thoughts, Kotone suddenly answered my question.

‘You’ll lose a friend.’
‘I don’t normally mind having friends, but I’d rather have to deal with Kotori whenever she’s with you.’

She’s so excitable, after all. It doesn’t help that she has the same aura as a lonely puppy when you ignore her. And when you talk to her, she behaves like an excited puppy wagging its tail. It’s an endless loop.

“So, what exactly do you mean by aggressive movements?”
“We would greatly appreciate it if you performed a few snowboarding tricks.”
“Just what are you asking from an amateur?”
“It’ll be alright. As a member of the twelve families, you should be capable of most things.”

What’s with that weird confidence you have? As I said before, even the members of the twelve families have their own strengths and weaknesses. Do they think that I’m the athletic-type? Even if that’s true, there’s no way I can do advanced techniques on my very first try on my first day of snowboarding.

“No choice, then. After this break, I’ll be doing my own thing for a while.”
“What do you plan to do?”
“I’m going to slide down from the summit.”
“Well, that’s surprisingly normal.”

Kaori, what else do you expect me to do? There are some special courses, but those are designed with jumping in mind, and I can’t do that. Even if they ask me to, I absolutely won’t do it. Even with Kotone’s great physicality, it’s impossible. As someone who’s seen the consequences of failing it, I really don’t want to do it.

“This is the most I can do, alright?”
“We are aware that it’s an unreasonable request, so please don’t mind. Though it would be perfect if we can get photos of you executing air tricks.”
“Are you telling me to die?”

I can already imagine myself failing at the jump before I could show off air tricks. There’s no way I can control myself in the air, damned b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲. Who’s going to take responsibility if I fall directly on my face? I glanced at my bodyguards, and they vigorously shook their heads. Are they telling me not to do it, or do they just not want anything to do with the Fumidzuki?

“Since you invited Kotori, why don’t you take responsibility and show off a trick, too?”
“Ahaha, what sort of crazy joke is that, oh you.”

Stop pressing your clenched fist against me with a smile. Who’s fault do you think it is that things escalated to this? Well, I guess it’s not really Kaori’s fault. She simply kept her promise with Kotori, and things just ended this way. In the end, it’s the result of an awful string of coincidences.

“And now we’re here, right at the summit.”
“You already sound sick of it, huh.”

The sky is clear and the view is magnificent. Maybe I’ll ask the camera team to take at least one photo of this scenery. I should be able to ask for that much as a reward. After all, I’m cooperating with them out of the goodness of my heart. Assigned to watch over me is Kyousuke, who got the short end of the stick.

“So, which route are you choosing? The shorter route with a steep slope or the safer but longer route?”
“Absolutely the latter. An amateur going for an advanced course can only result in the worst.”

It’s seriously impossible. It’s clearly a course that newbies shouldn’t mess with. It’s so steep, you’ll continue sliding down even if you tumble. The aggressive movements will turn into an aggressively embarrassing one.

“First, go slow. Once I get used to it, I should be able to pick up enough speed to get them satisfied.”
“I’d rather you don’t try anything dangerous either. I don’t know if they’ll be satisfied with that, though.”

They’re really pushing for me to jump, after all. How many times have I told them it’s impossible again? Sure, just jumping in the air is easy. As long as you completely ignore the landing. It’ll obviously end with blunder footage; are they really alright with that?

“Well, time to go!”
“Don’t overdo it, okay?”

I don’t intend to, but who knows what will happen if I get too heated? This time, Kotori is going to be the only one seeing the footage, and even if it does get shared, it probably won’t be shared to many people. Besides, I’m just snowboarding, so it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. And I’m wearing completely normal attire. In that case, there’s nothing to be afraid of!

“I can’t trouble the other guests, though.”
‘It’ll be dreadful if you bump into people.’

With us being on the summit, there’s a lot of people. It’s dangerous to speed up so much in a place like this. Besides, it’s only been a few hours since I first snowboarded. I’m still not accustomed enough to be able to react to unexpected situations.

‘You’ll likely get better in no time.’
“It’s all thanks to your talents.”

I’m not talking loudly, so the sound of wind should keep my voice from being heard. I can hold a conversation with Kotone, but according to her, it won’t stay this way forever. Eventually, her voice will no longer reach me.

“I have one question. Do you think those two are the only ones who came?”
‘Certainly not. Kotori will never be satisfied with only these few cameramen.’
“I know, right?”

There must be other members of the camera team other than the two who talked to us. There should be, but other than the two following behind us, I can’t see anyone else pointing a camera at us.

“Honestly, how can they slide so well while using their cameras?”
‘They’re brilliantly dodging the other guests while following us.’

Kotone can see what I can see, but also can’t see what I can’t see. It’s not like an out of body experience. We just share the same senses. Still, it’s nice that we can think separately and consult with each other.

“My body’s all warmed up, so I guess it’s time to speed up now.”
‘Don’t overexert yourself. If you get injured, you’ll cause others to be worried again.’
“You’re not wrong!”

I’d rather not have a repeat of the field trip. Still, if I don’t take action right now, they might demand a second take. I can’t let them eat up my private time any more than this. So I’ll have to satisfy them with a single take.

“Time to lose them!”
‘You’re going to fumble somewhere!’

Ignoring Kotone’s warning, I continued speeding up. Naturally, I make sure not to reach uncontrollable speeds. I completely agree with not overexerting. And I have to avoid bumping into other guests at all costs. Gotta avoid accidents.


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