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Chapter 192 – Final Chapter

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Author: Tensei Mikami Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2269 characters
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 883 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

The darkness that had been spread throughout the sky and earth began to converge.

It condensed, becoming even darker than black as it surrounded Lichter’s whole body.

The blackness covered the entire body, and then it started molding itself like wax, becoming shapeless. After some time, the darkness developed a clear form. It was clear, graceful, and powerful.

“He’s evolving? Or, rather, is he transforming? What a strange guy! First a ball, and now this.”

Imitia remarked, squinting her eyes.

In the meantime, the change continued. Gradually, the darkness took on a form that was familiar to them.

A helmet evoking a sense of justice, sturdy armor covering the entire body that exuded an aura of impenetrability.

There was no trace of the armor’s supposed purity, which was represented by its pristine white brilliance. Instead, it was jet black, allowing no ray of light to pass through.

The once-jade green cloak was now too pitch-black. It maintained its majesty, though different in color.

“Lichter…” Seletina let out a mumble clouded by a variety of emotions.

The armor that Lichter wore was a replica of the Sacred Armor that Orthus had once worn. Two reddish-black lights shimmered from beneath its helmet, and the purity of its righteous nature had been tarnished with darkness.

The cloak Seletina was so familiar with had now transformed into bat-like wings. It was different from Orthus’ armor in that it could fly.

Lichter lightly waved his free hand, and a pair of giant swords appeared in his hands.

They were identical to the one the king had given Orthus as a gift just before Orthus passed away.

Lichter took one look at Seletina, flipped his wings, and rushed to the ground. Standing in his path was the group of volunteer soldiers that were still in Ulbdor.

“Orthus! He’s going after them!”
“I know! Let’s go!”

Seletina said, and she hopped onto Imitia’s back, who had once again turned into her Wolfen form.

They couldn’t just leave Lichter be. If left alone, he was going to kill every last one. Not out of rage, but rather a desire to put the person who would save him to the test.


At Ulbdor’s west gate, the soldiers were in the midst of madness caused by the fog of darkness spewed by Lichter.

The iniquities, emotions, and hatred he harbored poured undiluted into the crevices of their brains, destroying their very personalities.

A shooting star, with a trail of darkness, fell in the center of this turmoil.

With the two enormous swords in his hand, Lichter, the knight clad in the armor of darkness, peered around.

He still had that frivolous, aloof quality about him. Even though he exuded a peculiar presence, there was no tension in the air.


Lichter waited. He appeared to have frozen in place, like a statue against a background of insanity.

Then, as though sensing something, he frowned before turning around.

There, he saw a golden girl on a gray wolf’s back. As soon as he acknowledged their presence, Lichter leisurely held up his swords.

Seletina said nothing. She understood it clearly. There was no point in them talking. She knew she was being tested.

Lichter’s heart was stained. He’d long since lost trust in others’ words or the courage to accept their hands.

Words were simply words. It was actions, results, and sincerity that moved people’s hearts.

Lichter raised the two giant swords high up. The heft of the swords was made clear by the sound of the wind breaking under their weight.

A Kamaitachi, or flying slash, shot from the tip of each giant blade, leaving a dark afterglow in its wake.

The slashes passed far above Seletina and Imitia. They were not aimed at them, but rather something else.

“No…” Imitia muttered.

What lay in the Kamaitachi’s path were the densely packed ruins of Ulbdor’s west gate.

When the slashes struck the pile of rubble that had dammed the avalanche of Demons, two sharp cracks echoed.

Next came a vibration, a premonition of the imminent collapse. The gate was on the verge of becoming open once more.

Before long, a horde of Demons would strike once more, bursting through the now-exposed ruins.

The collapse was near.

“Imitia, get back!” That’s why Seletina stepped forward alone.

It was as though announcing that, it would henceforth be her and Lichter’s, Orthus and Lichter’s, territory.

“I don’t want to.” The wolf shook its head.

With a determined look in her beastly eyes, Imitia stood side by side with Seletina.

“I said I don’t want to. You always try to act tough in these kinds of situations.”
“I know what you want to say. He is your friend, and he is also no stranger to me. If you’re going to smack him back on the right path, then I’m tagging along.”
“If you don’t like it, just try and stop me.”

The hero and the gray wolf stood side by side.

The dark knight thrust his two giant swords into the ground and rubbed his hands.

The collapsing west gate, the soldiers who’d fallen to insanity, the earth’s rumble, screaming, and heartbeats. A girl, a wolf, and a warrior consumed by darkness.

The semi-long journey that had begun in the Kingdom of Elugor was almost at its conclusion.


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