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The Beauty under the Moonlight and the Prowler in the Attic (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Thus, what I brought this time was a prototype of the convenient paper drip method. With Lynn’s help, we brewed the coffee, and its rich aroma became the perfect accompaniment to the relaxed atmosphere after the meal, allowing us to enjoy a peaceful moment together.

Despite his initial reluctance, even Cestlavie joined our conversation, and we chatted about various topics. However, Bruno, who had been acting restless, suddenly stood up.

“Ah, sorry, I need to… step out for a bit.”

It would be tactless to ask what he was up to, but looking out the window, I saw that the sun had completely set, and a round full moon was peeking through the trees. Clouds occasionally obscured it, but the bright, pale light of the full moon illuminated the night intermittently.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Should I come with you just in case?”
“Come on. I’m not a kid, and it’s just right outside. I’ll be fine.”

Bruno, looking exasperated, firmly insisted. Without taking any light, he quickly opened the door and disappeared into the dim hallway.

It still felt like I should have gone with him, but having a girl accompany him to the restroom at night would probably hurt his pride as a boy, so I couldn’t force the issue any further. Lynn seemed to feel the same, and we exchanged glances with a sigh.

Ideally, individual actions—especially at night—should be avoided, but we can’t exactly regulate physiological needs. It would have been best if Cestlavie had gone with him as another guy, but given how those two are like water and oil, there’s no way they’d happily go together… Besides, Bruno would outright refuse.

Just as I was thinking that, I glanced at Cestlavie. He was holding his coffee cup, and for some reason, was glaring intently at the ceiling.

“Is something wrong?”
“No… I thought I heard a noise coming from the attic, but it was probably just my imagination.”

Despite his words, his serious expression made me extend my magical Search art around the room, including the ceiling, to check. However, I didn’t sense anything unusual. In fact, many noble mansions, including this one, have barriers to interfere with magical detection for security purposes. This makes it feel like looking through frosted glass, with areas of uncertainty and blanks.

That’s why, during the daytime exploration with Lynn, I primarily used Search art and visually checked places I couldn’t confirm with magic.

“Maybe it’s rats, or maybe the house is just creaking because it’s old and abandoned?”

Lynn suggested hesitantly. Cestlavie and I both tilted our heads at that.

“That could be it. The wood might have cracked because of the room being heated.”

Even so, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Listening silently, I thought I heard a faint creaking noise, like someone moving around in the attic.


“Honestly, Jill should trust me a bit more…”

Muttering to himself as he rounded the corner of the hallway, Bruno was unexpectedly greeted by the full moon peeking through a break in the clouds. Its bright yet cold light illuminated the long corridor.

“It’s bright.”

He paused, looking up at the light source through an exposed window, the clarity so intense that even the shadows at his feet were sharply defined.

“…A ghost on a full moon night, huh?”

Reacting to his own murmur, Bruno shivered reflexively and decided to get things over with quickly, quickening his pace. As he reached the middle of the hallway, he suddenly noticed a slender figure in a white dress standing quietly in the shadows ahead. He tilted his head in curiosity.

The figure’s hair was as brilliant as gold threads mixed with cherry blossoms, cascading down to her waist. Her white dress was adorned here and there with purple lace. Lace gloves and enamel high heels stood out clearly.


Facing a beauty that seemed sculpted from moonlight itself, Bruno’s heart fluttered strangely.

—What the heck, did you follow me after all? Stop treating me like a kid!

He was about to voice his complaint, but his mouth and feet froze as if they had turned to ice.

“Jill… is that you?”

Bruno’s small, uncertain murmur seemed to reach her ears, or perhaps it was just a coincidence. Jill turned to face him directly, her icy blue eyes locking onto Bruno’s.

She appeared more mature and seductive than usual, an eerily beautiful and almost artificial presence that left Bruno at a loss for words. He swallowed nervously, feeling an uncommon tension.

Ignoring his confusion, Jill slowly, silently approached.

“What’s going on…?” Bruno finally managed to ask. She gave no response, continuing to close the distance, prompting Bruno to instinctively step back half a step.

A sudden realization struck him like a revelation:

(Something’s wrong. How did Jill, who was in the room, get here before me?! And why is she wearing different clothes?!)

As Jill came within three or four steps, close enough to touch, Bruno scrutinized her again and gasped.

In the bright moonlight, her figure cast no shadow on the floor. Even more chilling, her enameled shoes weren’t touching the ground at all.

At that moment, the moon slipped behind a cloud, enveloping the surroundings in darkness. Simultaneously, Jill’s figure vanished like a mirage from right in front of Bruno. As he inhaled sharply, “S-S-S-She’s hereeeeeeeee!!!”

He immediately turned on his heel and dashed back the way he had come at full speed, as if fleeing for his life.

He ran and ran down the corridor, rounded a corner, and finally pushed open the door from which warm light was spilling out. Jill and Lynn, seated at the table, and Cestlavie, who was adding more logs to the fireplace, all turned toward the entrance in surprise.

Jill, dressed in her familiar black dress, held a coffee cup in both hands, her mouth agape. She stared at Bruno’s pale, breathless, and intensely serious face, blinking repeatedly with her jade-colored eyes.

“A g-g-g-ghost! Jill’s ghost appeared!!”

At his first words, Bruno yelled frantically, his voice loud enough to fill the room. In response, everyone present,


looked at him, heads tilted in confusion, regarding him as if he had lost his mind.

Author’s Note:

Next time on Bruno’s story.

I… I’ll tell you exactly what happened just now!
“I parted ways with Jill and was headed to the restroom when,
somehow, Jill was already there in front of the restroom.”
I don’t know what the hell I’m saying, but I don’t even know what I saw…
I felt like I was losing my mind…
It wasn’t a hallucination or a delusion,
it was definitely not something as trivial as that.
I glimpsed a fragment of something far more terrifying…

Translator’s note:

Author’s Note above could be a reference to something.


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