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Chapter 106 – Chatting with the Past (Part 2)

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Author: Hidsuki Shihou Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2224 characters
Translator: PunishedLyly English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1003 words
Editor(s): Fire

If Shirose is that self-aware, I wonder why she doesn’t take steps to change. She’s probably the one among us who most needs a future partner, like Ayaka and Ran, or Nako and Ruru. After all, before she met us, she generally preferred solitude.

“You’ve changed a lot, Shirose.”
“What do you mean by that?”

I guess she doesn’t feel that she’s changed significantly, but I clearly remember her just observing us when we were up to our foolish antics. She claimed it was for inspiration, but she eventually started joining in on the foolishness.

“Haa, haa, I want to touch Kotochan’s soft skin.”
“Someone restrain this maniac!”

While I was lost in reminiscence, someone who’s clearly grown more dangerous since those days sets her sights on me. Ran manages to pin her down, but I know this can’t last. I seize the moment Ayaka screams while Nako douses her in cold water to retreat to the bathtub.

“Ahh, I feel the fatigue melting away.”
“You always let your guard down when you’re in a hot bath, don’t you? I feel the same.”

Somehow, Isami has ended up sitting next to me. No one else comments on it, which is one constant in our group dynamics. However, I still can’t bring myself to look directly at her. We’re all naked in the bathtub, after all.

“So, I have a bad feeling about this, but just to confirm, Isami, what are your plans after this?”
“I don’t have to go, right?”
“Haha, don’t be silly, Kotochan.”

So, I don’t really have a choice, do I? They must have had an ulterior motive for inviting me to this bath. It’s clear they intend to drag me along to this party. I stand no chance of escape against them.

“Why do I already know this party is going to be a disaster?”
“We’re in it together till the bitter end, Kotochan.”
“Exactly. It’s crucial to have companions on this long journey called life, isn’t it?”
“You just want to drag me into your mess, don’t you?”

I fully empathize with the reluctant Ran and Nako, but they should also understand my desire to bolt at the earliest opportunity. Though I have a feeling they’d like to flee as well.

“Having only one ‘stopper’ on the guys’ side isn’t comforting. Maybe I should call Datte.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve already prepared the sacrificial lamb.”

The phrase sounds harsh, but it’s par for the course with us. Hajime serves as the counterbalance to troublemaker Shinpachi. As for Toshizou, his role is unpredictable until the last moment. Adding Satoru to the mix guarantees that things will spiral out of control. Factor in the girls who are definitely heading toward chaos, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

“I have a curfew, though.”
“Curfews are meant to be broken.”

Is Ran, who’s practically the class president, seriously suggesting that? How do we even win over the teachers? They have nothing to do with us; it’s not right to cause them any trouble. Do we want them to share the fate of our previous teachers?

“I’ll cover for you. We need you in this, no matter what.”
“Is that really necessary? You can manage without me.”
“We’re involving alcohol this time. Remember our class reunion?”

That was a nightmare. Our first reunion in our hometown was so disastrous that we were blacklisted from our venue the very next day. Rumors spread to nearby shops, and we were subsequently banned from holding reunions there. I don’t even want to remember what happened.

“There are fewer people this time, but the danger level is insane.”
“Will Datte even survive this?”

I really hope he doesn’t get fired. We’re not likely to stir up too much trouble— even the troublemakers among us know the limits of their antics. We do care about our friends, after all.

“Ensuring everyone’s survival is our job, isn’t it?”
“Well, if Datte serves as a sacrificial lamb to lessen our collective burden, that’s fine by me.”
“True, fair point.”

Nako’s agreement makes her just as awful as me for saying it in the first place. But for some reason, we share this baseless trust that Datte will be fine. Our immediate concern is for ourselves. I need to shake off the cozy lethargy of this warm bath and kickstart my brain.

“I just realized I’m in danger.”
“You’re just noticing now?”

With the pointed retort from our two ‘stoppers,’ it seems everyone is catching on. To be precise, the target for my former classmates’ mischief is me and topics related to Kotone. Before they pull anything on anyone else, they’re going to prioritize giving me a hard time.

“I can’t escape, can I?”
“Once we encircled you, escape became impossible. Ran and I have no intention of letting you go.”

I have no allies here, and therefore, no escape route. My only option is to surrender. Maybe it’s the effect of soaking in the hot bath, but my sense of impending danger feels hazy. At this point, I’ve stopped caring.

“I’ll just stay here and relax a bit longer; you guys go ahead.”
“Nope, you’re coming with us whether you like it or not. Otherwise, you’ll escape.”

I would regain my clarity if I stepped out of the bath, after all. There’s no real need for me to accompany them. If my absence creates problems for others, that’s not my concern.

“What awaits me after this moment of bliss is hell, isn’t it?”
“We’re looking forward to your leadership, Chief Caretaker.”

I never volunteered for the role, but they’ve pegged me as the chief nonetheless. Perhaps it’s because things would only deteriorate further if either Ran or I didn’t take charge.

“I’ll just recharge for now.”

I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now, all I want to do is relax.


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