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The Significance of Strength and the Boy’s Tears (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

We eventually wrapped up the commotion at the haunted mansion safely(?), but it wasn’t until midday two days later that we returned to Cilento.

We attached Otto’s testimony and documents proving his identity. After arranging for the cleanup of the mansion, we also exchanged contact information with Otto for his address in Cilento. All of this became the reason for the lateness.

However, apparently there was a large fire in the outskirts of the city’s slum area the day before. As a result, there were significant restrictions on entering and leaving the city, making the gates quite crowded. In hindsight, it might have been the right decision to wait for a day.

Now, back at Letindüte III after three days, besides the usual hustle and bustle, there was an unusual gloominess in the expressions of Luke and Ashimi.

As I observed,

“… Ashimi, aren’t you going today…?”
“… What’s the point of going?”
“… Well… you’re right…”

Such a gloomy conversation was unfolding.

“So, what happened to them?”

Curious, I discreetly asked Pryui and Eren, but they both said there wasn’t anything particularly concerning going on.

“However, sir Luke and sir Ashimi unusually went out together yesterday, and when they returned in the evening, they were both so exhausted they could hardly stand. Oh, and they smelled like smoke and ash, so I had them take a bath immediately.”
“Yeah, they did seem off when they got back. Ashimi was enthusiastic about teaching wind spirit magic to Luke during their extracurricular activity… and sure enough, when Luke returned, he seemed to have bonded closely with the wind spirits. It was quite something.”

It was unusual for Pryui to carry a tone of praise for both Luke and Ashimi.

But the fact that they smelled burnt… Could they have gone to see the fire yesterday? However, Ashimi mentioned that it was an extracurricular lesson on wind spirit art. Indeed, Luke’s skill has noticeably—or rather explosively—improved.

It’s puzzling why they both returned with such gloomy expressions. Unless they made a mistake with their magic and caused a disaster… but that seems… unlikely.

“““ —Could it be?!!”””

With an ominous sign fitting perfectly, Pryui, Eren, and I exchanged grimaces, then collectively sighed.

“““…it couldn’t (possibly) be, could it?”””

Those two wouldn’t do something so foolish—then again, Ashimi is a wild card. So, what could have happened?


The mystery only deepens.


“Shall we go for a walk, maybe followed by lunch?” I invited, but Luke was unusually hesitant, so I found myself half-forcibly dragging him out of the mansion. Thus, we, accompanied by Vier, set out on foot to the main streets of the town.

“I’m not really in the mood for a walk…”

Even at this point, Luke’s response lacked enthusiasm.

That alone is already a sign of abnormality. Normally, he would follow along when I invited him out, wagging his tail like Vier (a rather rude but fitting expression, figuratively speaking). But here he is, sighing and wearing an unusually gloomy expression.

By the way, Ashimi should have been taken outside by Pryui, who must have come up with an excuse to drag him out as well. They are both elves from the same homeland, they may have common interests.

“Don’t say it like that. Perhaps it’s because of the ghost trouble I’ve had the last few nights, but it feels good to walk under the bright sun… Or perhaps, is it inconvenient for you to be with me, Luke?”

Appealing with a slightly upward gaze is effective, courtesy of Monika’s advice. And true enough, Luke vigorously shook his head in a fluster.

“O-, of course not! It’s just… I have something I need to think about.”
“Is there something troubling you? If you don’t mind, I’m here to listen.”
“… No. This is my personal problem.”

Hmm. Your defences are quite strong.

“I see. However, I want to support you, Luke. If you think I’m unreliable, then there’s nothing I can do. But rather than keeping it all to yourself and pondering alone, sometimes talking to someone can help find a solution. So, if sharing even a bit of your burden with me can help alleviate your worries, don’t hesitate to… If not me, then someone else… Perhaps you could talk to someone more experienced, like Curtis or Norman.”

“Jill…” Luke looked at me with eyes like those of a lost child, somewhat bewildered, and he gently touched his bangs and looked down. “—I’m a lost cause, aren’t I? I even made you worry about me.”

Seeing him lost in thought, I couldn’t bring myself to press further, and we walked in silence for a while.

Suddenly, I realized that my feet had unconsciously led me towards the direction of the slums where the fire had occurred the day before.

“Aah, Jill. It’s not safe over there, especially now after yesterday’s… disaster. It’s dangerous. You shouldn’t go.”
“Well, is that so? By disaster, you mean the fire I’ve been hearing about?”
“…Yes. I guess the news has reached you as well.”

Luke sighed, looking melancholic. He still looks as beautiful as ever. Otto would probably be delighted to use him as a subject for his paintings.

“It was terrible. I didn’t even know that people were living in such conditions, in such a place. And… I couldn’t do anything.”

Seeing Luke blame himself, I reconsidered probing further out of sheer curiosity and decided it would be rude. I began to distance myself from the situation when suddenly—

“Oh? Is that singing? I don’t know who’s singing, but it’s a beautiful voice.”

I halted my steps and listened intently to the faint singing coming from somewhere nearby. It was a girl’s voice who sounded like a poised singer, albeit with some clumsiness.

“…Ah, I guess she’s here again today.”

On the other hand, Luke seemed to recognize the singer and hesitated for a moment before walking ahead towards the direction of the voice.


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