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Chapter 572 – Epic Sword’s Owner, The Entire World Is Shocked!

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Author: Mad Flower Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Keissen English Source: Re:Library

The entire place fell into a deathly silence. Everyone silently absorbed the shocking figure. Both natives and players felt a sense of unreality.

When Viscount Yelu bought the [Black Magic Crystals] for 200 million, the natives were shocked, but they still knew the price wasn’t completely unreasonable. After all, rare items came at a high cost. However, this masterwork sword clearly did not fit that category.

By now, some nobles felt compelled to rush home and put their family’s inherited masterwork equipment up for auction.

The players were just as stunned. 200 million. This sword reached such an outrageous price because of the feud between those two big spenders. It was truly terrifying!

Even outside, the fabulously wealthy Mira was shocked. ‘Spending so much on an Epic Sword—are they just rich or outright foolish?’ She pondered deeply.

Nangong and the others were equally astonished. They were already stunned when [Starmist] sold for 10 million. But now, an Epic Sword reaching 200 million left their jaws nearly dropping in shock.

Currently, aside from Pixie who still resided in the Novice Village, everyone else possessed at least one piece of Epic Equipment.

“It turns out I’m that rich?” Yunuen asked, dazed.
“It seems so,” Sachiel nodded lightly.

200 million was insignificant to the Luo Family. But Sachiel herself would never dare to spend that much on an Epic Sword. Unless she wanted to be strung up and beaten by Nangong.

“Come to think of it, didn’t someone else give Princess that sword as a gift?” Pixie said, tapping her lips with her slender, pale fingers.
“Yes, that’s what she said,” Yunuen replied.
“That’s just too awesome,” Pixie’s eyelids twitched slightly. “How much do you think her entire outfit is worth?”

As soon as she said that, the room fell silent.

This sword, with average stats in their opinion, had reached a price of 200 million. Then, wouldn’t [Sunscorch] be worth at least 600 million? [Berserk Thunder] would be at least 400 million. [Windchaser Boots] would be at least 200 million. [Flower of the Tall Peak] would be 500 million…

It was terrifying to think about! She wasn’t just a person; she was a walking treasure vault!

“I… I feel a little dizzy,” Yunuen whispered, holding her forehead. The figures made her head spin. They were astronomical figures.

“As expected of the best player in the world,” Pixie sighed.

In a normal game, equipment would have a price limit. However, this was no ordinary game. There was no upper limit to the value of any equipment.

Converting the Epic Equipment on Yaeger’s body into money would yield a staggering amount. If they included her Unique Equipment and the stack of unopened Epic Equipment Crates, the figure would become even more terrifying.

Finally, if they added the [Chaos God Ring]…

“Artifacts are priceless,” Nangong said, clenching her fists.
“Princess is obscenely rich,” Yunuen said, her eyes brightening.
“No wonder she’s a target. Even I want a piece of her,” Pixie joked.
“No way!” Nangong pushed her. “Only I can do that.”
“Oh, my,” Sachiel laughed.
“Princess really feels like a chunk of gold right now,” Yunuen added with a smile.

The room instantly filled with a playful mood.

Meanwhile, in another part of the same world, in a certain apartment suite… Rakshasa stared at the computer screen, smirking.

‘My Princess is awesome! Ah, I really want to leave Flame Dragon Empire quickly and return to her side!’

She hadn’t seen her beloved Princess in a long time. Although they could communicate online constantly… She still longed to meet her and talk to her (in the game). She wanted to share intimate moments with her. She wanted to do that thing…

‘Ah, no way!’ At that moment, forbidden images flashed through her mind. ‘So lewd, I never watch these things!’

Despite her thoughts, the forbidden images reappeared in her mind.

‘No, I can’t… God is watching us from above!’ Some people lose control of themselves the more they think about certain things.

In the game world, everyone remained in a state of shock, unable to settle down.

At that moment, the auctioneer asked, “Is there anyone willing to bid more than two hundred million?” Her voice remained steady, as if she were unaffected.

However, a closer look revealed her fist holding the small hammer trembling slightly. Auctioning off items worth 200 million in a single day wasn’t uncommon in her career. She was used to it.

However, this particular auction promised her the highest bonus she had ever seen. The higher the price of the auctioned item, the more she earned, with no limit! Indeed, she was thrilled by the prospect of a massive bonus.

‘I’ve earned more money today than in the past few years combined! I love this auction house so much!’ At that moment, her favorability towards the Imperial Auction House reached unprecedented heights.

Under the stage, everyone smiled and looked at Taurus. He was the only person who could continue bidding. For a moment, their eyes were filled with anticipation.

By now, players and natives alike were united as they watched the drama unfold. Whoever ended up with this sword would become famous in Jade City.

S.K.Y. turned his head to look at Taurus. Taurus appeared calm on the surface, but his tightly clenched fists trembled slightly. Clearly, his mood was far from calm.

‘Two hundred million. Why does this guy seem to know my bottom line every time?’ Taurus fumed inwardly. He seriously suspected his opponent could read his mind.

‘I don’t think I want the sword anymore!’ By now, Taurus had slowly calmed down, and his mind began to function normally again.

After some thought, he realized that spending 200 million on a sword half as good as Black-hearted Princess’ beloved weapon was an utterly terrible deal. It was simply unthinkable.

This was no longer just a weapon; it was a status symbol.

“Two hundred million, going once,” the auctioneer said calmly from the stage. She didn’t know that the wealthy man was a paid actor.

In fact, regardless of who won the bid, her bonus would remain the same. So, it didn’t matter whether she knew or not.

‘But if I give up now…’ Without even turning around, Taurus could sense the countless eyes staring at him. ‘Once I back off, I’ll be nothing but a laughingstock. The Zhang family would be ridiculed too. No, I can’t embarrass myself here!’

Taurus clenched his fists and made a firm decision. In the next moment, he felt a sense of enlightenment. ‘I’ll just consider it as paying two hundred million in advertising fees. That’s right. If I think of it this way, it’s actually a great bargain!’

Countless players were watching this auction, making the effectiveness of this advertisement unimaginable!

“Two hundred million, going twice.”
“Two hundred million, going thrice.”

“Two hundred and ten million!” Just as the auctioneer slowly raised her hand to slam the hammer down, Taurus raised his number plate and shouted determinedly.

In the VVIP guest room, Yaeger looked at Kastina and smiled, “How’s that? Wasn’t I right?”

Kastina didn’t reply. Her expression was conflicted, and her right eyelid twitched intensely.

As the auctioneer was about to end the bidding, she felt a surge of trepidation. She feared Taurus might give up. Fortunately, in the end, this outsider didn’t disappoint.

At that moment, both the auction hall and the outside world were in an uproar.

“Anyone else willing to bid more than two hundred and ten million?” The auctioneer asked eagerly from the stage.

No one responded in the audience.

The bidder with the most potential, the wealthy man, had already lowered his head, his body trembling slightly. He seemed to have lost all motivation. Realizing there were no more competitors, the auctioneer began to speak.

“Two hundred and ten million, going once.”
“Two hundred…”

After repeating it three times, she brought the hammer down with a smile.

The masterwork (Epic) weapon, [Windslash], was successfully sold for the insane price of 210 million. The world trembled in shock!


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