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The Doors of Destiny and the Sealing Magic Formation (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

—Eh…what is this, a prank?!

Thinking this, I glanced around. But all the students, teachers, bodyguard adventurers, and even the clergy who had been tense just moments ago were now watching us with amused expressions.

“It’s a love triangle, a real showdown,” someone muttered.
“If you think logically, she’d choose that handsome guy over there, right?”
“Nah, women are drawn to men with a dangerous aura.”
“Oh, Saintess, please let this love come true,” another person prayed.
“No way, one of them is going to cry,” someone else remarked.
“How about a reverse harem?”
“Alright, let’s bet on it.”
“I’m putting two silver coins on the handsome guy,” one said.
“Me too,” another echoed.
“I’ll bet three silver coins on the guy with black hair.”

Are they seriously starting a betting pool over this…? Has the situation been misunderstood as some sort of romantic entanglement?!

No, no, this can’t be happening! We’re talking about me here! Little ‘ol me! The last person who’d ever be involved in such romantic events, the most unremarkable, random Jane! Everyone must be gravely mistaken! Luke, Cestlavie, exhaustion must’ve gotten to you two…

With these thoughts, I looked at them both with what I hoped was a compassionate gaze, like a saint, and yet that only tightened the grip on my hands.

Well, that just backfired…

At this point, would it be acceptable to break free and throw them off? Though, in the martial art I learned, throwing and then locking and breaking joints is a single set, so I’m not confident I can hold back.

“Who are you choosing, Jill?!”
“Which one of us is it, Jill?!”

Luke and Cestalvie urgently demanded an answer from me, who was on the verge of escaping reality. I sighed as I looked somewhat resentfully at the church door towering over the heads of the two male students.

They say the church doors are always open for lost sheep, but right now, they look like the heavy doors of destiny to me. I even feel a slight wave of malice from them.

“Fine… I understand. Could you both please let go of my hands?” Resolving myself, I asked them, and after a brief hesitation, they let go of my hands simultaneously.

With the two of them silently demanding an answer with their eyes, I sighed again. Surely, this isn’t just my misunderstanding, right…? The unexpected situation of being liked by two guys is making my stomach hurt. However, this is not the time to dawdle. We need to fortify our defenses or evacuate quickly.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Would it be the handsome imperial prince or the prodigy from the commoners? The tension in the air was like that of watching the climax of a heroic tale.

“Alright, let’s go, Eren, Vier. Don’t fall behind.” Without hesitation, I took Eren’s hand and picked up Vier at my feet, quickly passing through the church doors.1

“Yes, Lady Jill!”

Eren looked unusually happy, and Vier wagged her tail as we hurried inside. The crowd fell silent in astonishment—except for Liselotte, who burst into laughter, and Viola, who smirked.

‘Wha… What the heck is that—!!!’

In the next moment, a chorus of screams erupted.

It seemed like there were some loud boos chasing after us from behind, but I didn’t care. I, the one at the center of this sudden battlefield of love, chose a tactical retreat.


—She’s come…!

No phrase like “long-awaited” could truly capture the depth of his soul’s hunger, the craving so intense it seemed to bleed, awaiting this moment. The being that had entered his domain finally triggered his eruption into mad, triumphant laughter.

Then, summoning the remnants of his strength, he unleashed a wave of magical power that shook the enclosed space.

The seal placed by that woman was infuriatingly strong, almost impossible to break from within. However, it was more susceptible to interference from the outside. His former minions, followers, and even the foolish ones who sought to exploit his power had all tried to break the seal. But it was “relative” by his and his adversary’s standards, and no one had yet appeared who could shatter or destroy the seal.

Perhaps no one ever would. But if his theory was correct, the method to break this seal was remarkably simple and required only a tiny “……” to suffice.

Yet, there was little he could do from inside the seal.

Having mastered all known magical arts and transcended the limits of mortal life, admitting his lack of power was a torment worse than the fires of hell. But he had to face the facts.

Even in his sealed state, he wasn’t completely powerless. While he couldn’t directly interfere, the ripples of his magical power subtly resonated with the magical particles in the atmosphere, spreading thinly but widely.

There was a barrier to conceal and block this, but occasionally, someone would sense the anomaly, leading to this place being treated as a special holy site—a ludicrous idea. He recalled how, a few years or decades ago, someone whose magical wavelength matched his had briefly communicated with him and mentioned this. It was laughable.

That person couldn’t break the seal either, but maybe they had inadvertently helped lure that woman back to this place.

Thinking this, he glanced upwards at the darkness above.

Fortunately, tonight was a full moon, the time when a monster’s internal magical power is most active.

Would they ever step into his domain again? There was no guarantee he’d still exist. For the stars to align on such a unique opportunity—

For the first time in his life, he felt an urge to offer gratitude even to the being he always spat on, cursed, and loathed—’God.’ He let out a long, mad laugh filled with insanity.

Author’s Note:

Just to be clear, this is not a hint that Jill and Eren will have that kind of relationship in the future.2

Translator’s note:

Yuri ship is sinking! I repeat, Yuri ship is sinking!



  1. Lio: Yeeaaaah! Yuri wins!
  2. Lio: Nooooooo!! The yuri ship was struck down by the author!!!
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