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Chapter 586 – The Tenderness Of Your Touch Is What I’ll Always Worship

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Author: Mad Flower Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Keissen English Source: Re:Library

“Good evening.” Standing at the door was an impossibly beautiful girl—radiant, dazzling, and utterly captivating. She wore a white dress that highlighted her perfect figure, her hands tucked behind her back as she flashed a warm, brilliant smile.

Rakshasa froze, completely mesmerized by the brilliance of that smile. She had imagined this moment countless times, playing out various scenarios in her mind. But now that it was happening, her thoughts went blank, and her body refused to move.

She wanted to rush forward, to throw herself into Princess’ arms, but her body remained unresponsive, locked in place by the sheer overwhelming emotions.

Was she not excited? No, she was. Was she not happy? Of course, she was. It was just that her happiness and excitement were so overwhelming that she couldn’t process it all at once.

“Come here.” Yaeger opened her arms, her smile welcoming.

Rakshasa read her lips perfectly, and her heart swelled to the point of bursting. Without a second thought, she lunged forward, throwing herself at Yaeger, like a predator driven by instinct—a desperate need to be held by her.

Yaeger’s lips twitched, unable to hide her amusement at the sudden leap. ‘I’m not going anywhere, you know…’ she thought, bemused.

Moments later, Rakshasa, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, wrapped herself around Yaeger, her silken pajamas soft against Yaeger’s skin. It was as though she feared Princess would vanish if she let go.

“You’re squeezing me pretty hard…” Yaeger winced slightly, feeling as if she were trapped in a bear hug. It wasn’t exactly comfortable.

But Rakshasa couldn’t hear her, only tightening her grip even further.

Yaeger felt a mixture of amusement and mild irritation, but in the end, she gave up resisting and simply surrendered to the tight embrace.

Time itself seemed to stand still. Overcome with emotion, Rakshasa let her tears fall, soaking Yaeger’s chest. She no longer tried to hold back—after all, her deepest wish had come true.

Yaeger stroked her back gently, soothing her until the storm of emotions subsided.

After several minutes, Rakshasa finally released her, though she did so reluctantly. She was wearing thin clothes, and the cold night air was biting. If she kept this up, she’d catch a cold.

She may have let go of the hug, but Rakshasa quickly grabbed hold of Yaeger’s hand, making swift gestures. Yaeger understood enough to know she was being invited inside.

The moment they stepped inside, Rakshasa wasted no time in leading Yaeger straight to her bedroom.

“You’re home alone?” Yaeger asked as she sat on the bed, glancing at Rakshasa. She nodded silently. ‘Although she can read my lips, this way of communicating is still a bit inconvenient,’ Yaeger thought.

Deciding to make things easier, Yaeger quickly pulled out her phone and sent Rakshasa a message. The phone on the bed buzzed and vibrated.

But Rakshasa didn’t move; she just gazed at Yaeger with a look of pure devotion. Her once-settled heart began to stir again. ‘Princess… my Princess…’

“Your phone,” Yaeger gently reminded her. It took a moment for Rakshasa to snap out of her daze before quickly reaching for her phone.

When the screen lit up, Rakshasa saw a message from Princess. It reminded her of their first interaction in the game—communicating through messages despite being face-to-face.

Even though it had only been a few days since their first meeting, it felt like a lifetime to Rakshasa. ‘But this is different. This is the real Princess. The one who belongs only to me.’

Lost in thought, she glanced at the screen.

Princess: Do you trust me?

Without hesitation, Rakshasa typed:


Princess: Very good. Now, just listen to me.

Rakshasa quickly responded:

Yes, yes!

Rakshasa’s trust in Princess was unwavering. It far surpassed the trust she had in her own father, who barely came home a few times each year.

“Good. Just follow everything I say.” Yaeger smiled, patting Rakshasa’s shoulder. Rakshasa nodded in agreement.

“Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed,” Yaeger instructed calmly. Rakshasa’s face flushed immediately, but without hesitation, she began to undress.

Her unquestioning obedience was something to behold. She slipped out of her silken pajamas, revealing delicate black lace underneath.

Though shy, Rakshasa removed her clothing quickly and lay down as instructed. ‘Is it really okay for you to be this obedient?’ Yaeger mused, momentarily taken aback by her swift and unquestioning compliance.

‘The world is dangerous. She doesn’t even know if I have bad intentions,’ Yaeger thought, though even she couldn’t deny how deeply Rakshasa trusted her.

“Aren’t you afraid I might take advantage of you?” Yaeger teased. Rakshasa simply shook her head.

“Heh. Maybe I should do something mischievous then,” Yaeger said playfully, reaching out to tickle Rakshasa’s most sensitive spots.

Rakshasa immediately recoiled, trying to escape Yaeger’s playful attack, but it was too late. She laughed uncontrollably, squirming under the ticklish assault.

When Yaeger finally relented, Rakshasa rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. Despite the playful ordeal, the two felt even closer than before.

Rakshasa’s earlier embarrassment had faded, leaving her calm and at ease in Yaeger’s presence.

“That’s enough playing around. Let’s get started for real now,” Yaeger said, her expression turning serious as her eyes glowed a vivid green.

Rakshasa, though a little surprised, took it in stride. Whether in the game or real life, this enchanting figure in front of her had given her nothing but surprises. By now, she had grown accustomed to it.

“This might hurt a little, so brace yourself,” Yaeger warned, gently placing her hands on Rakshasa’s body. Her glowing green eyes widened as they carefully scanned her.

Rakshasa nodded, though a bit confused. She wasn’t sure what Princess was about to do.

‘Are we about to do something… indescribable?’ The thought made her heart race all over again, undoing the calm she had worked so hard to maintain.

Her face flushed a deep red. ‘What do I do? I’m not ready for this! And I don’t even know what to do! I haven’t prepared myself… I don’t know how to work with Princess… Oh no, I don’t know anything!’

At that moment, she deeply regretted not having studied more about this kind of thing in her spare time.

“Huh? What is this?” Yaeger’s expression shifted, her tone surprised as she exclaimed.

Seeing Yaeger’s sudden change, Rakshasa snapped out of her thoughts and instinctively tried to speak. But she was immediately reminded of her limitations—she couldn’t hear or speak. A wave of deep inferiority washed over her.

‘Can someone like me really be worthy of being with Princess?’

Yaeger, oblivious to Rakshasa’s inner turmoil, had no time to dwell on it. Her focus was entirely on the strange discovery she had just made in Rakshasa’s body.


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