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Chapter 189 – I Am Here

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Author: Tensei Mikami Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2269 characters
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library Word Count: Unknown words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Lichter, or more accurately, the careless being he had evolved into, was drunk on the power within his body. The source of this power, which filled his body and devoured Lichter’s rage and past, could be found right beneath his navel.

The more he spewed out, the more the negative energy filling him seemed to disappear, leaving him with a pleasant sensation. While teetering on the edge of death, a monochrome girl suddenly appeared and planted a seed of power within him. That thing was black and had an ominous shape.

At first, he’d resisted it and tried to accept death; however, he’d soon become captivated by that thing. He had never imagined that the power he had craved so much would be so easily available to him.

Strength filled his entire body. He had an overwhelming feeling that he could accomplish everything he wanted. It was as though, at last, he could see the world from the perspective of a strong person.

At last, he realized how Orthus must have perceived the world. How it must have felt to hold so much power in one’s hands Lichter understood that it was reasonable for someone to grow arrogant like this.

He realized that when one possessed such power, it was natural to overlook the trivial lives of others. Anger, despair, acceptance, and grief. Diverse motives and feelings developed, blended, and nurtured the monster that was Lichter. They combined, grew, and melted until the vessel and awareness that made up Lichter broke apart.

Lichter continued to project this strength while feeling dissatisfied with the world, his strength, and himself. He felt it was better to disappear like this than to live in this good-for-nothing world.

With this much power and this much detachment from the world around him, he no longer needed protection, and nobody could ever take it from him. Lichter wished to simply become a part of the monster.

But something flickered. Something bright… Perhaps the sun. A piercingly sharp yet somehow warm light stimulated Lichter’s closed eyes. It was like having your blanket taken away and the curtains swung open on a rest day.

That pleasant yet uncomfortable feeling of waking up to the morning sun when he would have chosen to remain a little bit longer in the darkness. Lichter grunted softly and opened his eyes.


It’d been a while since he’d heard her voice. As if a page from his daily life had been torn off.

Seletina was desperate, not like Lichter, who was just plain confused. She clenched her teeth and held her thin arms out toward Lichter, her lovely face flushed a bright red.

With her pink armor gleaming brightly, Seletina roared, her fury fueled by the overwhelming darkness born from Lichter’s rage.

“Lichter!” Stretching her arms till the darkness nearly swallowed her, Seletina called out Lichter’s name in excitement when she saw him open his eyes and speak.


The moment Lichter saw Seletina, he reacted and muttered something. Although it was strange, Lichter still exhibited human-like behavior. Hope found its way to Seletina’s heart once more.

(Lichter is still alive.)

Lichter responded to Seletina’s call, even though he was now only a part of the darkness. Seletina felt her heart tremble because of this. He was not dead yet. He had not turned completely. He had not fallen into the witch’s clutches. Nor did Seletina plan to let him. She wouldn’t allow it to happen.

Seletina screamed. She yelled out his and her names.

“Lichter! It’s me! Seletina! Don’t let yourself be swallowed up by that! You can still make it out!” Seletina pushed through the seething darkness, which kept getting stronger and more solid, with all of her strength. Every step forward felt arduous and slow, like trudging through waist-deep mud.

Seletina continued screaming desperately, yet Lichter did not respond. He looked indifferent, his eyes full of apathetic contempt for Seletina, as though he were looking at an insect flitting around his face.

Seletina couldn’t reach him. Her presence alone was not enough to stir Lichter’s heart. For better or worse, he didn’t even flinch. Seletina’s presence appeared to be absolutely pointless.

“Damn it…” Seletina’s body was pushed back once again. The darkness took over her whole being, trying to scorch her body as if lightning had struck it.

“Lichter…” Seletina slowly closed her eyes. One would assume she’d given up, but that was not the case. She had closed them so that when she opened them again, she could look forward with new determination.

“Look at me, Lichter Willgame.” Seletina said, slowly opening her eyes. The deep blue eyes twinkled like fireworks. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs to the brim, and then she inhaled again, piling breath after breath.

“Look at me, Lichter Willgame! I am here!” She yelled. Then, an intense light enveloped her entire body. The sacred pinkish armor and angel wings that protected her, began to shine.

Flashes of light glistened in her golden hair, and her blue eyes blazed like a blue wildfire. The darkness was driven back by the sheer force of this light. This darkness had taught Seletina everything there was about Lichter.

She’d been able to experience his memories, his rising emotions, and all the other things that filled his mind. But could the same be said for the other side? What if Seletina could send her memories, wishes, and desires into the encroaching darkness? Seletina bet on revealing everything about herself.

(I’ll bet everything on this! We don’t have any time to waste. So open your eyes wide and let me see all of that anger inside of you. After all, the girl standing before you is the wretched hero, Orthus, which you hate so much.)

Lichter awakened in the literal sense of the word. He opened his eyes wide to find the one he could unleash all of his rage upon.


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